The Global Mindset PART ONE What does having a global mindset implies? It mirrors your capacity to impact individuals, gatherings, and associations from various foundations and societies. In the wake of taking the comprehensive outlook appraisal, I discovered that I have a low global attitude with a score of 40. Right now will talk about on the off chance that I accept my score was precise, do I think having a higher worldwide mentality will profit me as a director, and things I could do to improve my global attitude with the following year. I accept that my score precisely mirrors my worldwide attitude as of now in my life. The motivation behind why I agree with my score was exactly because it’s challenging to have a receptive outlook where you grasp changed societies effectively when you’re generally around natural things. Therefore I do concur that I am progressively open to meeting individuals from an assortment of cultures; however, it may not mean I am genuinely agreeable about them. I do require time to adjust to various organizations; however, I…
The Impact of HR Trends in Amazon Inc The human resource department is an important part of an organization that helps in the effective management of employees with the view of attaining the set objectives and goals. Numerous companies use HRM to leverage technology to increase their market share and dominance. One of the companies that have successfully implemented HRM is Amazon which has enabled the organization to become one of the four biggest technology companies in the United States of America and the world at large. Global HR trends such as Human Resource Integrated Software (HRIS), globalization and CSR have had the greatest impact on Amazon while other trends such as Off shoring, outsourcing and worker’s unions have had no impact on Amazon. Trends that Impact Amazon Human Resource Integrated Software (HRIS) Amazon has one of the biggest workforces in the world, with a total population of more than 750,000 employees spread worldwide (Veenendaal & Bondarouk, 2015). The management of the workforce can be a toll on the organization structure in that it can result in the disruption of…
recruitment technology tools and their functionality in the recruitment process Introduction Recruitment technology refers to a set of software tools that are used to automate the hiring process through the connection of data sources to ace the quality candidates. It helps human resource departments to streamline candidate search and the hiring process as a whole (Holm, 2012). A recruitment technology application can be a standalone software or a module of the human resource management systems (HRMS). Some people and organizations view it as an applicant tracking system (ATS) even though recruitment software is broader and encompasses the applicant tracking system. The functionality of recruitment technology includes workforce planning, sourcing, candidate acquisition, applicant tracking, onboarding, training, and analytics. This paper aims to discuss five recruitment technology tools and their functionality in the recruitment process. The five selected software are Workable, SAP SuccessFactors, JazzHR, Recruitee, and Zoho Recruit. Workable It is a hiring platform developed to help human resource management team and in-house recruiters to streamline a company’s hiring process. It offers tools to find talents and determine qualified applicants/candidates. Workable comes…
Employing Senior Employees Recruitment The recruitment of senior lecturers in human resource management is vital in the progress of the institution. This process should hence be carried out cautiously, especially because the position has a lot of effect on the operations of the institution. I would, therefore, take time in the evaluation to avoid making decisions in a rush. I would also consider promoting from within the institution because this would avoid many processes and problems that will be incurred from employing someone externally. Promotion from within would lead to someone who is already exposed to the work environment (Ekwoaba et al., 2015). There should also be specific and requirements that are future-minded. This can be done by creating a list, writing down what is involved, consider the years that are coming, and rank all the characteristics. I would also consider using behavioral interview questions because they are more effective in the determination of how to fit the interviewees are for the job. They should be asked the times they were successful in their careers and the environment they were…
5 Things to know before you get a Blockchain & Supply Chain Professionals Certification If you are reading this, then Blockchain would have definitely captured your attention. In the last decade, we have seen Blockchain technology has seen outstanding growth. We have seen its use across the different sectors. One of the most conventional uses of Blockchain is in the field of the supply chain. An effective supply chain is a base of any industry. Hence, it becomes important that there is a seamless functioning of the same. Some of the key features of Blockchain, which can become useful for supply chain include: Transparency Provenance Immutability Data security With all these features, trackings information becomes easier, which eventually becomes useful for the supply chain industry. Many big names in the world like Wallmart and Amazon have already implemented Blockchain technology. They are using this technology to track the data. This is going to increase over the period of time. Hence, there would be a need for Blockchain supply chain professionals who can help in the correct…
