The United Kingdom’s electoral system The United Kingdom’s electoral system has been around for quite a long time, and it is called First-past-the-post voting. This electoral system of voting is unique to the United Kingdom and a few countries such as the United States and Canada. The system is much of a winner takes all and does not take into consideration the voice or desire of the majority. The electoral system has been credited for ensuring political stability in most countries. However, other people such as the Electoral Reform Society in the United Kingdom has called for the abolishment of the First-past-the-post voting system, arguing that it is undemocratic and creates a lot of confusion. The main argument against the voting system is that the minority can have their way over the preferences and interests of the majority due to the division of votes to different parties serving the same view. The minority wins when the majority shares their votes amongst their candidates thus lowering their total vote count. Interestingly, the U.K electoral system scenario played out in the Brexit…

Key stages in the tea industry value chain Value chain management aims to connect the boundaries amongst activities, which craft value for clients and accomplish activities that bring competitive advantage. The value chain helps coordinate activities from initial raw materials throughout the process to the final product (Tippayawong et al. 2017). Through value, the chain industry can plan and improve efficient operations and strengthen the economics and corporate value chain (appendices 3). 3.1 Raw materials The supplies of raw materials come from the major tea producing region, as detailed on (no. 2.2) above and other tea farming countries. Those are major producers; hence one can obtain the raw materials from those regions/countries. 3.2 Primary commodity production According to (Tippayawong et al. 2017), major commodities of tea are black tea, green tea, and Oolong tea, among others. Tea production involves a major step, which includes, starting from seed supply (tea seed supplier) to the final consumer, as shown on appendices 3. 3.3 Supply chain to the production stage and the main market There are several stages involved in tea production from…

FAB 11 – earn money by referring   Love playing games online, if you are among those people then you got the best deal with Fab 11. Why? Because you can win cash while playing and fantasising games like cricket, hockey and football. My Fab11 app is the latest app offering you cash prizes. These services were opened in 2018 and has exceed half a million users till then and we are not stopping it yet, we want to provide you every single fantasy of games. How Fab11 stands different from others? Because we provide you 3 features of batting, normal and bowling. It will help the users to win with high chances and moreover we have best referral codes and programs that will benefit you to earn cash and withdraw whenever you want.   Now let us see what referral codes are and how can we avail it but first learn on how to use app and earn money: Install the app from app-store or play store and then sign up to get registered on the app. Click on…

how epidemics and disease influenced the settler society in Canada before 1900 The indigenous people of the Americas came into contact with European settlers at around the 15th century. As a consequence, they came into contact with individuals with different customs, religions, and diseases. This encounter resulted in the wiping of so many indigenous populations just in a short period – decades. Many studies have been conducted to examine how the settler society was affected by these diseases. Some studies have demonstrated that some of these diseases continue to affect even modern-day populations. Also, other studies have suggested that most of these diseases, for example, measles, tuberculosis, and smallpox that were brought by the Europeans, have molded the immune system of the settler society in Canada – even in their genetic makeup. Today, I am going to focus on how these epidemics and disease influenced the settler society in Canada before 1900. The infectious disease subject among the indigenous populations of Canada is central to Canadian history. Modern Canada was an area that was settled by the Europeans. Then indigenous…

 how and why teens want to buy certain items We all have been teenagers at some point in our lives, doing inappropriate things in public, playing a video game for ten hours, going out with friends until three am. And of course, wanting the most expensive gadgets such as the latest smartphone, popular shoes, and fashionable clothing. If you’re wondering how and why teens want to buy certain items, well, it’s all thanks to effective advertising.   In today’s world, teens are, unfortunately, too concerned about the importance of buying a specific brand’s clothing. For example, the brand “Supreme” gained popularity not because they spend millions upon millions of dollars on advertising. They gained popularity because of the uniqueness that the brand has to a worldwide audience. When this brand became popular, teens would buy any item associated with this brand, even if it meant buying a useless brick. The main reason teens purchase these ridiculous high-cost products; it’s to then later brag about “how cool they are” on social media by posting pictures or lengthy writing notes, so then…

