Expected genetic and genomic assessment findings and diagnostic results There are practical benefits and risks of diagnostic and predictive tests employed in clinical environments, and genetic testing is no exemption. Most genetic tests are utilized in cases that, albeit not distinctive to genetic testing, present distinct challenges in evaluating benefit and harm equilibrium. For instance, the condition of concern may be rare or uncommon; interventions may be inhibited; different therapeutic outcomes may be recommended, depending on the participant. Tests may not be comprehensively examined until after their clinical introduction; there may be inadequate and contradictory evidence and direction on the use of the test. Expected genetic and genomic assessment findings and diagnostic results A person can have a regular and abnormal mix of haemoglobin without sickle cell disease in the red blood cells. The above disorder called the “sickle cell trait.” Individuals with sickle cell trait in their red blood cells have quite enough regular haemoglobin to prevent the cells from sickling. In the United States, one in 12 African Americans has sickle cell trait. It is essential to keep…

Nursing Staff Development Class Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; July 2012. AHRQ Publication No. 12-0041.   September 2012.   Didactic materials provided at the time of the class   Philosophy This class is meant for the development of the entire nursing profession in the hospital. Improving the practice of nursing as well as offering a robust educational foundation, enables healthcare providers to provide evidence-based practice. Nursing education is a life-long process which embraces continuous training and professional development which, in turn, improves the health of people, communities and the country. Providing a diverse perspective in nursing education will raise awareness in nursing students, which will aid them to become better service providers (School of Nursing, University of Pittsburgh). The conceptual framework within the nursing programme philosophy is the four domains of the nursing metaparadigm concepts (Masters, 2015). Metaparadigm of Nursing Person- it is the individual that the nurse cares for. The goal of the nurse when dealing with the person is to nurture the patient and, empower him or her to manage their health. Health- refers to the wellness…

A Report on Cooperative Education Experience at Flourish Imports Limited Part 1: Reflection on the cooperative experience at Flourish Imports Limited Introduction Cooperative education is defined as an ordered means of combining experiences in classroom education with the practical aspects of a working environment. It is generally disambiguated as “co-op education,” and it has been hailed as one of the most effective means of achieving real job experience for learners. Recently, cooperative education has gained popularity as the most effective means of enabling young scholars transit successfully from the school environment into the corporate world. Just like internships and industrial attachments, it has been proven that cooperative education is a work-integrated training that should be emphasized in learning institutions as a means f preparing all learners for the job market to prevent cases where institutions produce half-baked grandaunts into the job market. The effectiveness of cooperative education as a work-integrated training has been compared with that of related programs such as internships. One of the distinct features of cooperative education that set is apart from internships is the fact that…

Responses: Reflect on how improvement science may help you to understand problems within your context of professional practice. Response to Hanrui He Dear Hanrui He, I could not agree more to some of the points that you have raised in your post. Mainly, regarding the correlation between improvement science and higher education, you made it clear that improvement science bridges the gap between research and practice. I could support your sentiments by illustrating the point that many technologies have been created in institutions of higher education. Institutions of higher education can test these technologies. Most institutions of higher education have research departments that work closely with stakeholders in improvement science to attain better outcomes. I also agree in as much the role of the two entities is to bridge the gap between research and practice; there is still a disconnect between the two. I have also noted that in your post, you have highlighted some critical issues in explaining why there is a disconnect between research and practice. For instance, you have categorically highlighted the fact that instead of researchers…

USE OF THE KURDISH LOCAL LANGUAGE HAS CONTRIBUTED TO POOR PROFICIENCY AND PERFORMANCE AMONG THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS IN AMEDIYA DISTRICT IRAQ  ABSTRACT   The Kurdistan region of Iraq achieved autonomy in 1991 which resulted in Indo-European and Kurdish people developing a positive attitude towards using and teaching the English language. Especially in the education system, some reforms were put in place including setting new policies in education, setting new curricula and establishing new schools. To enhance the knowledge of the Kurdish EFL student’s communicative language teaching an English program called Sunrise was started. The researcher focused on investigating on use of local language in teaching English as a key cause of student’s failure. The researcher feels that in the study area the English Sunrise program does not meet the need of the students due some factors such as poor infrastructure, lack of enough English teacher training, poor communicative activities. With good command of English the students will be capable of passing and pursuing best courses such as medicine and engineering among others. Having professionals and academic materials available in…

