Service Improvement This chapter investigates medical attendant- patient relationship and the therapeutic alliance created to help patients with AN in their recuperation. Previous literature review recognizes the importance of the TA concept. This chapter discusses service administration improvement during nursing practice in AN patient care improvement plans. The plan aims to improve and boost the expansion of patient treatment adherence and also the probability of AN patients influence during inpatient clinical care 4.1 – Aim There is a need to integrate measures that encourage the advancement of and fortify therapeutic alliances between nurses and patients. These measures should also address the nurse’s awareness of primary issues encompassing AN as well as its challenges and causes. These will assist in assembling and improving treatment adherence and a successful therapeutic alliance (Wright, 2015). According to Zugai (2012) and Snell’s (2010) findings, TA was promptly framed through proper communication abilities to promote rapport and understand better the requirements of patients with AN. Through investigating ways of TA improvement in an inpatient care setting, it is possible to accomplish my objective inpatient care service…

Origins and Development of Behavioral Psychology By most conventional measures, the antecedents of modern psychology can be traced to the earliest of inquiring minds. Man seems always to have been fascinated by his behavior and human nature. The same kinds of questions now asked about the nature of man were asked centuries ago. The critical difference between modern psychology and its intellectual predecessors is not so much the kinds of questions asked as the methods used to seek the answers. Until the last quarter of the nineteenth century, man attempted to study himself by speculation, intuition, and generalization from his own experiences. The significant change or breakthrough occurred when man tried to answer his questions about human nature by using the tools and methods of science, which had already been demonstrated successful in answering questions in the natural sciences. When man tried to use carefully controlled observation and experimentation to study human nature, then and only then did psychology begin to attain some indepen­dence from its philosophical antecedents. In order to break away from philosophy, psychology had to develop a…

        student of Medicine looking for an apprenticeship in the field of Medicine     I am an enthusiastic student of Medicine looking for an apprenticeship in the field of Medicine. Possession of proficient verbal and written communication skills and a keen interest in Medicine has spanned my whole life. My desire and love to understand medicinal practice has developed into a passion. I discovered my strong desire for science-based subjects while still in high school. My excellence much motivated this in biological sciences. Over time my aptitude for Medicine grew. Later on, I discovered that the science subjects I liked formed the basis for the study of Medicine. Studies that related to Medicine became my strongholds because I enjoyed them to a large extent. My excellence in Medicine related sciences satisfied my liking of sciences, and it has helped clients. Due to my hard work and excellence in high school, I successfully volunteered at St. Francis Hospital, whereby I worked with Physicians like Dr. McCabe. At this institution, I discovered that most patients suffer from chronic diseases, improper support, and…

Zenger Excerpt From the excerpt, Zenger defence led by Mr Hamilton perfectly executes the use of the rhetoric expression of liberty. The use of the rhetoric of liberty is often persuasive, convincing and mind jogging. Mr Hamilton uses this method to counter the prosecutor and to instil self-awareness or reminder of the matters of freedom to everyone in the courtroom. Rhetoric validation of the libel publication Mr Hamilton, in his opening remarks, terms the libel publication as real, but in a hidden encounter of the attorney’s statements not terming it as a false publication. This gives a sounding first time win on the part of the defence team of Zenger. The other rhetoric validation of the libel comes in when he concludes by emphasizing that the publication were for the best cause and anyone who believed in liberty and freedom of the people would support the cause. Suggestively saying that prosperity of the people requires individuals like Zenger who will expose the ill in the government. The defence cited that they have been denied the liberty of proving the truth…

How video games affect us?  This is a RESEARCH paper for psychology. Find one article that is a primary sources, i.e. documenting studies that use the experimental method or a desсrіptive method. The study you select must have participants. The article cannot be either a literature review or Meta Analysis. Do not use newspaper or magazine articles as these are, often, ‘secondary sources. In writing your paper you may not use more than 5 consecutive words from the study without using quotation marks around the passage and citing the source. State the name of the person who wrote the words that you are quoting. The majority of the paper must be in your own words. Your paper MUST INCLUDE the following: Type 3 pages describing the study. Double spaced/Times Roman font. This could include: Describe the study: What was the purpose of the research? What were the researchers studying? Was a hypothesis stated? If so, what was it? Who were the subjects? How many? How were they obtained? Describe the type of study that was conducted: Was this an experimental…

