Unproductivity economic levels of poverty Unproductivity economic levels of poverty go in hand with the economy of a country. Though El Salvador’s economy has been positively progressing, it is still suffering from sluggishness. The agricultural sector has proven that effect. Coffee rust and fungus that kills coffee beans have damaged coffee crops in El Salvador. Deterioration of El Salvador’s economy has been attributed continuously by the decrease in coffee export; thus, poverty was more in a rural area. Youths who are struggling to find employment are affected by the sluggish economy. Organizations like the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) have come to their rescue and are offering aid to them. IFAD has strategies for improving the agricultural community by investing 41Million US dollars between 2015 to 2021. Another sign of commitment to Salvadorians by IFAD is its strategy being a community-based approach. In other words, the causes of poverty that plague El Salvador are being wiped out by the help of  IFAD’s international aid. 2.Crime The world’s most violent country in El Salvador. Drug trafficking and rampant gang…

Turkey Economy Products Produced The majority of the Turkish people depend on agriculture as an occupation despite the high rise of the industrialization sectors. Turkey has been ranked as one of the countries that can fully support its citizens with enough food. The growth of this food is mainly favored by the fertile soil, the excellent climate that supports the food crops, and adequate rainfall in the areas that the plants are grown.  Farming is mostly practiced in most parts of Turkey e although it is less practiced in the eastern regions where mountains surround it. In these areas, animal husbandry is the most practiced activities as it favors it.  Animal husbandry coves about a quarter of the total value of the total agriculture production. Turkey is one of the countries in the world that covered the highest land, which is under agriculture. As per 2015, about 35.5% of the area is arable lands, and the forest sector covers about 15% of the total land, and about 18.4% 0f the whole nation is under irrigation.  76% of the total agricultural…

CRIME ANALYSIS Criminal investigations involve guided procedures in the study of illegal activities as well as other police-related activities. It includes socio-economic, spatial, and temporary elements of the disorder under-identification. The analysts, through the systematic procedures, participate in activities for the prevention and control of complications. Majorly the investigation is based on criminal activities such as rape, robbery, and burglary. The main areas of study involve data on the illegal activities that take place in the region. Current technology has provided law enforcement authorities with the tools necessary to analyze crime in productive ways.  Crime analysts play a critical role in the provision of unique services through advanced systems to identify as well as prevent criminal activities.  The range of operations performed by the analysis is comprehensive, consisting of developing methods to eradicate disorders. They provide awareness about crime-related activities as well as providing resources required for patrol investigations (Gill, 2018). The analyst helps the police in identifying, apprehending, prosecution, and trial of the lawbreakers. Moreover, data provided by the analysts is implemented by organizations and community monitoring forces. The…

Reflection on Episode 10: Ken Lachlan The individual who was interviewed in this episode was Ken Lachlan. He was born in 1975 in Warwick, Connecticut. He is the head of the department of communication, and he is also a professor and a researcher in the field of crisis and risk. He started his career with a study in business and ended up focusing on communication later in his studies. The topic of interest in this episode was crisis and risk, how the communication during a crisis, and how appropriate communication could save lives. The main point brought forwards was that during the time of national crisis or any significant risk moment, it is important to analyze sources that report on the crisis. Additionally, the development of media literacy is important in crisis moments, especially with the growth of social media. The episode touched on an important aspect of communication that affects our daily lives in terms of risk and crisis moments. Lachlan mentioned that during a crisis moment, individuals tend to accept the first information that reaches them, and this…

Cyber Crime        Cybercrime is an illegal act punishable by the government or state in which digital computers and the internet are used as an object in committing the crime. Cybercrime incorporates anything from downloading criminal records to taking cash from online financial balances (Dennis, 2019). Some of the most noticeable types of cybercrime include disavowal of administration assault, online extortion, online tax evasion, and fraud. Lawbreakers may utilize the web to take individual data, through hacking, phishing, and spamming, by drawing clients to counterfeit sites and unlawful access to co-corporate databases.  In addition to that, criminals also use computers and the internet in bullying and trafficking children pornography materials. In the recent past, cyber crimes have increased tremendously with the USA, Russia, and China reporting most numbers of cybercriminals. The most common place where cybercrime and cyber terrorism takes place is through the darknet, which is a network built on top of the internet that is purposely hidden or created for anonymity. Such sites are accessible only with special tools, software, browsers, and other protocols beyond direct links or…