Career Intervention Design For this assignment, you will design a program of career intervention(s) for a target population. When selecting your population, consider the career development theories discussed in our course. Design your intervention based on the theory you feel would best meet the needs of your population chosen. Interventions should include at least one quantitative and one qualitative career assessment with a rationale for why these particular assessments were chosen. (Examples of qualitative assessments can include games, card sorts, genograms, etc.) Your design will include the following: • selection and desсrіption of a target population (e.g., high school students) • desсrіption of the needs or presenting concern of your target population (e.g., enhanced self-awareness) based on research and guiding theory •[unique_solution] objectives of program (e.g., engage in career exploration) • resources needed for your program (e.g., assessments, pens, rooms, etc.) • length of program plan with rationale and meeting topics • selection and desсrіption of a quantitative and qualitative assessment for use with population (e.g., Career Decision Scale) • rationale for selection of specific assessments (e.g., age appropriate, etc.)…

Career Theory             Developing a career development program and assessment in career planning are essential for a successful career. A number of career development theories exist, but none of the existing theories is perfect. Therefore, professionals need to understand the strengths and weaknesses of existing career theories. Both traditional career theories and postmodern career theories exist. Social cognitive career theory by Albert Bandura is a traditional career theory while creating narrative theory by Savickas is an example of postmodern career theories. The constructive narrative career theory focuses on the narrative of the client’s past experiences, current situation, and future plans to determine the abilities and motivation of the client on a particular career path (MCMAHON, 2016). Social cognitive career theory focuses on the client’s ability and confidence while performing a specific task to determine the motivation and willingness of the client in a certain career (Brown, 2017). Both the social cognitive career theory and the creating narrative theory acknowledges the role of the career counselor in giving encouragements to clients to motivate them in their career paths. However, a clear…

Career Intervention paper             High school students are always facing challenges in choosing the best career paths. The lack of proper mentorship programs has forced students in choosing careers which they have lived to regret. A career intervention program is thus proposed to help the students in making better career choices based on passion and not being forced. The choice of a particular career depends on a particular student’s knowledge on the career path chosen. Career intervention comes in to save the students from making regrettable decisions concerning their career paths. The theory of social cognitive can be applied to high school students to change their career choices by changing their way of thinking to fit the ever-growing career market. The career needs of students vary adversely among students in the same institutions. The different career preferences are motivated by the natural impact of vicarious experience where students prefer to choose because they have seen people choose the same careers to become successful in the long run. The social cognitive theory is based on the belief in an individual’s capability…

Professional Goals and Background Personal statement Practicing nursing as a career is one of the most crucial areas of human life. It is a course that I have been passionate about since when I was young. Professionally, I am a dynamic, patient-focused, and a professional who is compassionate in health care. This has been facilitated by extensive background, both academically and through experience that has enabled me to develop proven skills in nursing. Such has been a milestone towards the development of patients’ assessment skills, evaluation, planning, and the implementation of a plan of care. Those above were realized by extensive education from bachelor levels, masters, and various professional training and certifications. Through my experience as a nurse, I have been an excellent patient advocate. The fulfillment of my duties as a patient advocate was centered on educating patients, families, and healthcare professionals’ duties regarding preventive wellness, best practices, and disease treatment process. I was able to deliver such tasks due to my excellent communication skills, collaborative skills, and interpersonal abilities, which have enhanced how I relate to healthcare professionals…

Leadership Within Police Organizations Abstract Research concerning police leadership has gained significant interest in the recent years as researchers strive to come up with evidence-based practices that would transform law enforcement agencies into efficient organizations. High prevalence of organized crimes and cyber-related offences make policing an ever-more complex practice. With these challenges, there is a need for a shared form of leadership that involves the community in resolving complex problems. Mediocre leadership within police agencies contributes to a wide range of undesirable behaviors. Some of these outcomes are increased corruption, absenteeism, attrition, stress, and dissatisfaction. Besides, a high turnover of junior staff in police organizations is associated with inadequate leadership. However, there is little evidence on the correlation between the rate of turnover among chief police officers and the productivity of leadership within police departments. Police leaders should embrace transformational and shared forms of leadership because it can promote commitment and the level of trust. Moreover, it enhances collaboration among the subordinates and also shapes the perceptions about police leaders. The two evidence-based approaches to leadership improve the productivity of…

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