Transformational Psychology Journal Abstracts Abstract One In this journal article, a positive psychology outlook to search the connection between college students, community help, belonging, self-respect, aspiration, and getting better understanding results. It was 739 students sign up from a science and high-tech college in Taiwan for a writing questionnaire to elevate “the focal variables” (Luo). In inclusion, having support from the teachers have the student’s aspiration. The teachers gave the students great pathway thoughts but did not provide goal instructions. Practical psychology has a change in the area of high-rise education. The students had to learn about positive thinking. The methods of this study were looking over and approved by the Department of Digital Multimedia Design by Cheng University. Different teachers were selected for the questionnaires at the University. It was informed to the students that they had the right to deny to participants at any time about the research. It was measured by strongly disagree and strongly agreed. Social support was measured for the allusion to Hiseh (2012) and Hung, Huang (2006)” This contains ten items divided into two…
JUNG Typology My JUNG profile suggests i have a specific rating on certain attributes when it comes to professionalism. According to the test, I have a slight preference for extraversion over introversion (19%), a slight inclination of sensing over intuition (6%), moderate preference of Thinking over Feeling (38%), and slight preference of judging over perceiving (12%). It gets suggested that I thrive on order and continuity with and affinity of seeking out like-minded people. He test indicate that I love receiving and giving exceptional service while expressing real responsibility. I often reflect on my evaluations by a strong sense of what is normal and what is not. I have an affinity to develop and promote work ethics, and I rarely have lazy tendencies. The characteristics mentioned above maintain that my choice in a business accounting career gets well placed. Some of the responsibilities I will have to include the provision of financial information to managerial staff through analysis and research of accounting data and report preparation. I will prepare liability, capital, and asset account entries through the compilation of a…
Leadership essay Effective leadership is always needed in a business environment. Different approaches can be applied to ensure that various occurrences are addressed in the best way possible. One of the best approaches is the determination of what is best for the business and the employees. This means that there should be a balance in the running of the business, where the interests of the staff and the business goals are superimposed to create a suitable environment for the success of the business. Therefore, team-oriented leadership is best suited for businesses as it enables all stakeholders to participate in the accomplishment of the business goals actively. Also, individual players should be encouraged to perform the tasks they are best at in the team. This is one of the principles of scientific management. Although it has been argued that this works well in structured organizations such as industries, studies have shown that it is applicable in all forms of business, as it appreciates that different workers are gifted in different ways. Another approach to leadership in businesses emphasizes on the…
Leadership:What determines the effectiveness Adaptive leadership is the extent to which a leader’s behavior is suitable for the demand of a specific situation. In assessing the effectiveness of the adaptive leadership using table 2, B has a significant degree of flexibility, considering the behavior of the leader is suitable to the environment. This shows that effectiveness is dependent on om the behavior of the leader. The life cycle theory is used to determine the efficacy of adaptive leadership in table 2. Life cycle theory determines the effectiveness by use of the relationship between task behavior and relationship behavior. From the experiment, B is the most responsive. This is because it ranges from +2 to 2. This shows that the behavior of the leader is essential in the effectiveness of the leadership. How can you adapt your leadership style at work? Due to the ever-changing working environment, adaptive leadership provides the most convenient leadership I would adapt to my workplace. This is because adaptive leaders are always likely to get the results in an ever-changing environment. After all, they are performance-oriented,…
Application of skills learned during volunteering and at event management courses Volunteerism involves activities that are beneficial for society or a community. While volunteering, an individual gains social skills that would be beneficial for himself as well as the community. The approach should be group or community-focussed (Venske, 2019). Both personal and professional growth can be ensured when an individual engages in a volunteering activity. In my case, I have managed to understand the significance of volunteering and have gathered knowledge from event management courses. The course has taught me team management skills. I have been able to understand the intricacies of planning, managing, and coordinating an event. Event management mainly involves meticulous planning and faultless execution (Barron & Ali-Knight, 2017). It has been understood that while working as a part of the team, an event planner is supposed to have a vision and mission in mind. Hosting an event is a challenging task because an event planner is supposed to be creative, determined and self-confident. It has been anticipated that the knowledge gathered from event management courses will help…