The economy of Qatar The economy of Qatar as one of the richest worldwide based on GDP per capita with the World Bank and IMF ranking it as the fifth and the seventh on the world, according to 2015 and 2016 data. Qatar’s economy has its cornerstones being Petroleum and natural gas, which accounts for over 70% of all the government revenue as well as over 60% of gross domestic products. Further it amounts to approximately 85% of the export earnings. For instance, Qatar has other world’s third-largest natural gas reserves that is proves and it is the second-largest exporter of natural gas. The Qatari government is getting concerned that most of the country’s national income is majorly relies on the revenue received from the exportation of Qatari Petroleum-based products. Hence, the question of whether reliance on Petroleum-based exports are good for Qatar’s economy in the long run or not.  Qatar’s government should rely on Petroleum-based exports. ………………………………………….. https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHBF_enKE884KE884&sxsrf=ALeKk03F5UjPt1jGRad0E8I_g8P0Y01DGw%3A1582914094033&ei=LlpZXpfZAZrAgwfc75jACw&q=Arguments+for+reliance+on+petroleum-based+exports&oq=Arguments+for+reliance+on+petroleum-based+exports&gs_l=psy-ab.3…33434.33434..35357…0.2..0.587.587.5-1……0….1..gws-wiz…….0i71.KGUZYQ9exuw&ved=0ahUKEwiXqKPC7vTnAhUa4OAKHdw3BrgQ4dUDCAs&uact=5 Qatar government should continue relying on Petroleum based exports since the Qatar economy is doing so well right now. Currently, Qatar’s…

governments control the price of tobacco by creating a price floor Question 1: Many governments control the price of tobacco by creating a price floor. If a government decides to create a price floor for a product, the economy will have a deadweight loss. Draw a supply and demand curve and show how the price floor will create deadweight loss. In your diagram show the areas for Consumer Surplus, Producer Surplus, and Deadweight Loss. In a free market without government intervention equilibrium is naturally attained through the interplay of demand and supply forces. At equilibrium, the sellers are willing and able to sell the equilibrium quantity at the prevailing price while buyers are also willing to buy at the equilibrium price. When the market meets the equilibrium supply is equal to demand. In rare case, the government interferes with the free market naturally interaction of demand and supply to control the economy. There are several ways in which the government undertakes the control and some of which includes price floor, taxes and price ceiling. The government always apply price floors…

Cultural representation in Films Recently there has been increased attention on racism in films in Hollywood, this can be reflected on who is the actor, and the director of the film and how people have been represented on the screen. Over the years, Hollywood has provided different examples of racist depictions, with the African American and Asians being mostly the targets. Since the birth of Hollywood in the 1900s, it has been characterized by racially stereotyped roles and racism in the form of exclusion. Take, for instance, the movie Breakfast at Tiffany, where Mr Yunioshi, who’s mysterious and a comic character is meant to mock the Japanese. Both the Native Americans and African Americans have often been marginalized in Hollywood. Up to date,some representation of them in films weren’t even made by people who know much about them. Therefore, this creates a bizarre depiction of them in cinema, especially for those who do not know the Native Americans or the African Americans. This also creates confusion among them since they cannot relate to what is depicted about them in the…

Protestant Reformation, the French Revolution and the economic boom experienced in the 17th century Introduction In the past, many events were interrelated, and this is mainly because societies were all going through changes. In Western Europe, there had been different social constructs that had been put in place, and these affected the way people lived. But as time went by, people began to take charge of themselves and wanted to explore rather than merely follow the rules. In many ways, the events that happened in these Western European countries significantly shaped the way society thinks eve today and is thus very important to understand them. Certain changed began taking place in different European countries, but they were all interrelated. In history, many events lead to the occurrence of others, and that is the main reason for this paper. In this paper, I look at three of the most significant changes that took place from the 16th and 17th centuries and the way they impacted society. These three are the Protestant Reformation, the French Revolution and the economic boom experienced in…

Healthcare in West Africa             Every government has to provide sustainable healthcare services and facilities to its citizens. Even after independence, most African nations have poor and under-developed healthcare facilities, which cannot offer quality services to their citizens. There is still high mortality for patients with critical conditions since there no quality services available for them, and in case there are, they are too expensive for an ordinary citizen. This paper will discuss the post-independence condition of health in Nigeria, Ghana, and Niger. Nigeria’s healthcare facilities are generally considered as poor since they got a poor supply of essential services such as blood and other medical supplies. The government employees and other employees in private sectors are entitled to a health insurance scheme, which is catered for by the employers (Anthony Iroju). The employees can use the insurance scheme to get the medical care they need without paying for the services. There are three levels of healthcare facilities in Nigeria, which include the state, federal, and local. There are many uncertainties in healthcare that make the cost of providing healthcare…

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