job satisfaction and how it correlate to the workers performance Employee satisfaction promotes a sense of fulfillment, purpose, and productivity among the employees. Factors which influence job satisfaction include workload, compensation, flexibility, teamwork or management. These factors determine the level of satisfaction that employees derive from their jobs. Although job satisfaction primarily concerns the employee, it is also important to the employer. Employers stand to benefit from a satisfied and motivated workforce. Job satisfaction promotes employer-employee relationship establishing an environment for productivity and progress. Performance evaluation of every organization depends on the organization success. Organization success on the other hand depends on job satisfaction level of workers. The term job satisfaction has ever since been furnished to mean the ability of an employee to be contented with his or her position in the current organization structure he or she works at. Job satisfaction have been frequently attributed to the positive or negative feelings that employees have toward jobs. Research shows that, satisfied workers have an emotional and physical bond with the organization they work for and have pride being a…
Abnormal Psychology Abnormal psychology is a branch of psychology, which studies abnormal behaviors or illness in a person. Abnormal psychology has several approaches developed by scholars for its complete understanding. Abnormal psychology deters individuals from performing the actions they used to perform in normal occasions. Some scholars argue that psychological disorders are because of physical issues while from the perspective of the psychodynamic theory, such disorders are due to unconscious desires. Abnormal psychology covers the study of emotions, behavioral patterns, and personal thoughts. Abnormal psychology tends to deal with a person’s behavior in a clinical context. Abnormal psychology is both scientific, and culturally oriented such that the approaches taken to study it are also peculiar to each case. The traditional methods tend to dwell on the dualism while the scientific methods study the adaptive, and multi-adaptive behaviors. However, different psychologists approach the science of abnormal psychology in different ways. Approaches, which the scientist use in the study of abnormal psychology includes; psychodynamic approach, biological, cognitive, behavioral, sociocultural, diathesis-stress, and humanistic approaches. Abnormal psychology can be so detrimental from a familial…
Finding professional resources Finding professional resources in the market is necessary for the success of any project. From engineers to the wiring suppliers, every person must be cooperative and professional. If you are looking for a professional wiring supplier for customized harnesses and cable assemblies, you need to consider some important points. There must be some questions that you must ask from the supplier. If you have started a mega or small project that involves electric cables and wires, this article is for you. At CLOOM Tech, we strive to educate the community about the right products and services. Along with our top-quality wiring harnesses and cable assemblies, we offer informative blogs too. You need to focus on these given details before finalizing the deal with your wiring supplier. Check Supplier’s Portfolio Have you considered the top wiring suppliers in your area? Have you gone through their online sites and profiles? Once you have chosen the top wiring suppliers, the next step is to visit their official sites. Most of the professional wiring suppliers have their blogs and sites. You…
The Language of Human Resource Management Job describtion Yanlin Xu (UP872053) Brief introduction L & D is a language school which is medium-sized and uses English as a foreign language. based in Middleton, Cambridge. The local is surround by beautiful, peaceful and focused place of study, and got lots of facilities and leisure place. In our language centre, to provide three high quality courses including General English, Business English and Academic English. We are now looking to recruit a full-time teacher to join our team. Interview will be held on Thursday 29th November at room 0.10, park building. Job description Job Title: English teacher Location: Middleton – Cambridge – UK Time: Full time career Holiday: 18 days annual leave and 8 bank holidays available Salary: £30,000 / yr. Main purpose of the job: Planning students’ time schedule[unique_solution] Teach international students or teach business man who needs to communicate in English Make students enjoy their study life Preparing teaching materials, like Cambridge English or IELT books Using tutorial time for helping students improve their listening and speaking Organise social…
The Duty of the Employer to Accommodate Serious Illness: Is it Fair to Employers and Co-Workers to Keep a Job Open for Years for a Sick Employee? Topic : Canadian Law: The Duty of the Employer to Accommodate Serious Illness: Is it Fair to Employers and Co-Workers to Keep a Job Open for Years for a Sick Employee? ONLY TO BE REASEARCHED ON CANADIAN LAW Argumentative essay PROPOSAL INSTRUCTIONS: Is there a cogent proposed Thesis Statement? [up to 1][unique_solution] Draft outline of paper headings Are there headings dealing with summary of legal issue(s)? [up to 1] Are there headings dealing with opposing viewpoints? [up to 1] Are there headings dealing with your opinion? [up to 1] At least two proposed sources both of which may be online sources: Is there at least one source from an academic journal? [up to ½] Is there at least one source from a major Canadian newspaper (e.g. Globe and Mail; Toronto Star; Edmonton Journal; National Post) or magazine (e.g. Macleans, Policy Options, Alberta Venture, etc.)? [up to ½]