Chinese American and Chinese immigrant youths concerning their career decision-making process A right career decision always leads to self-satisfaction. In many occasions, personal interests conflict with the cultural heritage. China is a country with a collectivist cultural setting. As such, several cultural factors affect the career choices of the Chinese American and Chinese immigrant youths concerning their career decision-making process. One of these factors is the high intergenerational family conflict (Chen & Liew 2015). This factor leads to career indecision. Indecision in a career means that one is not able to make a firm decision about the job he/she wishes to peruse. Such indecisions are attributed to the inadequate separation of youths from their parents. The status of this decisiveness assesses an individual’s career maturity. Another factor is the high relational interdependent self-construal. This factor influences career certainty. Certainty in a career means the degree to which individuals are confident of having decided to pursue a career. One significant difference in the Asian and Western values concerning choosing a career is the collective versus the individualism (Ramesh & Gelfand 2010).…
Personal Counselling Philosophy When asked what his personal counselling philosophy might be, Steve Chen replies; “I am aware that I must possess certain characteristics to carry out my responsibilities”. Chen adds that he has to be caring and honest with clients. He says counselor-client bond is essential in counselling. Chen says the process must be collective and goals for each session met. Chen says this is a self- realization journey by the client and that he acts as a teacher. He says he does not have all the answers to clients’ problems. He realizes that each client has different needs that should be handled at an individual level. He says self-realization helps client to be honest with themselves which is an essential goal for psychotherapy. He says that clients should be in control of their choices and should forge their own career paths and accept themselves for their inner strength and self-worth. Chen says that each client’s story is unique. Theories Guiding Chens’ Practice Chen is guided by the Social Cognitive Career Theory (SCCT). Developed by Robert W Lent, D…
The reason why strategic orientation is fundamental to fundamental organization development Strategic orientation refers to fundamental principles that act as a guide to all individuals working at the capacity of an organization, either as an individual or a member of a group. All functional units of a firm should converge towards a common goal and objective. For management purposes, all industries, groups, and members need to be monitored and operate in a coordinated manner. The corporation design establishes a bottom-up communication strategy. Ortiv’s plan for a new entity requires the head of departments to collect feedback from members of their department through consultative meetings. Managers are selected on the bases of credibility and qualification, and they report to the overall corporation management team. Leadership skills are necessary to ensure the system is well managed. Individual’s responsibilities and those of different groups can vary within and between demanding a different approach. According to the case study, Ortiv’s design is well configured towards supporting individuals, groups, and plants in delivery. The design is flexible to plants, groups, and individuals in developing a…
Gender variations across economic Gender variations across economic opportunities are often argued over due to the gender structure of individuals and their participation in the labor market. Some scholars argue that gender differences exist in the workplace across different sectors, occupations, and industries due to the internal structure of individuals based on their genders, which give them an upper hand in handling some of the jobs as compared to others. Other scholars argue that gender structures of individuals have little to do with their abilities to handle the tasks they are assigned to in workplaces; however, factors such as education, experience, and commitment, have an impact on their job performance. It is also important to note that traditional gender roles played a significant part in determining the workplace roles that both men and women in the present-day society take. Traditionally, men were expected to undertake hard labor jobs or technical ones like engineering, while women were expected to undertake jobs that revolved around domestic care and caregiving like nursing and tutoring children. While there many factors that may have led…
Causes and effect of equality in the workplace and society Introduction Gender equality means treating males and females as having the same value and being of equal status (Alba, B, 2018). It means not applying prejudice against a person based merely on the reason that they are male or female. It also a state where both males and females have such rights and equal access to opportunities that the end result is not affected by the fact that their gender difference. Causes of gender equality. The first cause of gender equality in the workplace/society is changing society’s gender attitudes and bias at the personal level (Alba, 2018). Such bias has been responsible for promoting gender stereotypes, resulting in gender discrimination. As many people are not aware of their personal bias against certain genders, this can is achieved by creating awareness of inherent societal values and behavior that ultimately affect how society views the two genders. Another cause of gender equality is the enactment of laws by countries and their institutions where conscious efforts are made to put in place laws,…