Euro Disneyland Introduction Many of the issues Disney had from the start related to cultural differences between the United States and France. The Americans have strict appearance codes while the French impose dress code regulations such as keeping hairline at such level or limiting the use of beautification products for female employees. While still in Japan, Disney had managerial conflicts with Japanese counterparts. The same desire to incorporate Disney culture to all the Disney parks across the world saw the company in a financial crisis when implementing the Euro Disneyland project in France. Several cultural differences, such as the use of alcohol, employee standards, park designing, languages to be used, and managerial capacities. Main problematic issues Euro Disneyland investment project had severe cultural problems between the American company management team and the French authorities and people. These ranged from the alcohol ban, appearance code, violation of the law, Fitzpatrick insult of the French communist party, hiring rows, change of state administration, and Antoine Guervil’s mother-tongue mess. Among others, these cultural clashes were responsible for Disney to record losses, the…
Occupational Outlook Handbook Homework Worksheet YOUR NAME: QUESTIONS Occupation Name: Detective EDUCATION/TRAINING: 1. What education and training is needed to succeed/secure employment in this field? 2. Will you be qualified with your current degree or will additional training be required (i.e., certificate or advanced degree)? 3. If there is additional training required, what is your response to learning that information? How do you feel about that? 1. the education requirement for one to become a detective is a degree in criminal justice and a high school diploma 2. with my current degree, I will be required to pass in the police training academy. 3. I have always aspired to take training in the police academy to gain physical skills; therefore, learning that it is an essential requirement makes me enthusiastic. SALARY: 1. What is the median pay for this occupation? 2. Is that what you’d expected? 1. According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics in 2018, the median salary for a detective is $81,925 (Westera et al., 2014). 2. The question of whether that…
Research Question: How can inexperienced writers find their authentic voices in college writing courses? Bartholomae, David. Writing on the Margins: Essays on Composition and Teaching. Bedford/St. Martins, 2005. These essays (a collection of articles written over the span of Bartholomae’s career) depict a socially conscious, student-centered teacher and scholar. Recurrent throughout Bartholomae’s work is an insistence that there is nothing “wrong” with basic writers; like all writers, they struggle to adapt to the foreign discourse communities (those of the privileged) that they have been thrown into upon entering the university. Thus, when a student writer utters anything in writing, he first has to tailor his language to suit the expectations of his overeducated audience (the professor). Students don’t really master writing (if it can ever be mastered), however, until they learn to craft a voice of their own. Until this happens, students simply go through the motions of academic writing, motions that do not amount to worthwhile discoveries. In this way, I found Bartholomae’s views connecting most resoundingly to those of Winterson’s, Atwan’s, Sirc’s, Bishop’s, and Shor’s. Quotables:…
My career I chose to write about is Health Service Administration. Instructions Five citations are due for this assignments. All must be scholarly sources. You have two options with this assignment. Submit it like the examples (links above)–5 scholarly sources OR submit the 5 scholarly sources in the Working Bibliography Template. Working Bibliography Assignment Assignment Directions: **While this assignment requires five academic sources, you will only be required to have three scholarly sources for your essay. Create a Working Bibliography by listing a minimum of five possible research resources you could use within your Research Essay on career. Use correct MLA formatting. Arrange your list of resources in alphabetical order. Title the page, Working Bibliography It is acceptable if later you decide to change or to add to this list. Do not include the following, as they are not considered appropriate research resources for this assignment: Wikipedia Sites such as Spark Notes or Shmoop. Any dot com or dot net source Any non-academic dot org source No newspapers, magazines, or online critic sites No student blogs (even from a dot…
practicum journal on nursing and counseling theories The aim of this practicum journal is to assess and examine the nursing and counseling theories which govern my practice and also come up with goals and objectives for my practicum experience. Nursing theory The nursing theory I have chosen to control my practice in psychotherapy is the social learning theory. The social learning theory is a model that was developed in the 1970s by Albert Bandura and he developed the model from his works in 1960s. This theory takes into consideration an individual’s capability to learn while in a social environment by studying and verbal interaction (Sarmento, & Tsai, 2015). This theory takes into consideration environmental influences that impact the way one adopts certain behaviors. The theory is based on the idea that individuals tend to learn in the most effective manner by learning for each other. This learning process comprises of various aspects such as observing, imitating and modeling. Individuals learn by observing one another’s attitudes, behaviors and the results that come up from certain behaviors. By an individual observing another…
