ASSIGNMENT 3: CRITIQUE OF INTERVIEW                         SECTION 1.          SECTION 1A: FOCUS ON SELF REFLECTION Before the interview I had studied every possible question that could be asked out there. I had researched on every forwards and the backwords the company had influence on. It was practically there after all the research and all the waiting. The anxiety was there may be in a few minutes and seconds. I did all I could to get myself back to the cool mode before it happened.  In the current situation I believed there had never been a time when cooperation from international unions was needed at an urgent rate to fight and contain the virus.  This became the most acute pandemic and had never considered it that serious as we had thought. On planning on the interview I considered the virus to fall under the version of shared future. Many medical teams were spread all over to spread the worlds contribution to return to normal ways on containing the pandemic. This affected the availability of the gathered information since the interaction…

LABOR ECONOMICS (ECON 620), SPRING 2020 Prof. Hugh Cassidy     Assignment #5 Due: Thursday, April 23rd (on Canvas)     Name:                                                            Student ID:                                                                           This assignment will be graded out of 30 points. Please show your work! Points are only awarded if your work is properly shown. Partial grades will be awarded, in case you aren’t able to answer each question fully. Use the space provided below the question to answer; if additional space is needed, please write on the back of the paper or attach another sheet and make a note on the assignment that you did so.     Question 1: (10 points) Suppose the marginal revenue product of all workers is: 𝑀𝑅𝑃 = 40 − 2𝐿, where 𝐿 is the total number hired. There are only women in this market. The market wage is: 𝑊 = $8. Draw the 𝑀𝑅𝑃 curve on the graph           How many women does this firm hire? How much profit does it earn? Indicate these values on the graph below.   𝑀𝑅𝑃 = 40 − 2𝐿…

Why did the Great Leap Forward fail? The great leap forward was an ambitious socio-economic program that suffered poor coordination as envisaged in its characteristic Stalinist structure and backyard industry that produce low-quality goods. ( HIST 103: Slide 1 The Great Leap Forward, 10.04.2020). Mao Zedong launched the ambitious program in 1958 to rapidly transform the country from an agrarian economy to a communist society. This was to solve China’s long-standing history of external invasion (Korean War, resist America), civil wars (Chinese Civil War), and political instability from the class struggle for Land reforms (HIST 103: Slide 1 The Great Leap Forward, April 20, 2020). The Great Leap Forward strategy introduced collective system, oversaw the conversion of Farms into steel industries, and centralized control by the national government (HIST 103: Slide 2, The Great Leap Forward, April 20, 2020). Zedong’s goal was to make China stronger by overtaking Capitalist nations in a short period. The collective systems worked by restructuring families into communes containing thousands of families. The families were militarized as their tools and equipment were surrendered to the…

Question 1 Whenever the inflation rate is below the expected limit, the real interest rate increases to high levels than expected. For instance, the market equilibrium is expected to have a 3% real interest rate whenever marketers expect inflation to hit 4%. As such, the nominal interest rate tends to increase by up to 7%. However, if the inflation rate is 2%, the real interest rate is 5%, which is as a result of subtracting the 7% from the 2% inflation rate. In this case, the real interest rate is beyond the expected limit; thus, the leader tends to gain while the borrower loses. The Global Financial Crisis was characterized by homeowners who had invested in fixed-rate mortgages. However, in the mid-2000s, the homeowners having fixed mortgages lost to pay high-interest rates. On the other hand, banks that have had the mortgages benefited due to the low than expected inflation rates experienced in the markets. Expecting a higher inflation rate provides the best opportunity to align the mortgage rates. However, the difference between the variable rates and fixed rate is…

Name Supervisor Course Date Importance of Commercial Banking Commercial banks are an indispensable element of any functioning market economy. Commercial banks facilitate a transfer of payments in private households, companies, and government entities. As cash only plays a minor role in our everyday lives, banks organize a large part of our monetary dealings through electronic transactions. The purpose is for the exchange of economic goods and services for zero money or the settling of financial obligations. Companies pay wages, taxes, and contributions to social insurance systems suppliers’ invoices, and make other transactions. Electronically, private households transfer rents and pay their bills. Everything we pay is debited from our accounts. All of these money flows are made possible through the bank’s transfer of payments. Banks act as financial intermediaries for people and businesses that save money and those that also need loans. In this context, commercial banks fulfill several functions. Their most important tasks as intermediaries are the pooling of assets, maturity transformation, and the risk transformation for savers and providers of capital on the one side and borrowers and investors…