The period between 800 and 900 CE in Mesoamerica saw one of the most dramatic collapses of a civilization in the history of the world. Within this century, the once-flourishing Maya Civilization collapsed into permanent oblivion. The cities of the empire were abandoned and left in ruins. In most cases, they were reclaimed by the jungle and disappeared from human memory for many years to follow. The collapse of the Mayan civilization has been attributed to several reasons, including the disregard of the rulers to their subjects’ welfare and the resources at their disposal. Maya was also known for the unproductive wars, extravagance in their building projects, over-exploitation of available natural resources, as well as an increasing population. However, the collapse of the Maya Empire can be primarily be associated with three main factors: warfare, overpopulation, and drought. Of the three, war seemed to have the most devastating impact on the Maya civilization. Warfare had a significant part in the Maya Empire for centuries. While initially, it was not intense, and on a large scale, it grew in intensity prior…

Critical Thoughts and research design Introduction The research question that I investigated about the WHO organization’s operations and management of pandemics exposed me to several essential lessons about research design. The research question and the research targets had very crucial lessons that helped me learn more about how to conduct conclusive research and helped me populate the target model. The lessons that I learned from my study were not just theoretical but also strategic as I was able to identify the gaps in my knowledge that the question needed to fill to help me understand the concepts better. This article is a reflection of the lessons that I learned from the entire process, especially on how the process worked, the lessons from the project, and any significant observations that may impact my future investigations. How did it work The research process involved interviewing one of the WHO’sWHO’s American representative to understand how they conduct their response activities and how the responses change my perspective. In essence, how do they differentiate between pandemics and common health issues that require a minimal…

RESEARCH DISCUSSION Locate an article about an example of ethical misconduct in research using traditional or web resources, not your text. Write 250- to 400-words in which you: Identify and briefly describe the unethical study you found. Note the year the study occurred, and consider where in the development or conduct of the study that researchers or associated parties might have had the opportunity to intervene on behalf of the study′s subjects. Include in text citations, a reference list, and a link to the article so that your peers can review. Note: Initial answers to the discussion question must be substantive and in the range of 250–400 words. Any references should be properly cited following APA formatting guidelines Locate an article about an example of ethical misconduct in research using traditional or web resources, not your text. Write 250- to 400-words in which you: Identify and briefly describe the unethical study you found. Note the year the study occurred, and consider where in the development or conduct of the study that researchers or associated parties might have had the opportunity…

Think of a leader you know and describe his qualities and what makes them an effective leader Bill Gates is the founder of Facebook also the co-founder of Microsoft Corporation, where he held the positions of chairman, Chief Executive Officer, Chief software architect, and the President. He dropped out of school to pursue his dream, where he worked out of passion and creativity. To start with, Bill has always been a leader with focus. He focused on the thing that he knew he had the ability, and that is software. Creativity and intuition make Bill Gates an exceptional leader.  Due to his creativity, he came up with a tool that achieved global acceptance, as Microsoft software is widespread. His creativity motivates and empowers his employees and the public at large. As a result, it has made him influential and created more followers globally who adore his leadership styles (Frederick Chavalit Tsao & Laszlo, 2019). A passionate leader is an effective leader. Bill believes that if something is worth a focus, then it is worth to be done with one’s best ability. Passion goes in hand with…

VALIDITY AND RELIABILITY Validity and reliability concepts are used in the evaluation of the quality of research. They show how well a test or technique measures things. Validity deals with the accuracy of a measure, while reliability deals with the consistency of a rate. These are two related concepts in research; a test can be reliable and not valid, but a test is not valid unless it is reliable. The consistency of the results of a measure makes it reliable, but for it to be valid, it has to measure the required output. Validity is challenging to access compared to reliability. However, it is estimated through comparison of the results obtained to other relevant data, while reliability is determined by a comparison of several versions of like measurements. These two aspects are essential in research to ensure results are compelling. The degree to which the outcome measures is what is intended is validity (Haradhan, 2017). It is assessed by confirming the correspondence of results to established theories and other counts of the concept, comparing the output obtained to other r…

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