How to Prevent Antibiotics Resistance Cause and Prevention of Antibiotics Resistance Introduction The current world has become dynamic not only on the business sector but also in the health sector. In the recent, past there are increased cases of new infections that are either viral or bacterial and new drugs have been developed to supress viral infections and antibiotics to cure bacterial related illness. However, despite the increased inventions in the pharmaceutical industry some antibiotics have become ineffective and they no longer cure the expected illness due to resistance (Ventola, 2015).. Antibiotics are antimicrobial substances that act against bacteria and are widely used to treat and prevent bacterial infections. Antibiotics inhibit the growth and multiplication of bacterial in the body or completely kill them thus curing the infection. Antibiotic resistance occurs when germs like fungi and bacteria develops ability to act against drugs that are meant to kill or inhibit their multiplication (Fischbach & Walsh, 2009). According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2020), infection caused by antibiotics resistant germs are difficult and sometimes impossible to treat and they…
Impact of a major problem in Florida Introduction The general study on the research paper is to research the effect of the hurricane in Florida. The study will evaluate the impact of hurricane Irma on the economy of Florida. Hurricane Irma is one of the problems facing Florida, which is the bracing catastrophic that hits Florida, which its economy is essential to the United States. The research will mainly demonstrate how Hurricane Irma is affecting the economy and business of Florida (King et al. 2019, November) From Feher et al. (2019), Florida light and power, the State’s most prominent electric utility firm, has given warning that many residents of Florida are at risk of being affected by power Outages mainly during the hurricane. According to research, it has been discovered that more than 35,000 households, mostly in Miami-Dade have been affected by this problem as they are experience power lost due to heavy rains and winds this is a report from the Florida power and light. Many households are experiencing energy loss for several weeks. As a result of the…
Food Microbiology Food microbiology is the study of microorganisms that create, inhibit and contaminate food. Food microbiology involves negative and positive interactions into microbes and food. Microbiology includes studying microorganisms that cause foods to spoil; as well as, pathogens that cause illnesses, especially if foods are stored and cooked improperly (USDA FSIS,2018). Apart from studying on food spoilage and disease, we also view microbiology in production of foods by the use of beneficial microorganisms. In this review, I will discuss the importance of food microbiology study, Factors that contribute to microbe growth in food, safety measures of food and reasons for choosing this study. Studying food microbiology is important to everyone because one will acquire knowledge on the cause of food spoilage, in manufacturing products of food, the transmission of food illness by foods. The positive benefits of studying the microbiology of food are in industrial fermentation such as in the production of dairy products and alcohol by the use of yeast and antibiotic production such as penicillin (Saxena, 2015). Production of enzymes such as Taq Polymerase and finally contributes…
Globalisation vs Global Economy The term globalisation has received much publicity due to its powerful representation of the most influential forces which influences the future course of the world. This concept focuses on various components namely the political, economic, environmental, social, security, cultural, health among other dimensions. This research explores globalisation in the form of the global economic patterns and trading activities. Although the concept of globalisation dates back in the 1980s’ this term had deep roots in the ancient times with many people interpreting it differently. These varied explanations have resulted in many reactions from scholars, activists and policymakers, regarding the term globalisation. Whereas some have described it as the force for global economic advancement, others have viewed globalisation as the most dangerous phenomenon which could ruin the economy of the world (You, 2002). However, globalisation could be a source of global conflicts. Still, at the same time, it can manage them via the beneficial effects of competition and the likely global collaboration. The global cooperation or the creation of new international institutions could help to offset the positive…
Globalisation vs. Global Economy The term globalisation has received much publicity due to its powerful representation of the most influential forces which are continuously shaping the future course of the world. This concept focuses on various components, namely the political, economic, environmental, social, security, cultural, health, among other dimensions. Although the idea of globalisation was in use by the 1980s by the Chinese scholars,it has deep roots in ancient times, with groups of authors and government leaders interpreting it differently. These varied explanations have resulted in many reactions from scholars, activists, and policymakers, regarding the applicability and objective of globalisation. Whereas some have described it as the force for global economic advancement, others have viewed globalisation as the most dangerous phenomenon which could ruin the economies of the world (You, 2002). One could also argue thatglobalisation may cause numerous global conflicts. However, supporters of this issue asserts that it can manage challenges via the beneficial effects of competition and the likely global collaboration. The global cooperation or the creation of new international institutions could help to offset the positive and…
