Discuss multi-cultural America and race Multiculturalism refers to the availability of various cultures in one space. Multiculturalism in the United States refers to the different cultures that are found in the United States.  The United States, currently inhibited by various cultures, present different histories on how these cultures got into the country and the events that followed the multiple cultures going into the United States. While the aspect of multiculturalism is currently efficiently adopted in the United States, there is the fact that the various cultures present in the country got into the country with various motives. This paper explores the factor of the immigration of the Europeans and African Americans into the United States. The immigration of the Europeans to the United States represents the first immigration into the country. The migration of the Europeans into the United States followed exploration expeditions that led to the discovery of the land s that at the time was inhabited by the native Americans who were mainly Indians. The notable immigration of the Europeans into the United States began in the year…

  How Coronavirus affect Globalization and the Asian Community Introduction The Coronavirus spread out in China in the year 2019 and continues to spread at a fast rate. The pandemic first happened in Wuhan, China, but has since spread around the world. The coronavirus spread from China then moved to the Asian continent to Europe and is currently being experienced in the United States. The WHO and the whole globe had to face new people being infected with Covid-19 and face deaths to those who were infected with the virus. As a result, people have developed fears of the virus leading to the discrimination of the Asian community. Besides, fear and lack of education have fuelled racist sentiments with the Asian community being targeted around the globe. Discrimination and racism being posed to the Asian community around the world have affected the global economic system. Lack of education and fear of the Coronavirus has fuelled racist sentiments that target the Asian community around the world leading to health and economic effects. Discussion There is no excuse for any racial discrimination…

Effect of Diversification on Firms’ Value Introduction In the 1950s and 1960s, a majority of corporate went the way of massive programs for diversification. The process continued until the 1960s when it reached its climax with the enormous rise to prominence of substantial conglomerate firms. That trend has, however, reversed in the past 15 years. The return to specialization replaced it. The push towards focus came as a result of the view that diversification that is unrelated leads to a decrease in the value of a firm. Arguments from theory argue that diversification, however, bears both value-reducing and value-enhancing effects. The benefits that could arise as a result of operating different business lines in a similar firm is the increase in operating efficiency, decreasing or low incentive of preceding the positive net present projects, the capacity of enormous debt, and lower taxes. However, there are potential costs that arise as a result of diversification, and they include the following; the employment of the diversification at the organizational workplace leads to the improved decision-making process, improved production value, and sharing of…

Reflection: What Makes People Happy People have different thoughts and beliefs about what makes them happy or self-sufficient. Besides, people have different definitions of happiness, which also affects their ingredients of what makes them happy. It is a fact that happiness is a mood and a good thing, but it fades just like moods swing with time. No one is capable of holding onto their happiness when it’s time to pass comes. Thus, happiness does not endure, nor does it satisfy because one can lose it at any given time. I believe happiness is the good feeling that people usually have sometimes in life. There are several reasons thought to be sources of happiness by men, and people pursue them in search of self-satisfaction or accomplishment (Slavitt, David and Boethius 83). Some people think that having good relationships, jobs, or any social behaviors such as charity work makes people feel happy. Regardless of the source of happiness, it always necessary and pleasant to be happy. Happiness helps people to pursue their ambitions and achieve life goals because it instills self-drive…

  ECONOMICS OF DISASTER There are numerous reasons as to why any book written on the mitigation of natural disasters might b of interest to me on the current study of the economics of disaster. First, it is essential to note that major natural disasters are usually associated with severe negative short-run economic impacts. Thus any book which describes the mitigation procedures will be of interest to me because it will enlighten me on the process which can be used to address the major natural disasters. Secondly, natural  disasters also appear to have a severe longer-term impact for economic growth, poverty reduction as well as development thus any book that describes the topic of natural disasters will be of great interest to me because it will enlighten me on the various ways through which I can be able to reduce the impact of natural disasters, it will enlighten me on the most appropriate actions which can be taken to ensure that even if the natural disasters occur they do not have long last impacts. Thirdly, any book written on mitigation…