          ATF Regulations and Current Events Pushing to Change Them Student Institution Date                             ATF Regulations and Current Events Pushing to Change Them The gun violence burden is significantly high for the urban areas in America. Braga et al. (2012) observe that gunfire kills thousands of Americans annually, with hundreds of thousands more facing injuries and gun threats in assaults and robberies. The supply of firearms that fall into the wrong hands contributes substantially to serious gun violence. Statistics indicate that only one in six firearms used in crime was acquired legally, and a relatively small number of very active criminals commit most of the serious gun violence (Braga et al., 2012). Irvin et al. (2014) note that the current federal regulations and enforcement practices curtail the ability of the federal government to deter the sales of illegal firearms effectively by licensed dealers. Consequently, states have enacted their laws and established an additional layer to effect gun control oversight. The gun dealer procedures…

United States lacks a market price for healthcare services Firstly, the United States lacks a market price for healthcare services; it lacks feedback mechanisms that can show the value of the resources that were used to provide services to allow the setting of a standard price for healthcare services (Costello, 2020). Secondly, patients in the United States are insured by third-party payers who are responsible for their medical bills. Lastly, the healthcare services offered by various healthcare facilities are significantly different from one another; that is, the healthcare services in the United States meet the definition of a heterogeneous product. Briefly describe the concepts of market justice and social justice. In what way do the two principles complement each other, and in what way do they conflict in the U.S. system of health care delivery? According to market justice, health care is a commercial good provided in a free-market condition (Costello, 2020). It holds that businesses equitably allocate healthcare resources and that the ability of people to pay determines healthcare service distribution and access. Social justice takes health care as…

Merging Organization Culture The change management challenges For one, organization culture can become challenging to merge, especially for employees joining the mother organization. During such a change, the employees may find it challenging to adapt to the new culture or simply resist (Managing Change, 2009). Another concern is about retaining employees. A new organization may downsize the operation of the acquired firm to optimize performance. The organization will find it hard to retain the remaining workforce. The second challenge is that the quality of customer service and the competitive edge of the brand may vanish during such a change. This is because the new organization may become too big and lose touch with its customers. Customer’s concerns about the merger However, for customers of Canada Trust, an acquisition causes a change in the organization’s culture as they have to adapt to TD’s culture. The level of customer service may be affected because TD’s strength is not in customer service but enhancing sales and having a robust banking presence (Jackson, 2018). For one, Canada Trust’s branches have been reduced, which further…

Section IV: Supply Chain Those who sell on the Amazon platform have different objectives with their products. However, the company s to have its products sold at the right time and the correct prices. It can achieve this thanks to an effective supply chain. Being the newest product in the market by the company, Amazon wants Amazon Echo Spot to be well patronized. Thus, its supply chain is designed to reduce lead product times. The main activities entail manufacturing using the appropriate technologies, reducing the product lead times, and timely delivery ones the customers place their orders. The main attributes of the company’s distribution approach are manufacturing, warehousing, technologies, delivery of the products to the customer. They are as detailed below. Warehousing Some of the marketing successes registered by the company regarding this product are hinged on the warehousing aspect. It is tailored to ensure that the Echo Spot products are readily available and accessible to the clientele for secure patronage. The company serves that the global market is meaning that its products are available to every customer. All of…

The threats and the disadvantages of quantum computers and cybersecurity Introduction The development of new generation computers that can solve complex scientific problems depends on quantum mechanics to unlock every single digital vault globally. Quantum mechanics has been behind the idea of quantum computing which will be able to perform computations in seconds that have taken years for conventional computers. These computers will enable improved weather forecasting, logistical planning, financial analysis, a simplified approach towards searching for earthlike planets and discovering new drugs. However, despite this advantage that is presented by quantum computers, they will compromise bank records, passwords on computers and private communication globally. This compromise is because modern cryptography has been based on encoding data that is in large numerical combinations and quantum computers have the potential to guess these numbers instantly. Expectations on quantum computing will be revolutionary, as expected, however, so far and in the future, there are some threats and disadvantages on cybersecurity. The purpose of this paper is to assess the foreseeable and existing risks and disadvantages of quantum computers and cybersecurity. Quantum Computers…

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