The decline in Christianity in America Only one in every five members of generation Z considers attending church as very important for him/her (Barna Group, 2018). Over the recent past, American society has changed significantly as a result of factors such as the increased proliferation of technology and globalization. However, one change that is evident in American society is the significant decrease in the proportion of the people who consider themselves to be Christians. More importantly, fewer Americans attend churches regularly. This paper explores the decline in Christianity in the U.S in terms of the extent of this problem and the potential solution. The Issue, Problem, or Observation To begin with, the proportion of Americans who identify themselves as Christians has decreased, although the country’s general population is on the rise. For instance, there were 233 million adults in America in 2009, and 77% of them were Christians (Pew Research Center, 2019). This means that there were 176 million to 181 million Christians in the country (Pew Research Center, 2019). America’s population has increased since the poll in…
Data Breaches in Cloud Computing Introduction Data breaching is one of the top security concerns in cloud computing currently. A data breach is simply an incident that has the possibility of disclosing essential and sensitive information to unauthorized people who may cause possible damage with the information obtained most likely to attack the owners of the information. These breaches in cloud computing are usually occurring due to various reasons. Cloud computing is essential in today’s world. Nearly everyone uses the cloud to store information that they probably do not want to lose. Big companies also store their information in the cloud due to the massive amounts of data processed daily, making their servers full after some time. Currently, there a few companies offering cloud computing services. These are amazon, google, Microsoft, among others. With all these sensitive data in the cloud, there is a high risk of data breaches, which cause the loss, theft, and manipulation of these data, among other risks. From this, it is inevitable for a data breach to occur. It is, therefore, the work of cloud…
Organic Farming vs. Organic Foods Introduction This report sets to critically discuss various aspects of organic farming, such as the reason why organic agriculture is thought to be superior to conventional farming in the protection of the environment and ecological balance and determine whether organic farming methods are sufficient to sustain the world population. The report will also analyze some of the benefits of organic farming as opposed to the hype associated with organic foods and whether organic foods are better for health when compared to conventional foods, suggest some of the possible ways of managing the excellent attribute of organic farming and explain the terms provided. The superiority of Organic Farming to Conventional Farming One of the reasons as to why organic farming is thought to be superior to conventional farming in the protection of the environment and ecological balance is its ability to support water conservation and water health. It ensures that no harmful chemicals contaminate the water sources (Kremen and Albie 2). Secondly, unlike conventional farming, organic farming helps in building up healthy soils by creating helpful…
Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date Psychology Why Cataclysmic Stressors Less Stressful Cataclysmic stressors are often less stressful in the long run than other types of stressors because they always result in significant adaptive responses from large groups of people. The reason is that cataclysmic stress occurs suddenly and usually affects a lot of people simultaneously. Examples include earthquakes and terrorist attacks. Thus, when the stressful events occur, a lot of people get informed and so, the cataclysmic stress is shared by the victims and other groups that volunteer to provide material and psychological support. Consequently, the cataclysmic tension dissipates within weeks as was seen in the survivors of the 2010 Chile earthquake. The other types of stressors are more stressful in the long run because they impact only one person or a group of few people at a time. Thus, these people do not get the support they would need because it might not be easy to know when they are stressed. As a result, the stress may persist over extended periods causing devastating effects. Relationship between Cataclysmic Stressors…
InfoTech in a Global Economy The policy-making and its implementation play a key role in handling various societal and global problems. Policy interventions require a lot of financial resources and may have long-term effects on individuals and nations. The complexity and uncertainty of the outcomes in the policy-making process cause the need to develop effective policy models capable of dealing with the issues. The policymakers utilize the models by capturing essential data for generating evidence. The enhancement of the policy models assists in handling uncertainties and issues of incomplete data. The policy-making process at both the individual and societal level are affected by technology infusion. For instance, the policy-making process is influenced by interactions with the public using social media. As a result, these interactions can enhance the involvement of the public, thus creating transparency in the process. While dealing with the engagement of the population, a large amount of data may need to be processed. Therefore, processing such information as well as addressing conditions of uncertainties may pose challenges for the policymakers. However, technological advance has led to the…
