Supply and demand for Global Air transportation Introduction There are salient factors which influence the forces of demand and supply in any market. According to Belobaba, Odoni and Barnhart (2015), demand forecasting is highly essential for business planning and decision making in the airline industry. The main objective of this paper is to show the application of the managerial economic theory in forecasting demand in the airline industry. The report will look into the demand and supply elements factors employed by Boeing and Airbus. Factors Employed in Forecasting Airbus Both Boeing and Airbus forecasts are based on a set of factors. These first factors include changes in political, economic and market conditions, including the business cycle of Airbus limited. Secondly, the estimates are also prepared, having accounted for the possibility of significant disruptions resulting from terrorism attacks across the globe. Thirdly, the calculations have also taken into account possible currency variations among different countries, particularly between Euros and the US dollar. Fourth, the forecasts are prepared in light of the successful execution of internal performance plans, including productivity and cost reduction…
Supply Chain Management in Application Why, in the current modern trade, the integration of economic affairs from design to completion is an essential priority to every Manufacturing Companies? Having read the article, “New Approaches to Supply Chain Management Concept. Logistics Integration of “Hub and Spoke” Model” by Minculete et al., I deduced why in the current modern trade, the integration of economic affairs from design to completion is an essential priority to every Manufacturing Companies. According to the author, the primary focus of supply chain being to satisfy demand, drive consumer value, enhance financial success while building an operational network. To achieve these goals, integration of economic affairs is vital from design to completion. Referring to Nike, a global footwear manufacturing company as a case study, it has a complex supply chain network in forty countries and an excellent integration of economic affairs (Jiang, 2019). As Jiang (2019), and the author of the reference article rhymes, Nike derives numerous benefits from its integrated economic affairs approach. For instance, it reduces the cost of trade. The international company has 525 factories…
Utilitarianism, Deontology and Global Charity Global charity is a massive industry involving billions of dollars every year. It takes the form of aid directed mainly towards developing countries whose citizens cannot depend on economic systems for support. This includes war-torn countries and those ravaged by disease and natural disasters such as famine, floods, and earthquakes. Countries with better economies feel the need to contribute to the welfare of the people living in such developing countries because of various reasons, key among them their moral obligation. However, this is accompanied by moral problems that arise despite their best intentions. Proponents of both utilitarianism and deontology are convinced that charity is indeed essential but have different ideas on what should motivate it and how such projects should be executed. Howard Kahane (1973) explains the principles that underlie the giving nature of people. He explains that it is a survival tactic for people to behave selfishly from an evolutionary perspective. In his explorations of sociobiology, he explains that people are usually more willing to help out when it serves them. This is the…
market for crude oil, and some of its significant determinants of demand and supply The paper will discuss the market for crude oil, and some of the significant determinants of demand and supply influencing the nature of activities taking place in this market. Oil is an essential resource in the entire world hence a necessary commodity used by individuals in a variety of ways. Crude oil is a crucial resource that influences the levels of success realized by various industries, such as the manufacturing and agricultural sectors. There are diverse determinants of demand and supply that affects the market price for this product. Such determinants of demand and supply of crude oil plays a critical role in dictating the progress of organizations that utilizes the product to facilitate their day-to-day functional activities. There are diverse factors that determine the demand and supply of crude oil. Technology and productivity is one of the significant factors that influence the demand and supply of crude oil in the market. For the past few decades, technology has been a significant factor influencing the progress…
Implications of the Economy on Voter Turnout. Ojeda, Christopher. “The Two Income‐Participation Gaps.” American Journal of Political Science 62, no. 4 (2018): 813-829. The research attempts to explain why the “The Two Income‐Participation Gaps” gap occurs by considering income differences during two phases of life. The study finds data from childhood economic status and adulthood income levels. The researcher reviews six different studies, including full descriptions and relevance to the study. The final results show that the troubling aspects of the connection between economic status and participation because they show that poor children’s capabilities for political participation are diminished for various reasons. The researchers provide a conclusive argument. However, it is difficult to understand why the gap exists. The researchers commit some mistakes like generalizing the participants into two groups also diminishes the fact that different life experiences during childhood influence adulthood behaviours. Thus despite proving the hypothesis, the researcher does not adequately explain why the gap occurs. Therefore leaving a gap for future researchers to investigate why the rich behave in a certain way and why the less fortunate act…
