role of the human resource department Question 1 In modern business, human capital is a term which speaks volume. The department is responsible for multiple functions in an organization. The main functions fall under five core activities; development, staffing, safety and health, compensation, and employee and labor relations. Within every one of these primary activities, HR performs a wide variety of activities. Staffing includes roles of hiring new part and full-time employees, terminating contracts, and hiring contractors (Mondy & Martocchio 2016). Also, they write and negotiate salaries and benefits given to the employees. They utilize the various recruitment technologies to help in reaching a high volume of applicants and capture the best talents in the market. Besides, HR plays a role in giving resources needed for development and continuous productivity in the company. They offer training and prepare new employees for their duties. Compensation is yet another crucial role of the human resource department, which involves identifying the salaries and benefits of the employees (Noe et al. 2017). The compensation levels are set in order to match the market standards…
Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Coordinator at Village Enterprise as my career goals I was pleased to learn of your need for Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Coordinator at Village Enterprise as my career goals, training, expertise and skills directly complement your needs. My vast past experience as Monitoring & Evaluation Officer supporting various large microfinance, health, OVC (orphans and vulnerable children), socio-economic projects and refugee operations complemented by research skills, supervisory and training skills make me a good fit for the position. I bring on board a wealth of knowledge and over seven (7) years’ experience of working with both local and International NGOs supporting monitoring, evaluation and learning activities, managing databases, data collection, entry, analysis and reporting. Have worked with Caritas Nairobi Microfinance, USAID Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) supported programs among other livelihood projects in both urban and rural community settings. This experience gives me an added advantage to better support the work of Village Enterprise to end extreme poverty in Africa through entrepreneurship and innovation. My CV will provide you with more information on…
mechanical engineering as my career path I have chosen mechanical engineering as the career path I will undertake to fulfill and accomplish all my dreams and life inspiration. I believe for most students, the choice of any particular course is triggered by the desire to earn more money, but for me, it is a bit different. I am a fan of chess; thus, I believe in competitiveness but should be followed by integrity. I have the will to repair and develop new machines in our industries. Mechanical engineering is a complicated yet exciting career path that I know I will do my best to succeed and amasses any necessary knowledge required in the field. As a mechanical engineer, one has to acquire a Bachelor’s degree as a typical entry-level. Generally, mechanical engineers have to work in an office, but time to time may visit the worksite, especially when there is a mechanical hitch. A professional mechanical engineer can be employed in industries that deal with manufacturing automotive parts or machinery. Their job entails designing, building, developing, and testing thermal and…
My wish to be involved in the Communication & Advocacy Thematic Area Dear Sir/Madam My name is Lancer Anyango Wao, and I am interested in joining the Advisory Committee of FRIDA. I wish to be involved in the Communication & Advocacy Thematic Area. Communication plays a significant role in the designing, planning, implementation, and evaluation of the impact of project activities and impacts. Such is the belief that inspired me to pursue a career in communication. I have worked at Hope Foundation for African Women as a communications and outreach officer, I have learned that communication is integral and necessary for the strengthening of feminism. I have been both a learner and a team player in my experience as a communication officer. I have learned the most effective communication strategies for group feminism, like social media, TV, radio, and communication events. Currently, I advocate for the protection of girls and women’s rights who are at the risk of undergoing Female Genital Mutilation, Gender-Based Violence, and child marriage. I have participated in platforms organized by the Coalition of Violence Against Women…
The details of time on the job and pay for legislators in California and Florida The details of time on the job and pay for legislators in California and Florida help clarify their differences. California legislators meet in regular sessions on the first Tuesday in December of even-numbered years, and the regular session ends on November 30 of the following even-numbered year (Constitution of the state of California). California legislators are compensated $97,197 per year and a $176 per day. while in session (National conference of the state of Florida). Florida meets in regular legislative sessions annually for 60 days (Constitution of the state of Florida). Florida legislators are compensated $ 29,697 per year, and a $152 per day per diem While in session (National conference of the state legislatures 2016). Clearly, each of these two states has a unique system in which their legislative body operates. There is a wide range of time spent in the session and the level of legal compensation. We have attempted to ensure that we are comparing states for this research topic. However, the…