Choosing a career Choosing a career is one of the most important decisions one can make in their life. It is not only about deciding what we will do for a living but also the significance of satisfaction received from work cannot be disregarded. When I was in high school, I was always passionate about numbers and how the market works. So, I ended up opting for economics as an under graduation major. Economics teaches us to make well- informed decisions. It is a perfect combination of words and numbers, problems and solutions. Although economics consists of several domains including microeconomics, macroeconomics, international economics, and others, the part that caught my eye was the statistical and analytical part of my major. Even in the beginning, I enjoyed math and was looking for some fun ways to use numbers in my career. With that premise in mind, I decided to study Masters in Statistics as my next step. Statistics is just what I dream of: a chance to use numeric analysis to almost any discipline and make affirmative solutions out of…
Career in Nursing A career can be defined as an occupation or profession undertaken for a distinct portion of a person’s life and with opportunities for progress. It is a person’s course or progress through life, therefore relating a career to a number of aspects of a person’s life, learning and work. Career is also usually understood to relate to the working aspects of an individual’s life that usually involves special training or formal education. In this case a career is viewed as a sequence of related jobs, usually pursued within a single industry or sector for example of “a career in education, or a career in the building trade. A career has been defined by organizational behavior researchers as an individual’s work-related and other relevant experiences, both inside and outside of organizations that form a unique pattern over the individual’s life span. Career choice on the other hand, is the process of selecting a career path which can involve choices regarding education and training for a given career. Most individuals have an interest in certain career occupations. Such aspirations…
Career Opportunities in Criminal Justice The criminal justice sector has been experiencing rapid growth in the last decades. Most countries, especially the United States, have been heightening on immigration and other legal issues in recent years. This focus has seen the federal government pay dedicated attention to law enforcement. The Criminal Justice Degree Schools (2020) reports that careers in criminal justice are expected to grow in the next years with more departments to be created to accommodate law enforcement needs. In the US alone, there are more than three million individuals employed in the criminal justice sector. Criminal justice is a broad field that deals with almost every issue touching on the law. In the United States, criminal justice is subdivided into homeland security, law enforcement, academia, legal services, and private security. An individual with a degree in criminal justice can work as a CIA officer, Homicide detective, or ICE agent (Tontodonato, 2020). Other opportunities in the field include forensics accountant, forensics psychologist, criminal scene investigator, Information security analyst, and criminal investigator. List of Criminal Justice Career Opportunities with a…
Overview of Women Health and Research Scientists and doctors argue that improper hydration could result in diseases related to the heart or other body functions. Proper hydration helps in speeding up human metabolism (Ganio, 2018). Drinking a lot of water helps in hydration as well as filling up an empty stomach making one feel full. This essay analyzes two articles on the impact of women on drinking more water. New Dimensions in Women Health 1.1 Historical, Cultural and Political Perspective Historically, water is believed to essential for the life of humans, birds, animals, and other creatures. For instance, during ancient times, there were no water channels as it is in modern times, and women could travel for long distances to look for water. Constipation has always been related to inadequate water consumption (LaRosa, et al., 2016). Additionally, women who suffered fatigue and frequent headaches were given a lot of water, which always relieved the pain. Political conflicts as well may occur from water shortage since competition rises from scarce resources. Water shortages, for instance, may lead to health problems, especially…
Case Study:Career and Credibility It’s essential to tell the president of sales that I wasn’t the leak, but since the leak came out of my team, I will contain it. Swift action is needed to mitigate the damage done. First, I have to follow protocol and assemble my team to learn who might have leaked the information to the CFO. It’s essential if the president of sales helps in the process, and this might help in rebuilding the trust. If the president of sales does not trust my judgment and decisions, then it’s essential to implement measures that will help in clearing my name and at the same time not put the project in any more jeopardy. It’s essential to understand who, where, and how the person has been passing information from the team. Tracing the leak might be easy since a person in my group should be responsible. I will set up a one on one meeting with each member in private and explain to the members how their action has impacted the project and the company negatively. I…