Texas Executive Branch Texas Executive Branch Assignment The governor of Texas is considered relatively weak by national standards. Texas has a plural executive, meaning voters elect a lot of the executive branch officials (comptroller, agriculture commissioner, land commissioner, lieutenant governor, attorney general, etc.) independently. The governor, therefore, has little control over the executive branch of state government, since the guys who run it mostly don′t report to him – they answer only to the voters. One area where the governor holds real power, though, is in the legislative process. The Texas Constitution allows the governor to call the state legislature into special session and gives him the sole power to set the session′s agenda. Bills on subjects not included in the governor′s ″call″ cannot be considered. The Constitution also allows the governor the power to veto bills passed by the legislature. While the legislature technically has the power to override his veto with a 2/3 vote, he generally vetoes bills after the legislature has adjourned – making the threat of an override meaningless. [unique_solution]The Constitutional deadline for Governor Greg Abbott…
Persepolis novel review Throughout time Iran has been part of many conflicts not only with other countries but within their own people, causing Iran to be known as a war zone. In the novel Persepolis, written by Marjane Satrapi, Marjane talks about her childhood as a young Iranian female living during the Islamic Revolution. and the daily challenges she and her country faced. During Marjane’s childhood, everyone was in danger causing each citizen in Iran to take caution and seek for a better, safer future. The ruling of the Shah and Ayatollah were what influenced the government’s choices for citizens to follow. Then came the Islamic Revolution causing a war between Iran and Iraq that lasted from 1779 to 1980 . Many conflicts took part causing Iranians to longer have the freedom, equity or safety they deserved. The Satrapi family chose that Marjane should move away from Iran to Austria due to the negative support women were receiving, the absence of a good education and the lack of safety in the country. To begin, for a long time now, all…
Irrigation water availability , issues and their remedies Problems and issues of Irrigation system in Pakistan Many factors are involved which hinders the effectiveness of irrigation system. Sustainable usage of the irrigation system is of vital importance for the survival of Pakistan as Pakistan is already been declared as water stressed country. Interior periphery of Sindh, Baluchistan and southern Punjab there are clear drought and nearly zero crop production. As the infrastructure for the irrigation system and water management is same so both terms will be used interchangeably. Here the problems of irrigation will be discussed as per category. Financial issues Water economy is a term used in the Pakistan agriculture as the crops are highly dependent on water and for the development and proper functionality of this prodigious system, maintenance of existing infrastructure and new construction is undoubtedly the need of the hour. In Pakistan capital cost for the development of irrigation system is recovered from the user. Operation and maintenance charged are linked to the water charges collected by the provincial governments but due to the incompetence and…
Transcript of Dawes Act (1887) Forty-Ninth Congress of the United States of America; At the Second Session, Begun and held at the City of Washington on Monday, the sixth day of December, one thousand eight hundred and eight-six. An Act to provide for the allotment of lands in severalty to Indians on the various reservations, and to extend the protection of the laws of the United States and the Territories over the Indians, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That in all cases where any tribe or band of Indians has been, or shall hereafter be, located upon any reservation created for their use, either by treaty stipulation or by virtue of an act of Congress or executive order setting apart the same for their use, the President of the United States be, and he hereby is, authorized, whenever in his opinion any reservation or any part thereof of such Indians is advantageous for agricultural and grazing purposes, to cause said reservation, or…
ECONOMICS Paula and David are looking forward to buying their first home. They have been renting a small apartment for the past four years to save enough money for a down payment. Currently, the couple has $25,000 set aside in an earmarked account. They also have access to about $20,000 through loans on their two employer-sponsored retirement plans. Paula’s parents have said they can help the couple out with a gift of $10,000 if they need it for the down payment or closing costs. The couple’s monthly finances will be tight as homeowners, at least until they get their next raises, which they are expecting in a year or two. Paula and David have found three properties—all very different—that they are considering. As is typical, all of the homes meet some of their needs, but none of the homes meet all of their needs. [unique_solution]The couple loves the convenience that city living offers. Not only are they near places to do shopping, restaurants for dining, and entertainment, they are just a short walk from public transportation. This has allowed them…
