Irrigation water availability , issues and their remedies  Problems and issues of Irrigation system in Pakistan Many factors are involved which hinders the effectiveness of irrigation system. Sustainable usage of the irrigation system is of vital importance for the survival of Pakistan as Pakistan is already been declared as water stressed country. Interior periphery of Sindh, Baluchistan and southern Punjab there are clear drought and nearly zero crop production. As the infrastructure for the irrigation system and water management is same so both terms will be used interchangeably. Here the problems of irrigation will be discussed as per category. Financial issues Water economy is a term used in the Pakistan agriculture as the crops are highly dependent on water and for the development and proper functionality of this prodigious system, maintenance of existing infrastructure and new construction is undoubtedly the need of the hour. In Pakistan capital cost for the development of irrigation system is recovered from the user. Operation and maintenance charged are linked to the water charges collected by the provincial governments but due to the incompetence and…

Transcript of Dawes Act (1887) Forty-Ninth Congress of the United States of America; At the Second Session, Begun and held at the City of Washington on Monday, the sixth day of December, one thousand eight hundred and eight-six. An Act to provide for the allotment of lands in severalty to Indians on the various reservations, and to extend the protection of the laws of the United States and the Territories over the Indians, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That in all cases where any tribe or band of Indians has been, or shall hereafter be, located upon any reservation created for their use, either by treaty stipulation or by virtue of an act of Congress or executive order setting apart the same for their use, the President of the United States be, and he hereby is, authorized, whenever in his opinion any reservation or any part thereof of such Indians is advantageous for agricultural and grazing purposes, to cause said reservation, or…

  Introduction The United Kingdom economy is ranked the sixth-largest economy worldwide through the GDP rank, the economy is market orientated and highly developed. Moreover, the economy purchasing power in among the top ten in the world and comprises of more than 3.3 percent of the globe Gross Domestic Product. In a survey conducted in 2016 the UK was among the top ten goods exporter globally and was ranked fifth in the world in goods importation. Being one of the most globalized economy in the European region it is made up of Northern Ireland, Wales, England and Scotland. 80 percent of the gross domestic product in UK is contributed by the service sector.   Moreover, financial services industry, British Aerospace industry and pharmaceutical industry plays a vital role in UK economy. Moreover more than 5 percent of the largest companies in the globe have their headquarters in UK. Historically, industrialization in the 18th century made the UK dominate the world economy. The agriculture sector, construction sector and production industries such as electricity, gas and water supply adds a gross value…

Community of Practise Proposal Executive Summary The College of Human Sciences and Education (CHSE) at Louisiana State University aims at implementing a knowledge management strategy in which Community of Practise has been identified as a key area to be explored during the project. The CHSE does not have a long history in the University compared to other colleges. It was established in 2012, and consists of five constituent schools, which include: School of Education School of Leadership and Human Resource School of Kinesiology School of Library and Information Science School of Social Work The different schools mentioned above are located at different buildings within the University. This situation threatens research collaborations among the schools due to proximity issues. So far, there have been collaborations between two faculty members of the School of Kinesiology and School of Social Work. On the contrary, over the years, there has been no research collaborations between the Schools of Library and Information Science, Leadership and Human Resource Development, which exist within the same building, Coates Hall. The terminology, research collaboration, refers to the process through…

            Rising of Tariffs under International Trade             The raising of Tariffs has become one of the world largest economies; the USA is said to influence more on economic power. However, under the current leadership of President Trump USA as a nation decided to be engaged in a series of a trade war where they are now using tariffs as their primary supporting weapon. While conducting his campaign president, Trump frequently stated that he had the beliefs the ensure nation was suffering from various bad deals of trade and that there is the manipulation of tactics which comes from china. Trump as soon as he gets in the office; he started imposing various tariffs towards imported goods and the adjusted them as an attempt of making trade conditions to be more favourable for the citizens of the states. To eliminate increasing of tariffs, Trumps decided to impose 10-25%  tariffs on billions of dollars of  Chinese goods like solar panels, steel and aluminium. In response to this act, the Chinese were forced to put tariffs on the products of America that…

