What are the important things to consider before hiring a personal injury lawyer? Are you opting for a personal injury lawyer? Then, you must know that this is actually a very long process even this is not an easy task as well. So, whenever you are going to choose the best kind of personal injury lawyer, you will have to make sure that you take a few things into consideration. Though there are lots of attorneys available, you will need to ensure that you go for the right one. Basically, whenever you are going to select a lawyer will represent you in court and fight for you. And the best part is that those attorneys will decide your fate. Consider the good reputation The very first thing you will have to make sure that whether the attorney has a good reputation or not. Basically, the entire trust will depend on the reputation only. You can research the attorney too. So, you need to try your best so that you can easily find a person who has great experience in the…
JUSTICE ISSUES, CASE STUDY OF VERONICA Justice Issues Undocumented Immigrants are mostly vulnerable of harassments and mistreatments because many of them are not able to speak English and may not be in a position to understand the laws protecting them in United States (Nessel, 2011). They are also afraid of reporting acts of injustices to the police or other relevant authorities because of their fear of being deported once they come into a lime light. Such fears make most of them to suffer in silence at workplaces or remain in abusive relationships just as it has been revealed in the scenario of Veronica. In United States, Title VII of civil rights Act protects all the employees against any form of mistreatments and discrimination (Cunningham, 2016). However, there has been a dilemma on whether this federal Act still covers citizens whose immigration status are undocumented and that has exposed many of them into a risk of harassment and mistreatments in their working environments just like in the case of Veronica. What most of the undocumented immigrants don’t realize is that Title…
Improving Memory Recall Skills The process in which kids learn things such as names and places is quite an easy thing, but when it comes to remembering them after a while, it tends to sound as hard task to them. It happens to adults too where after learning or experiencing a given situation, recalling what happened would be a process until when one gets a clue of the events. People might question why it usually happens that they cannot remember things. Others might think that because we are out of the academic learning system that our brains have become lazy. Therefore, it would mean that we do not take the necessary procedure to allow us to effectively plan, synthesize, and recall information faster and precisely. However, various things need to enhance the capability of the memory in the recall process. In ensuring that the memory recall process improved, I have been able to realize that health is one of the key factors. The quality of diet that we take seems to affect the health and function of the brain. A…
IMPACT OF SLEEP DEPRIVATION ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF SENIOR STUDENT OF DIOSDADO MACAPAGAGAL MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL Sleep is vital to one’s well-being. It is as important as the air that you breathe, the water that you drink, and the food that you eat. It is a very important component in each individual’s life and sleep problem has become more common in the present time. However, people often underestimate sleep and its importance. There are many studies that show the cause and effect of sleep deprivation. The bad academic performance of students at universities is one of the serious effects of having a poor quality of sleep. Sleep is defined as the rest for the mind and body which the receptivity to external stimuli and bodily movement decreases. Sleep is a reversible, active and repetitive behavior serving different functions, for instance memory or learning consolidation, growth and repair and restorative processes. The consolidation during sleep enhances qualitative and quantitative changes of memory representations. Through particular patterns of electric field potential oscillations and neuromodulators activity, rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and slow-wave sleep…
Involving the senior leaders in the implementation of the new retention schedule Thank you for posting an interesting and educational post. I agree with your perspective that senior leaders and the company lawyers should be involved in the implementation of a newly revised retention schedule. Involving the senior leaders in the implementation of the new retention schedule is critical as they may see a gap and formulate better retention policies that would make work easier. Additionally, I concur with your idea of advising the lawyer that only important documents should be kept for future reference, enabling sound decisions (Saffady 95). Further, making the lawyer know that it would be a liability keeping irrelevant records such as confidential data of a client that no longer requires the firm’s services. Maintaining a lot of information about former clients may be costly; hence, developing an effective policy of disposing of irrelevant information is necessary (Kilday, Dorman, Humby, Schrader, and Bailey, 2014). Allow me to ask, what are the advantages disposing of irrelevant information? References Kilday, R. W., Dorman, J. D., Humby, D., Schrader, F.,…