Why is security an ‘essentially contested’ term? When we think of security, the immediate thought that comes into our mind is warfare. The major reason that hits us is safety from attack which could be foreign or internal attacks. Different people have different understanding of the term and its application in various life scenarios. However, security encompasses more than that. It controls how people relate with each other within the society, nationwide and internationally. Security is a broad term to define as it entails five major factors to be considered. Security revolves around military, economic, society, political and environmental aspects. Military security is the major branch of security. It entails self-defense in terms of weaponry and war technology. Economic security involves the financial stability while political focus on the leadership relations. Lastly environmental security is the ability to ensure safety from natural disasters while societal is the most basic form which entails people relations amongst themselves. They are generally three broad division of security; personal, national and international security. Personal security is the most basic of the three. It is…

Dublin society Archeologists concerned with social and economic development in the historic era consider capitalism as the most useful framework for tentative changing practice. This has provided a link between ideology, material culture, labor relations, power, consumerism, and resistance. The concept of improvement originally functioned as a financial creed to improve the nation’s fortune and thereby to improve standards of living of its inhabitants. By observing enlightened principals, prosperity and trade would flow morals and habits, reforms, and nations modernized. Individuals such as John Locke and Francis Bacon ordered explicitly and well-managed landscape with civility; they believed that it was possible to have a civilizing influence on the populace. Locke justified the confiscation of land from those who were reluctant to improve it to an English standard; this justified British imperialism in North America and Ireland. By the end of 17TH-century improvement, the creed was concerned with reforms in agriculture, which entailed ‘waste’ reclamation and field systems enclosure; customary laws elimination that affected real lives of cordial people, for instance, access to land held in stock and rights erosion. Tenant…

White Collar Crimes Introduction Since the onset of industrialization, more sophisticated crimes have arisen. As more people joined the rat race, the crime for financial gain was no longer only violent and wasn’t only linked to people in the lower classes. Being that those who were able to secure well-paying jobs were automatically placed in the middle and upper classes, Sutherland argued that individuals could also commit crimes from all social classes, where business people used the mask of respectability to commit fraud, extort and embezzle funds for their financial gain. Sutherland’s definition was later on criticized for being plain and non- inclusive, and later on, many definitions from different sociologists and criminologists came up. From my research, I would, therefore, classify white-collar crimes as crimes committed by individuals in the course of their employment, involving deceit and concealment, which violate trust, moral or ethical obligations, and civil, criminal and regulatory laws for the individuals’ financial gain. The term white-collar crimes thus cover a wide array of crimes. It’s done in a sophisticated manner and may not be easy to…

Representation of Gender and Marriage In Who’s Afraid Of Virginia Woolf  Play Introduction Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? is a play by Edward Albee, who has created a world inhabited by individuals dealing with difficulties in understanding and asserting their identity within a social sphere of change and crisis. The play is a critique of humans and their society and brings to light psychosocial, sexual, philosophical, and political problems that lay at the heart of human existence. The play stands as an opponent of the idea of a perfect American family and the expectations of the society as the play attacks the false optimism and narrow-minded confidence of contemporary society. Edward takes a heavy-handed approach to the display of this contrast, making examples from each character and their expectations for the people around them. The play shows convincing families that are not perfect and possibly ruined, using the two characters, Martha and George, who are married. This paper will try to look at how the play brings out themes of sexuality, marriage, and gender, through the way the play’s characters…

Effects of Corruption Introduction Corruption is the act of an individual, political institution, or an organization benefitting from a material source that is not justifiable. Crime has negatively affected the economic and societal development of states. Therefore, there is a need to curb it before it gets out of hard. The effects of corruption on institutions of any country cannot be overlooked. Topmost institutions have failed to execute their obligated duties because of the long-term effects of crime. Due to the decline in economic and societal development of states. This paper aims at examining the possible impact of corruption, leading to these declines. Violation of Civil and Political Rights Corruption affects various bodies in such means defense of individual privileges are overlooked. It has been observed nations with advanced stages of dishonesty have minor stages of dogmatic and public rights (Kaufmann, 2004). Therefore, there is a possible undesirable association between exploitation and protection of one’s rights. Reduced Economic Growth             The decline in levels of investment, low investment quality, increased stages of unintended tax policy, and imbalance in the allocation…

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