Azure Resource Manager Chapter 5 Summary Imagine you’ve joined a company that has been moving to the cloud. This movement happened organically across different departments and resulted in a lack of awareness of what’s already been created and where everything is. There’s no ability to determine who owns which resources quickly. There’s no enforcement of standards for things like resource names, resource sizes, and geographic locations. There have also been several instances where critical resources were inadvertently deleted, causing business-critical outages. Your manager has asked you to head up an effort to put some order into the chaos, but you’re new to Azure and aren’t entirely sure what you can do to make this better. Azure Resource Manager has various highlights that you can use to compose resources, implement measures, and shield essential Azure resources from inadvertent cancellation. We’ll take a visit through these highlights, and show how you can utilize them to further your potential benefit. As was referenced before in the exploration technique, the examination had consideration criteria. The reason for the consideration requirements is to guarantee that…

Client description H.J is an 18-year-old African American male who was brought to the psychiatric clinic with complaints of suicidal ideations following the death of his close friend a few weeks ago. On further inquiry, it is noted that he has had multiple suicidal attempts since age 8-9 years old. He has been experiencing difficulty sleeping following abuse in childhood and thoughts of childhood trauma. He reports that the big sister is mentally retarded. His medical history is unremarkable, and he has no known drug allergies. Currently, he is on bedtime P.O sertraline 50mg for mood disturbance and 50mg diphenhydramine to aid him in sleeping. Diagnosis and justification. H.J has a major depressive disorder that is characterized by at least five depressive symptoms:  present for at least two weeks and in which one of the symptoms is either depressed mood or diminished interest. From H. J’s description, he has been experiencing suicidal ideations and attempted suicide several times in the past since his childhood. Also, he experiences difficulty in sleeping at night, and he has preoccupations about his childhood trauma.…

COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS, COLLEGE EDUCATION             With college tuition increasing from one year to another, the question on whether it’s worth investing in it has remained a dilemma to many students. Many people still attribute college education with a successful future. Contrally, there are others who find it hard to justify the investment with what most people who have gone through the same system testify, however, no single path that has proved to work universally for all students. It is therefore important to critically evaluate the decision before making a choice.  No any simple answer in regard to whether college education is worthy investing in it, but there are various rational ways to think about it in order to come up with the right choice. Just like it is the case with any other investment, comparing the input towards college education (money, effort and time) and the expected output afterwards (education, income level, career and networking opportunities) is the first initial step. In a scenario where what is to be realized out of it is more than what is put in,…

Business Plan for Charlotte Business and Beauty School Executive Summary Charlotte Business and Beauty School is a standard beauty school that offers courses in cosmetology and business. It commits to providing a serene and resourceful learning environment to the students who enroll in the courses provided. The courses in this institution will be offered at a fair and affordable price. It will acknowledge and respect diversity, concepts, as well as hard work. As the proprietors of the institution, we have substantial experience in beauty and cosmetology, having been actively involved in the industry for the last decade. During the long service years, we have established a large client base as a result of our dedication and commitment to serve. We have identified an equally qualified and dedicated team of experienced tutors who will be tasked with the role of training the learners. Our institution has clearly articulated plans for collaborating with the local vocational high schools to offer them the prerequisite hands-on training needed. We have a scholarship arrangement for the high school students that perform well and have an…

Behavioral Health Care Management Careers There are several opportunities available under the Behavioral Health Care Management profession. These include the director of mental health, behavioral clinical health director, manager of community behavioral health services, clinical care manager for behavioral health and social and community services manager. Let us now look at each career deeply. Director of Mental Health Care This refers to the person who is in charge of mental health administration at any organization. They are responsible for training and staffing and supervising managing budgets, going to conferences, applying for grants and evaluating the performance of staff. Behavioral Health Clinical Director This is a management career that involves managing a facility with an emphasis on clinical treatment. Here, one is engaged in patient care than a director of mental health at a large facility. They may manage each of the programs within the organization and also work on patient and staffing education. Manager of Community Behavioral Health Services Those interested in the community health aspect of healthcare management careers may work in this position. It involves managing the mental…