Assignment guidelines For this assignment, you will write a 1000 word essay that responds to (ALL) the questions and propositions below. This word count should be the cumulative total of the substance of your paper (it does not include title page, headings, citations, or bibliographies). In your readings over the past couple of weeks, there was much discussion of character, what it is, how it is developed, and how it is tested in real world situations. This assignment is designed to explore the nature of character and moral commitments. Write an essay that addresses the following questions: *How does character relate to the Kouzes and Posner leadership model and Maxwell’s reflections in chapter 3? *In your essay, you will also reflect on Badaracco’s question, “How flexible is my moral code?” *How does Badaracco define moral flexibility through his observations of the character, Okonkwo? *Is there tension between Badaracco’s moral flexibility and the integrity of values expressed by Kouzes/Posner and Maxwell in “ model the way?” *Should there be flexibility in one’s moral code? Biblically defend your response to this question.…
How I decided to study law At the start of college, like many other students I had doubts on what career I wished to pursue. Law had always been a focus of mine, being interested in politics and government at a young age. I always knew I wanted to do something that would benefit others directly or indirectly, whether it be through social justice, community building, government work etc. Lawyers have the ability to help others and are given opportunities to change society through diverse practices and cases, which is exactly why I wish to pursue a legal education. I want to attend Hofstra University Maurice A. Deane School of Law because of their devotion to advancing justice and serving societies changing needs as well as serving a diverse student body, which is something I value in an institution as a first generation college student and Latina woman. As mentioned earlier, a lawyers ability to help others and to change society is what made me what to pursue a legal education. Through my internships at the Queens District Attorney’s…
The current dispute between China and the United States The current dispute between China and the United States now goes beyond trade wars and tit-for-tat-reprisals. The underlying driver now is competition for global technological power or supremacy. Ever since China emerged as a dominant nation on technology, the United States has remained under threat. This has further jeopardized the relationship between China and the United States. The current state between China and the United States can only be compared to the days of cold wars between the United States and the USSR. Since China’s technological advancement has become a threat not only to the United States but the world as a whole, United States should come to its teeth and explore possible ways of reclaiming back their superiority in the world of technology from China. This paper analyses the risks of strategic competition and potential remedies for mitigating the effects of China-US economic and technological confrontation by recommending strategies that the United States can apply to outcompete China in its technological advancement. Considering that China’s use of technology such as…
Capstone study topic. Hello, Thank you for posting an insightful and engaging video regarding your capstone study topic. Based on the knowledge I gathered from research, I feel like your doctoral capstone topic is appropriate. Coming up with empirical research regarding how spirituality may help social workers cope with stress from work is a great idea, as it will improve the knowledge base of social work. Additionally, few researchers have conducted thorough studies regarding the relationship between spirituality and mental health of social workers, making your capstone topic extremely strong. Judging from what I know from personal experience, I think your doctoral capstone topic is great. I feel that social workers’ mental health is important because a mentally unstable social worker may prescribe a client the wrong medication worsening the patient’s health condition. Furthermore, your potential capstone topic will provide a way of social workers to cope with stress. Please allow me to ask, what do you think will be the most challenging part answering your capstone’s research question if you choose this topic? 8110 WK 1 DQ1…
Decision-making Decision-making formed a crucial part of planning and creation phases. For this reason, conflicts were bound to occur. In anticipation of such disputes, Ahmed was charged with the task of conflict arbitration. Firstly, there was an issue concerning which board game we will create. Most of the members felt that the top priority was to design an exciting game. However, the games that seemed highly interesting were difficult to develop and required a substantial amount of time. Therefore, others wanted the group to focus on an easier game. Charged with the responsibility of resolving disputes, Ahmed played a pivotal role in helping the members reach an agreement. Ahmed addressed the issue by outlining the priorities of the group rather than those of individuals. However, this problem required the intervention of Aleeyah, who was responsible for decision-making procedures. Aleeyah offered substantial assistance in addressing the conflict, particularly in arriving at the most appropriate decision. Undoubtedly, all members agreed that time was the most important factor. As such, the team decided to create Chat Your Way Home, which was more manageable. Another…