US AND CHINA INTERNATIONAL TRADE DISPUTES China and the US have been in serious disputes and disagreements in areas of international trade and commerce.  Present a background on the issue (how this come did about and the political positions on both countries), its macroeconomic consequences to both countries and perhaps the rest of the world.  I cannot just tell you what to say or what to focus on in this issue, but it is important for you to be thorough.  You put the paper together in your own creative manner because there is NO one way to present it.  However, the paper will be graded on its thoroughness and logical analysis and it must be free from grammatical errors. China and the United States are some of the nations which are well known for their economic stability. They record a high GDP compared to the rest of the world. Apparently, most of the countries usually depend on products from these nations. Through international trade, a government is able to export the products which it produces in excess and then import…

How and Why the U.S.S Maine became involved in a war with Spain The U.S.S Maine was a Navy Ship owned by the USA, and it sank in 1898 at Havana Harbor, taking with it ¾ of the people inside it. The ship had been sent to guard the interests of USA during Cuba’s war for independence. The sinking of the USS Maine played a crucial role in catalyzing the start of the Spanish – American War of April 1898. This essay will discuss how and why the USS Maine became involved in a war with Spain. The USS Maine was not the direct cause of the war between Spain and the USA. However, as mentioned earlier, the sinking of the ship became a catalyst for the events that eventually resulted in the Spanish – American War. When the ship sank at Havana Harbor, two US newspapers, the New York World and the New York Journal, started spreading unfounded rumors regarding the reason that led to the sinking of the USS Maine and the massive loss of its crew. These…

history of feminism many countries, the history of feminism cannot be written without the inclusion of the constant but gradual struggles that aimed at ensuring equal rights (Brandt 8). In agreement, Oren (849) say that this history is not an exception in Canada. Just like many other modern Western feminist nations, Canadian feminism success to date is associated with several feminist organizations. Among the many organizations, the National Association of Women and the Law (NAWL) is one of the notable feminist organizations with immense contribution to feminist politics in Canada (857). This paper will look into the participation of the National Association of Women and the Law (NAWL) to the history of feminist politics in Canada. Precisely, it will enlighten the reader about the organization. It will look at the organization’s goal, its achievements, and challenges concerning feminist politics in Canada. About the Organization National Association of Women and the Law (NAWL) is a non-profit organization whose main aim is to ensure and promote equal rights of women. The organization promotes these rights of women through not just legal education…

Italian doctor who warned of lack of protective items dies of coronavirus   Marcello Natali complained on an Italian TV channel about the lack of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to treat patients with coronavirus. Days after the interview, the doctor died of the disease. The 57-year-old Italian said the latex gloves had run out and that doctors were not prepared for the health crisis in Europe.   “We were certainly not prepared to face such a situation. Also because of our generation, the more antibiotic era – which grew up thinking that a pill against the disease was enough “, said the doctor to the Euronews channel. The health worker was in Cremona, Italy, a region considered a “red zone”, that is, with many confirmed cases of Covid-19. Upon contracting the disease, Natali was transferred to Milan, where he contracted double pneumonia and died. According to the Daily Mail, the federation’s regional secretary, Paola Pedrini, revealed that 110 of the 600 doctors in the Italian province of Bergamo are sick. Last Thursday (19), another five Italian doctors died from the…

US Immigration from Adam Smith’s Perspective Adam smith was an economics philosopher who wrote the book, “The Wealth of Nations” in the 17th century. In his book, he discusses several factors that affect trade and provides his views on why some countries are more productive than others. This essay highlights some of the issues discussed in Adam Smith’s book. In the first chapters of his book, Adam Smith talks of the division of labor. The division of work is a significant factor in the increase in the production of goods. During smith’s time, it was easy to control the division of labor in agriculture than in manufacturing industries. This made both types of nations (rich and poor) to have a level ground in terms of agriculture than in manufacturing industries (Burstein 125). Smith also discusses the productivity of free markets in his book. One of the original ideas in “Wealth of Nations” is the issue of free trading. Free trading occurs when there are no restrictions on the services or goods being produced by the people. However, governmental rules that…

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