Organizational Change model The team leadership model will be used to offer direction when the San Diego VA Healthcare System and Pathfinder Consulting starts the organizational change. Northouse (2019), established that team leadership model suits the change program since it will limit the aspect of putting positional power to the management to improve the efficiency of the team and the overall organizational operations. Besides, team leadership entails members who are guided by a mutual objective. However, these individuals are usually independent of each other but ensure team spirit prevails by coordinating the roles to achieve the established goals. According to the analysis, the information is relevant to the identified problems in VA, which entailed many sections and departments associating with each other without acting as a team. Consequently, Parker (1990), further supported the model by outlining that a valuable organizational team has various benefits in which it promotes higher creativity among themselves, effective use of resources, greater productivity, better services, and decision making. This claim will be reflected by focusing on arranging the team to enhance better outcomes. The structuring…

Where is the talent? Abstract The lack of talent among the recruits in the American Trucking Industry is causing detrimental effects to the American economy. Trucking sector contributes to about 5.6 percent of total America’s GDP. The lack of talent in the young American generation has made it difficult for HR to hire qualified personnel who can meet the job thresholds. This research will consider one of the most crucial and overarching questions: Where is the talent? This question will enable the research to explore the overall trucking industry in the US. The research will thus consider one of the most likely factors leading to the lack of talent in the trucking industry. The system of education and stigma will form the peripheral areas of research regarding the overarching question. The research will utilize the resources from existing research to build on its overall argument on the reasons why the industry lacks talents. Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI), American Society for Training and Development (ASTD), and the Fleet Advantage reports have been…

Why Freelancing Is A Better Option Than A Regular Job? In the age of 21st-century people prefer freedom rather than money. Now they are no more interested in stuck in a 10-6 job. In a regular position, it is not possible. You need to go to the office on time and leave on time. Most of the people do not like this. They want to work freely, independently. Freelancing is an option where you can do work alone. The reason for taking freelancing as a main career option may vary. Some do it for extra money, some for freedom. Everything depends on the employee what he/she wants. Freelancing is a source of income. You can work from home and earn per hour. When you feel the monthly salary is not enough, you will need more; you can opt for freelancing — one of the safest ways to earn money. There are multiple factors for which people choose freelancing like hobbies, family life, side interest, travel interest, and many more. Earlier days, people were not much aware of the AV Freelancers…

Unauthorized Practice of Law             Professionals are expected to operate under various rules and conditions. However, professions have been suffering from the practice of individuals outside the set rules hindering the regulation of multiple occupations. The field of law has not been left behind with paralegals taking responsibilities that are expected to be undertaken by registered lawyers. The New York State Bar Association has come up with regulations that govern the operation of lawyers across New York. The practice of law has managed to overcome the challenges of professional practice, but the field still witnesses a growing number of paralegals who attempt to practice beyond the set restrictions. Generally, a paralegal is expected to operate under the supervision of an attorney, but the pattern has been changing with some paralegals attempting to offer services that are supposed to be offered by lawyers. Official requirements are set to ensure that all paralegals operate under supervision. However, the number of law assistants and the responsibilities they undertake has grown significantly hence a cause for alarm over the practical method of addressing the…

A Career in Aging Most people do not like choosing a career in aging. According to most people, a career in aging may be associated with unrecorded challenges because it involves dealing with people who are in their later years. However, a career in aging may be one of the significant developments in life. When an individual engages in a career in aging, they have a better experience in preparing for the future, and they will overcome most challenges facing the aging population when they grow of age. Societies have been getting into challenges dealing with the aging population. Most problems emanate from the lack of experience by the victims. Pursuing a career in the aging sector promises to solve the challenges that face society by preparing the current young generation for life in the future (Hooyeman, Kawamoto, & Kiyak, 2015). An individual who has dealt with the aging population will not have problems when they become of age, and society will have fewer challenges to deal with due to aging factors. Departments that deal with the aging population care…

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