Marijuana Legalization in Canada Due to the immense economic benefits and increasing support in Canada, it is appropriate to decriminalize weed. The ideas of weed decriminalization have attracted great concern to both the political and social class. Marijuana is rated as the second commonly used drug in Canada with alcohol taking the lead. Canada citizens and political leaders positively welcomed the formal announcement from the recently elected federal government in the year 2017 about the introduction of laws in support of weed legalization. According to Hajizadeh (2016), the core purpose of the statutes includes educating citizens about the economic, social and public health benefits of marijuana use. The decriminalization of weed in Canada will be an essential source of taxes and revenues as opposed to its prohibition. Through legalization, collection of taxes will increase by 50% because of the taxes imposed on weed products. Consequently, the citizen’s money spent by the government on efforts to ban the use of weed is saved. The Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce(CIBC) World Markets, 10 billion dollars will be created from weed legalization every…
WHO GETS FOOD STAMPS, WHITE PEOPLE, MOSTLY. On the feature article from the Huffington Post, the authors Arthur Delancy and Alissa Scheller start with news of an apology from Gene Alday, who is a member of the Republican party from the state of Mississippi. Alday apologizes for stating to a reporter from the Clarion-Ledger that in his hometown, all African Americans receive food stamps. The article offers statistics from the Department of Agriculture in the US, showing that, contrary to popular belief, the most significant number of people who receive supplementary nutrition aid are whites. The data used is derived from the Department of Agriculture in 2013. However, a study done by USDA shows that in the two districts bordering Alday’s district, more African American families receive the food stamps. In 2013, the number of households that received food stamps dropped from 23 million families, with 47 million Americans to 22 million families, with 46 million persons in 2014. In these families, 75% of them consisted of an older person, a child, or someone living with a disability. With the…
What is a Collateral Loan and How Do They Function? When you urgently need money for a significant expense, you might be tempted to clear out a credit card or borrow from a shylock. But there are a myriad of options that you can explore without having to hurt your credit rating. Collateral is something of value that helps secure a loan. It is precisely the case when a granter agrees to lend you cash on the contractual binding. But only if they can sell the asset to recover their money if you fail to repay the loan. If you are considering taking on a secured loan, it’s essential to understand how collateral loans work. Types of collateral The collateral required depends on the amount you want to borrow and the loan type. So, what can be used as collateral? Real Estate Using home equity as collateral when applying for a small loan is a standard feature. That commonality, primarily to lenders, trickles down to a few key aspects: Real estate assets are valuable, they retain value over time,…
Women’s Health Giving birth is not as easy as it seems. A mother is the only person who can tell what goes on as even the midwives find it hard to understand. There are a lot of challenges that come with giving birth, and some are not easy to escape as they are uncontrollable. In the united states, their mothers face many challenges. These challenges include maternal deaths, lack of access to midwives, the stress of pregnant immigrants’ women and high-risk pregnancies. Maternal deaths are risky in which the pregnant women die during pregnancy or while giving birth. This kind of situation has affected women in Louisiana state, and it’s a crisis which needs to be looked into (Bain,2018). During prenatal care, the mother faces a lot of risks as she is not used to the kind of life, and she has to adjust to it. She has to live a life that is away from what life she is used to and live in favour of the child. Midwives are a key thing in when it comes to taking…
Why the Coronavirus is Not Such a Big Deal The novel coronavirus (C0VID-19), first reported on Nov.17, 2019 in Wuhan China, according to the South Morning China Post, has taken the world by storm, disrupting the stock and crypto markets and also shutting down nearly all sporting league and events around the globe. The virus has now spread throughout the world, prompting the WHO to declare it a pandemic on Wednesday, 11th May, 2020. WHO Director-General, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, said on Wednesday that “We have never before seen a pandemic sparked by a coronavirus. And we have never before seen a pandemic that can be controlled at the same time.” He, however, warned that the pandemic declaration should not change WHO’s assessment of the threat caused by the virus nor how countries should act when faced with the threat. Nonetheless, the spread of the coronavirus has been overhyped with numerous conspiracies surrounding the origin and intention of the virus. Currently, there are just 169, 387 confirmed cases, 6, 513 total deaths, and 77, 257 recovered patients. Regarding the coronavirus case…