Culturally relevant pedagogy Introduction Culture is central to learning. Culture not only plays a crucial role in sending and receiving information but also helps in shaping the thinking processes of an individual or a group. Culturally relevant pedagogies are teaching methods used by teachers to encourage students to relate a course with the cultural practices. Incorporating cultural context is believed to boost academic performances. Also known as responsive teaching, culturally relevant pedagogy is arguably one of the best teaching approaches as it allows teachers to show cultural competence in a multicultural setting and at the same time orient students in the beauty of diversity and respect for racial difference. Gay (2010) argues that Gloria Ladson-Billing single-handedly made culturally relevant pedagogy famous in the early 1990s. She created a term defined as “one that empowers students to maintain cultural integrity, while succeeding academically,” Ladson – Billing, 1995. Nevertheless, Ladson-billing goes further to explain what a culturally relevant pedagogy should contain. That is, it should create an understanding of the world, be understood, and experienced in day to day life. This has…
Methods Are Used to Evaluate the Economic Costs of Domestic Violence. The issue of economic cost arises due to the devising of actions or policy plans to combat domestic violence. The best approach to evaluate the economic costs of domestic violence is through prevention, opportunity cost, and response (Oliver et al., p 16). For instance, the cover costs that relate to maximized burdens on the structure of law enforcement, legal cost incurred by individuals, cost on shelters and housing, healthcare costs, and judiciary costs. There is also a decrease in tax paid to the government or lost wages due to declines in productivity and employment, social services, and support services. There is a direct cost incurred by the public authorities during implementing services and measures regarding domestic violence and indirect costs that result from physiological and physical trauma affecting the victims. Advantages The methods allow research and data collection to ensure appropriate policy-making to enable the government to design and implementing measures to meet the needs of domestic violence victims. Drawbacks The methods do not take into account cases that…
Career Opportunities in Psychology Career Specialties Child Psychologist A child psychologist deals with development issues affecting children from an environmental, psychological, and mental perspective. Child psychologists play a considerable role in determining child-related problems that lead them to behave in a certain way. A child psychologist could diagnose erratic behavior, for example, and the necessary treatment advised. An environmental background in which there is physical abuse, for example, is likely to affect a child negatively. Issues such as violence and bullying, for example, could arise. Child psychologists are common in both the private and public sectors. Children with chronic illnesses, for, instance are more prone to psychological issues hence the need for child psychologists in pediatric hospitals. The salary range of a child psychologist ranges between $41760 and $171,587 (American Psychological Association, 2020). Various factors, however, determine the salary range of a child psychologist. Education varies from a doctoral, master’s, and an undergraduate degree, for example. In most instances, a higher education level translates to a higher salary. A doctoral degree is, however, required to be practice as a clinical…
The current health care options in the United States The current health care options in the United States show that the elderly can only get better medical attention if they retire with health insurance. Senior citizens are also eligible for free and affordable medical care, which include diagnostic tests, necessary prevention cares as well as treatments for ailments. Older adults can also opt for an assisted living since it is a long term option for medical care. Assisted living includes being assisted in activities such as making meals, dressing, bathing, and medical assistance. Nursing homes also provide safety for the elderly with chronic conditions, and there is large care by the physicians. Military retirees, as well as their spouses, are entitled to health benefits as long as they have completed 20 years of service in uniform branches. The Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services(KDADS) is one of the leading community programs in Kansas City, which helps older people with their health care issues. It came into being on July 1, 2012, after merging the former Department on Aging with…
L 760- 8 Career Skills to Learn Online In 2020 Nowadays, the marketplace is very unpredictable, and this has made many people seek new career skills. When you enroll for more courses, you become open to different jobs and marketable to prospective employers. Luckily, diversifying your skills is now more comfortable thanks to online learning, video tutorials, and webinars that are easily accessible online. If you’re an entrepreneur or seeking employment, the additional online career skills will help you beat stiff competition. What are the benefits of online learning? Online courses are a great way of acquiring an education. It’s preferred by many due to the freedom and comfort associated with learning online. You can study from anywhere with no need to trouble about visa application or relocation. It’s a self-paced way of learning, and this makes it more appealing. Online learning is very flexible, and you can study while attending to other critical engagements. What are the in-demand online career courses? Blockchain developer The demand for blockchain developers keeps on skyrocketing. It’s no doubt that blockchain will have…