Global supply chain design The global supply chain is defined as a dynamic worldwide network, and it takes place when a company buys or uses goods and services from external (Bottani et al.,2019). Supply chain design is defined as a process where organization structure, together with the managers, can supply products to identifythe right stability between stock, transport, and in cost of manufacturing.Designing of the supply chain is used in matching the supply and demand under the uncertainty by positioning effectively managing inventory.One can benefit from using supply chain design because it creates a solution as well as consulting of the supply chain planning from the strategic to the operational level. It helps in delivering answers on various scenarios at a strategic level by including modeling of inbound flows, production as well as delivering inventory and outbound.The aim of the essay is to analyses the perspectives on global supply chain design, evaluating the roles of uncertainty in global supply chains as well as categorizing issues and concerns that are in global sourcing decisions. The perspectives on global supply chain design…
The stages of supply development for supply chain metrics The stages of supply development for supply chain metrics are as follows: Stage 1: Planning- It requires companies to decide on their operating strategies by weighing the merits and demerits of diverse options presented by intercontinental supply chains. Stage 2: Sourcing- It involves organizing how the organization will acquire its cargo at the best possible cost, at the correct time as well as in the correct quantity. Stage 3: Making- This constitutes scheduling of production operations, testing of products, packing, and eventually releasing the products. It may also include managing rules governing, performance, data storage, regulatory compliance, and facilities. Stage 4: Delivering- It entails all the steps from processing client inquiries to choosing distribution plans and transportation choices. Warehouse and inventory management strategies should also be clearly stated at this stage. Stage 5: Returning- It incorporates all that pertains to the management of all returns of defective goods or “end of life” products. This includes product condition identification, returns authorization, shipment scheduling, refunds provision, and defective product replacement. The most challenging…
Social diversity A minority group is that whose members go through a sequence of inequality and disadvantages, which generally extend to ownership of property, employment sectors, education, housing, political power and healthcare. The minority group share visible characteristics such as skin colour, body structure, facial features in which they hold with low esteem, for making them look different from the others. A minority group sees the disadvantages and inequalities they go through in society. The members of a minority group attain their status through an involuntary trait, birth. They primarily practise endogamy, for many states previously had laws against interracial marriages. A dominant group is that whose members have great opportunities, social image and a lot of power. Karl Marx and Max Weber theoretically try to bring out a description of a dominant group. Karl Max, a German Philosopher, made a theory of inequality, history and social change where he blames the economic system about the means of production. There is a strain existing in between the poor and the rich. Karl Marx gives examples of things that chip in…
Analyzing News Reports on the Colorado River Crisis Colorado river is one of the significant streams of North America with its source in the Rocky Mountains. The river drains across two states in Mexico and seven U.S states flowing southwest in Colorado Plateau through the Grand Canyon reaching Lake Mead. The river turns south, entering Mexico towards the Gulf of California. Recently the water level of the Colorado River has significantly dropped due to climate change and human resources usage like irrigation along the river. The study shows that the water shortage from the river would affect Southwest and Arizona (Bergstrom, 2016). More so, the water level of Lake Mead decreases year after year due to less water supply from the Colorado River. The study gets carried out concerning the lake Mead water decrease showing various effects to all beneficiaries of the water supply. This paper analyzes news reports regarding the Colorado river water crisis and anticipated impact due to the water shortage. Tony Davis uses scientific information retrieved from four master’s students who had graduated from the University of…
Milestone 2: Crisis Situation Analysis and Response Tactics. Introduction Given the intricacies of crises that the Haddonfield county probation department is facing, the organization requires a strategic response plan that advocates the involvement of all multiple organization players, above and beyond the short-term emergency response tactic. Mitigating the impact of the crises on the overall organization strategy calls for the need for an established framework for coordinated action for an effective result. Whereas the need to conduct situation analysis will establish the possibility of a constitutional crisis and help develop a suitable response tactic for organization survival and damage reputation (Ashari et al., 2017). How well the department of probation responses to the issue of staff misconduct complications, organization’s staffing issues, and current budgetary problems will test the organization’s resolute capacity to provide the appropriate mitigation strategies to protect the organization’s mandate of serving the juvenile offenders. Furthermore, as a department, we will embark on concentrate on improving the views of society when it comes to the department interaction with crime and law enforcement, rather than on the criminal justice…