Gender, Genocide, and Indigenous Peoples: Aboriginal Australians Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Number and Name Instructor’s Name Assignment Due Date Gender, Genocide, and Indigenous Peoples: Aboriginal Australians Sociology as a discipline has always been slow to get involved with Holocaust and genocide studies since it was with the approach and practice of human rights. Irving Horowitz suggested that when it narrows down to factors such as human rights genocide and violations, many researchers tend to feel that the topic “Genocide” may be unfit for any further scientific discourse (Horowitz, 1993). Sociology, as a discipline, has never been a significant element in informing people’s comprehension of genocide as a concept or practice. Many years before actual sociological commitment to genocide studies, the Holocaust was perceived as an ideal example as some even regarded it as the only reliable example when referring to genocide. Due to this bigotry towards the Holocaust, connected scholarly emphasis on The UN Convention, a significant perception of genocide emphasizing on…
Student’s Name Professor’s Name Subject DD MM YYYY American Dream on the Current Events. Brainstorming is the process of finding a solution to a particular problem. Thus through the application of different techniques such as analytical and silent brainstorming on the American Dream. The two topics under discussion include the Coronavirus and Technology. Coronavirus General Purpose Statement-The The spread of the coronavirus has endangered the state of the American dream. Specific purpose statement-Managing the crisis will increase the survival chances of the American dream. The central idea-Discovery of a vaccine is significant in the protection and prevention of the disease. The virus should be controlled by managing spread by creating awareness and educating the masses. Technology General Purpose Statement-Technology is the primary killer of the American Dream. Specific purpose statement- Several individuals face inequalities through unchecking mobility into jobs of the future. The central idea-There is needed to diversify strategies by leveraging digital recruitment To bring the American dream back. Technology can promote gender, racial, and socio-economic equality.
421 DISCUSSION 1 RESPONSES NAME: INSTITUTION: DATE: Hannan Helton, Critical thinking in making quick decision making is essential in saving patients’ lives. What you did is impressive, and there’s no need to beat yourself. The state of helplessness that bedside nurses feel sometimes is heartbreaking, knowing that you had a chance to save that patient. I think the nurse’s scope of practice should be broadened and give nurses more authority in decision-making. Nurses are the primary caregivers; hence they are more knowledgeable on patient status and interventions to improve patient care. Effective communication, in this case, helped save the patient even though he ended up in hospice care. The case of Covid-19 causes mental stress due to the uncertainty of its outcomes. What patients need is psychological and emotional support to cope up with treatment. Intuitions, insight, empathy, clinical reasoning, and emotional intelligence are the components of reflective thinking necessary for improving patient outcomes (Payne, 2015). Team cooperation and interdisciplinary collaboration are important aspects that should…
Developing and portfolio and Resume Student’s Name Institution affiliation An e-portfolio is a continuous process that supports learning. It keeps discussion records of appraisal, individual development plans, workplace assessments, and reflections on clinical practices. For nurses, the forms portfolios offer evidence to potential employers on abilities, expertise, and knowledge that have been achieved in training ( Green, Wyllie, & Jackson,2014). In this assessment, I focused on identifying two artifacts that speculate my personal development and growth in health improvement, and the welfare of patients, the processes and communication. In the paper, an object is going to be used for describing anything which can be applied in providing evidence of my experiences and education as a specialist. Competency 1 I was explaining how two artifacts mirror personal achievements and growth in leading individuals and processes for improving systems, population, and patient outcomes? I have chosen two artifacts, which are the utilization of evidence-based practices in the delivery of care and the promotion of a well-informed diagnosis of…
Government Compliance To be with compliance with the United States laws, you need to fulfill some set requirements. The federal government serves to protect the rights of its citizen by ensuring government contracts are given to the companies that are in full compliance with the procurement laws. The most common requirements you need to know to include FAR ( Federal Acquisition Regulations) and FASA( Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act). Requirements for a computer company to manufacture and sell to the U.S. government. Tax compliant 1 Companies like Dell, who supply the United States companies with computers and servers softwares are tax compliant. This makes it easy for the Dell company to get contracts from the federal government. 2 Cisco, another company that deals with computer software, can get some of the government contracts since it is tax compliant with rules set by the Federal government. Cisco’s income on January 31, 2020, was $2.878B after it paid its taxes. 3 Oracle is also one of the major suppliers of computers and servers to the U.S. government. Over 100 U.S. federal government organizations…