ECONOMICS IN INDIA Content: Discussion of Topic in Country: Discussion of chosen country where this social issue problem exists and the effects of this social problem issue upon the society in this country and a target population. What are laws (if any) that have been created to deal with this social problem; what has the country done or not done to address this issue. Are there any conflicts going on (i.e., culture vs. laws; government vs. laws, etc.)? Content: Human Rights, Social Justice and Oppression: Issues of violations to human rights, elements of social justice and oppression were addressed. Content: Advocacy Plan: The Advocacy plan must be summarized thoroughly in the main body of the paper and the full outline plan (see below) attached in appendix. In the body of the paper/narrative section: These issues must be addressed: What is being suggested to make a change in a practice/program and/or policy to address this social issue/program in the chosen country— make sure to detail specifics; how will it affect the target population; government involvement?; [unique_solution]how will it be accomplished? (you…
Economic Development Name: Course: Econ 112,” “Spring 2020,” Institution Affiliation: Proposal The economic progress of Kenya after independence Did Japan encounter rapid economic growth after the WW2? What frameworks did the Japanese government employ to stimulate economic growth? After WW2, each country that participated in the war had to undergo an occupation and reconstruction process in a bid to develop economically, and Japan was no exception. For Japan, in the aftermath of WW2, the country encountered rapid economic growth, which made it become the second-largest economy at that time. However, this paper seeks to outline; the key drivers of the economic development in Japan in the aftermath WW2, it also seeks to explore the microeconomic elements of a market system that stimulated her rapid economic development as well as the macroeconomic development process of post-war Japanese economy famously known a “Miracle Recovery.” In summary, the paper illustrates the economic drivers of Japan after WW2 and…
Argumentative Essay on Canada’s Trade with the United States Introduction Canada trade with the United State is a good thing. It resulted in the establishment of NAFTA an agreement between Canada, the United States and Mexico. In my opinion, the best part is the NAFTA agreement is establishing a relationship among the developed and developing nations which were not in existence before. Trading between Canada has fostered excellent relationships helping both countries build trust as an effort of NAFTA. Trade between the United States and Canada is free, which has strengthened both between these neighbouring countries. The economic prosperity of the two countries has been accelerated by NAFTA and the FTA Canada-US Free Trade Agreement. The trade agreement between these countries has reduced and curbed illegal immigration. NAFTA has been beneficial to both Canada and the United States looking at the 2o years financial effects it has had to these countries. It thinks people should have unending support to NAFTA due to its success (Hufbauer, 2005). This paper will explore the benefits of Canada trade with the United States have…
Tips to Buying the Perfect Kitchenware for Your Home Do you plan to renovate your kitchen or upgrade your kitchenware to the latest appliances in the market? With so many brands out there in the market today, this can be an overwhelming undertaking. Well, don’t stress. Here are some tips to consider when buying kitchenware for your home. Make a Budget and Stick to It Everyone wants to get the latest tech-savvy appliances. It’s essential to work with a budget and buy pocket-friendly appliances that don’t run through your savings. Make a list of all the appliances you are planning to purchase and do research on them to have a realistic idea on what’s reasonable to spend on them. Ask an expert at the store about different competitive brands with high-quality, comparable products and select the most durable, reliable one of value to your money. Know and Measure your Space Make sure to take and write down measurements of the space where you intend to put the appliance. Get the height, width and depth of the space to…
Top Tips When Buying Throttle Controllers Keeping your car in the condition is what you could be dreaming of any time anywhere. The vehicle you own should be fast in the ignition system for you to use it effectively. However, if it does not pick gas easily, that will speed down the system and as well making the car slow to start up. It will help if you check on the throttle controllers for you to have the best system in starting up your vehicle. Choosing the best throttle for your vehicle can be a challenge for you if you have not bought it before. The following are the top aspects of selecting the best accelerators for your car. First, you have to consider the price of the throttles. When buying the throttle controllers either online or from a retail dealer, you have to know the cost of the stuff before you buy it. You have to compare in the market for you to choose one that will suit you. You can find assistance on online platforms on the guide…