Sociological Research on Employers Doubting College Students Preparedness for Their Future Careers After you read the article ″Well-Prepared in Their Own Eyes″ in the introduction, and the content of lesson 2, discuss the following questions: (You must read Chapter 2 and learn about research methods to respond to this assignment!) How did the researchers conduct this research? What form of research method did they use? Do you think that this was the best choice in research methods? Why? What are the strengths and weaknesses of this method? Is the research valid and reliable? Be sure to explain the terms in relation to social science research! Then, discuss your evaluation of the research. Refer to course materials for your definition and application of the terms! Were you surprised by any of the findings?[unique_solution] Explain? Why do you think it is that students are not well prepared in the areas of written and oral communication, critical thinking skills, and creativity? Do you think that this class can help you develop or improve any of these skills? Explain. Do you think that the current expectations…
Saint Leo University SOC-110HA Building a Multiracial Society We have examined several aspects of colorblind racism including how people define race/ethnicity, frames of colorblind racism, the power of language and rhetorical/semantic moves as well as story-lines and testimonies. Review the 4 sample Introductions of an Instructor below. How might we apply the concepts above when using identifiers to tell people who we are? When asked for a short biography, we often use characteristic/identifiers to describe ourselves. What conclusions might we draw about each Instructor? Lee My name is Lee. I will be you instructor for the next eight weeks. I spent several years working and clocking in/out for eight hours a day as many as seven days a week. Most of those years were in a grocery store where I did everything but working in the butcher department. For fifteen of the years, I also ran a wedding photography business (two jobs to survive). Although I had a B.S., I spent time raising a family and working. I returned to school later in life (my youngest was a junior in…
Hailing from Kharar Distt. Mohali (Punjab) Hailing from Kharar Distt. Mohali (Punjab), I completed my schooling in 2008. With my deep interest in computers and design, I completed my polytechnic diploma in Computer Engineering from Punjab State Board of Technical Education and Industrial Training in the year 2013. After my diploma in computers, I completed my diploma in Animation and Multimedia in 2014 from a reputed institute, i.e., frameboxx visual effects. Later, I started my job as a computer instructor in a company named Winsoft solutions. There I used to teach about basics knowledge of computes to students. After that, to gain more understanding of this field, I joined a pharmaceutical company Chawla medical store, which is situated in Kharar, where I worked as a Data Analyst with a team of 3 people. I was responsible for maintaining data of companies like showing all medicines with their manufacturing dates and expiry dates, keeping all data in different formats to make it convenient to understand. Further, I also maintain the data of bills from importers and exporters. Looking forward to my…
The Spanish language From the article, it indicates that it’s vital for one to learn the Spanish language because of communication purposes, competitive advantage, and career planning. Forinstance, managers of various teams need to learn the Spanish language to unite team members and clubhouses. It can successfully achieve if only communication is done through Spanish languages hence promoting understanding of each other. Due to a good knowledge of each other, there will be an influence that will lead others to learn Spanish, therefore, enhancing career planning. The Spanish language matters a lot to players because many players have started learning it so that they can be able to speak with their teammates. Even managers have to learn it so that while giving instructions will become a bit easy for players to understand instructions. On the other hand, if one has a serious aspiration of being a major manager, there is a baseball “book” one has to learn, alongside that book one has to practice Spanish. Many managers speak fluent Spanish, for example, Mike Matheny of St. Lous and Joe Maddon,…
career option that will inspire and fascinate me to be the best version of myself I have always believed that I would choose a career option that will inspire and fascinate me to be the best version of myself. My father is my inspiration, has always motivated me by the way he leads his life. Even after being 50 years old, he still strives to gain more knowledge every day. I appeared for my (10th equivalent) examination in the Central Board of Secondary Education in the year 2014, in which I ended up obtaining 70% from the Central Board of Secondary Education. As my grades and interest in subjects like Science and Mathematicswent hand in hand, I choose the Science stream for completion of my (12th equivalent). The year 2016 was hard on me, as I managed my studies and sports together when my 12th boards were close. As I started playing cricket from my childhood days, my interest and talent towards the same developed as I grew up. I had my inter-college tournament, and state-level matches too during boards…