Analysis of the Network The most common occupation in my list is a teacher. There are four teachers in the list three ladies and a man. The reason for this is because I have two relatives in the teaching field, and then they introduced me to their two colleagues who have come to know. The second most appearing occupation is the nursing field. The average age of my network is 35 years old. The list includes people who have met and interacted with different functions, especially youth forums and meetings. Most of these people are in their thirties. The older adults in this group have known through my parents and other close relatives. Also, I have close friends who are in their thirties and already working on the list. The gender representation in my list is pretty even. I have learnt to socialise pretty well with both men and women and thus the even gender representation. I have worked with both men and women, and therefore, I have learnt how to get through almost all sexes. Yes, there are some…
What Makes a Good Executive Placement Agency? An executive placement agency is an organization that is given the responsibility of identifying, attracting, and hiring an experienced executive who will handle critical duties in an organization. Executive HR recruiters are very many in the industry, which raises the question of how a company can make sure that it has the right executive placement agency. What you should know is that one size does not fit all. However, there are some innovative strategies that you can employ to get the right executive placement agency. Firm’s Search Process Before you select an executive placement agency, you need to know how they search and qualify executives. They should demonstrate that they have the necessary skills and strategies that will be essential in helping a company to succeed in its culture and organization. Your executive HR recruiter should be engaged in an active process of finding the best executive who will be able to handle the activities of your organization. You should not rely on companies that depend on job board advertising and shallow databases.…
Administrative Supervision by clinicians as Program Supervisor/Administrator Clinical Supervision has become an essential factor in attaining the improvement of quality care. However, it is an undertaking that revolves around a lot of duties and set of rules, making it a difficult task for most clinicians. Being in Supervision means transforming set ideas and principles into practical results. It involves four major factors which include: administrative, supportive, evaluative and clinical. It requires great effort and wisdom linking the four elements together by ensuring they are appropriately coordinated. To be an effective and evidence-basedd practice. Involving all these processes and factors make supervisor one is required to be dedicated by ensuring many principles aligning to effective administration are coordinated and work hand – in hand (Awowale, et al., 2017). Such policies require one to be observant, role model, coach, and also be able to create an attractive environment for career advancement and learning. Such Supervision is the fundamental key to a successful implementation of understanding the clinicians view administrative Supervision as hardest and, at times, complicated area of duty. How Profession can…
A community of practice Introduction A community of practice is a group of people who have a passion for what they do and work together through learning and interaction to make it better (Gore & Rosser, 2020). The advantage of CoP is that it provides the individual members with access to knowledge and experience that they could not have gotten it on their own (Deese-Roberts, 2010). This approach has the advantage of not only building their confidence but also enhancing their professional practice. Class Discussion Groups These were groups that were formed with the aim of undertaking the specific class projects, which were a requirement for the course. Our joint enterprise was to enable focused discussions through working together to present a quality project for the different units we were in. Before the discussions, each person was assigned a different task, which was part of the larger project so that they can present their findings during physical meetings and online discussions. These interactions, both online and physical, were able to build our mutual engagement throughout the meeting. We utilized the…
Career Research Project See the Summary at the end of this document for due dates of each phase and possible points for each. All phases must be submitted on time to earn points for the final phase. Overview: This project will involve writing an analytical paper that evaluates and compares three careers. You will learn how to use an evaluation matrix to make a better decision about which career to choose. Each student’s thesis statement should center on the choosing which career would be the best. One career must be in the field of your program of study. If your major is undecided or general education, choose a career that interests you. The other two careers must be Information Technology (IT) careers. Of course, if IT is your major then all 3 careers will be in IT. One of the IT careers must be related to cyber security. In addition to comparing the careers, you will discuss an ethical issue that may arise for those who work in one of the careers, and at least one emerging or…