Overpopulation and the Environment   Introduction The development and growth of human beings have witnessed growing exponentially over the years. This is attributable to the cultural, social, anthropological, political, and economic aspects that impact the course of action and perception of human beings. In addition, in a bid to provide that the survival of human beings as well as fulfilling the procreation needs, the population of humans has seen an ever-increasing trend at an alarming rate. As a result, the growth of the human population has also attracted advantages and disadvantages based on the current condition. Among the issues associated with population growth if it goes unchecked is the overpopulation factor. Over the years, overpopulation has been identified as causing more harm compared to the associated good to the majority of countries. The paper will explore the overpopulation concept and its impact on the environment. The associated causes and impacts will be discussed and the possible solutions provided. The primary focus on the solutions is China’s one-child policy and its effects on controlling the damages to the environment. Overpopulation Overpopulation is…

Egyptian economy There is a strict environmental policy in Egypt. It is governed by the law number 4, which was passed in 1994. It is illegal to handle any hazardous material or the establishment of any plant that either manufactures or treats such substances. The measure makes many investors, such as those who would have made industries such as those involved in the manufacture of chemicals such as sulphuric acid. It also requires that some of the people who import such products have licenses. The policy also falls under the weapons policy. The main argument s that the chemicals may be used in the interference of security. Some of the attacks have been made by groups that dealt with such chemicals. In some cases, when they are not involved, they are hijacked by militia and the products used in attacks. The industrial sector is also not allowed to leak any wastes to the environment. If they do so, they are subject to the revocation of licenses. Foreign investors are also bound to be banished from the company. In addition to…

Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date Summary and reflection on North America Part 1 This section highlights key issues that have been discovered in North America. First and foremost, the uneven distribution of natural resources. North America is formed by the Caribbean, Central America, and North America itself. That is geographically they form the continent North America. The continent of North America does not produce enough oil to serve the whole continent, thus depend on imports. The United States has been ranked among the top producers and consumers of oil. Since they still import oil means that they consume more than they produce. This trend is likely to impose dangers on the environment if other forms of energy are not resorted to. Secondly, there is increased deforestation, pollution and the reduction of freshwaters. All the factors herein may affect ecological balance. In studying this, important topics of how dams can destroy estuaries, and the harmful effects of over-pumping water bodies were covered. Pollution is a significant threat to the environment. These issues can be further broken down into air and…

The Neolithic The first agricultural revolution, or commonly known as the Neolithic Revolution, marked the beginning of an extensive scale migration of humans from hunting and gathering to that of settlement and agriculture. Human beings began evolving and behaving differently than in the past. Rather than depending on food gathering, humans began developing new technologies to produce food. About 10,000BC, humans began forming agricultural villages. According to Freeman (2019), these villages revolutionized the social sphere of the people in the past, causing them to depart from the former systems and ways of life. The new farming technology allowed people to live in concentrated and more permanent residence. Not everyone had to spend their whole time devoted to food production. The society was opening up for more responsibilities that needed more people to engage in. The food produced was distributed among members, and the rest went to the farmers. Further, the new technological systems of farming allowed people to live together as a community. The communities became reproductive not only in agriculture but also in arts and creativity. Through technology, people…

My question: Why Maathai only encourage poor women? How about the poor males? Wangari Maathai chose to involve women in establishing tree-nurseries and tree planting initiatives since a majority of them were “poor and illiterate” with no formal jobs; hence it employed them (Knopf, 2006, p.135). Moreover, she observed that most conservation programs started in different parts of Kenya were failing due to lack of “local people who are committed to the process and were willing to work with their communities” (p.132). Therefore, women who were mostly farmers embraced her initiatives more than men. For instance, after acquiring a donkey to help women fetch water in Isinya to water trees, the local community members mostly men chose to use the donkey for other tasks since their culture regarded water-fetching as a role of women. Big question: What would you do to preserve the nature? In my opinion, I will use both Maathai and Leopold’s approaches. Based on Leopold’s approach, I will carry out conservation sensitization through education in schools as well as creating public awareness to various communities on the…

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