Predicting Performance with Letters of Recommendation What is the stated purpose of the study? The purpose of the study was to determine if analyzing the content of letters of recommendation through the identification of individual traits would be a valid method of predicting the performance of psychology instructors and graduate students. What factors are given as possibly affecting the validity of recommendation letters in the past? The factors that affected the validity of recommendation letters in the past included; knowledge of the applicant whereby it was concluded that the past writing the recommendation letter either did not know the applicant or was not aware of the aspects of the applicant, reliability whereby it was alluded that there was lack of agreement between two people writing different recommendations for one person, extraneous factors like use of examples in the letters, interest of the writer to the applicant and gender. The last factor that affected the validity of recommendation letters in the fast was leniency, which contained factors like sex and race, the confidentiality of the reference, and choice of the reference.…

 measure of central tendency In statistics, the measure of central tendency is a typical and central value in the probability distribution. The central tendency also is referred to be the location or centre of the distribution. In the measuring of central tendency, all of the measures are referred to as averages. The node, median and the arithmetic mean are the commonly known measures to central tendency (Zhao et al., 2017). A middle tendency is set and get calculated for a theoretical distribution or the finite set of values. Many authors use the central tendency for denoting tendency of qualitative data around some central values to the cluster. In any distribution of central tendency, it is contrasted with its variability or dispersion. Analysis judges if data contain strong or weak central tendency through checking its central tendency. Before calculating any central tendency, it is important and appropriate to transform data. For instance, taking logarithms or squaring the values helps to transform data and used to the dimensional data prepared (Zhao et al., 2017). Transformation depends on the data being analyzed whether…

  My enthrallment with business-related subjects My enthrallment with business-related subjects encouraged me to build my career in management consulting that is an extraordinarily fast-paced and highly-rewarding path. Consulting provides exceptional opportunities to work with executives & collaboration with talented people, exposure to different sectors, constant learning and skill enhancement, a quick career-progression, and travelling to new places. The idea itself is thrilling to be in a position to help the leadership of an organization, engaging with the C-suite level executives and working on solving the most critical & intellectual challenges and make the crucial decisions. Enchanted with the business spectrum, possessing a substantial work experience in management consulting and having an academic background in management, I desire to pursue my MBA in the UK. After completion of Bachelor’s in Commerce, I pursued MBA Finance from Alesco Business School, Rohtak University. The program provided me theoretical and practical knowledge in investment strategies, securities and portfolio management, mergers & acquisition, insurance and corporate risks, direct & indirect taxations as well as insights into local and global economies. The program opened a…

Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date History Question One: Three G’s of European Imperialism The European sought to explore the world to achieve commerce, political domination, and civilize the world. In support of the need to expand trade, Chamberlain averred that no nation has ever attained greatness without business. He urged for exploration of the world to create opportunities for business and secure the employment of the many subjects that remained unoccupied. To generate more trade, Chamberlain proposed the creation of more markets abroad. The country also sought to civilize the world. Chamberlain cited the expansion to Africa and suggested that by expanding to these regions, the British would bring more happiness to the people by removing hostilities among them. Kearl Pearson observed that The British must use force to expand to foreign lands and civilize the world. He proposed that the civilization of the word derives from the Darwinism principles of survival for the fittest. He praised the European invasion of America, observing that the country had achieved high levels of civilization because the British used force to drive…

        CAFCASS ASSESSMENT: LOTUS CREGG By (Name)         Course Professor’s Name Institution Location of Institution Date     Date of Application 14/02/2020 Court Family Court Court Case Number BD15042020 Application Type Care Order (S31) Hearing Type Interim Hearing for a care order (S 31). Hearing Date 25/02/2020   Children’s Guardian (Student Name) Office Address CAFCASS Offices Date Report Completed 17/02/2020 Initial Analysis Filing Date 18/02/2020 Current Update Filing Date 20/02/2020 Child’s solicitor (where applicable) Martha Luther Details of any existing orders Mother and baby foster care placement.       NAME OF CHILD DATE OF BIRTH M/F ETHNIC ORIGIN Lotus Clegg 03/11/2019 F White British   NAME OF PARENTS (AND OTHER ADULTS) RELATIONSHIP TO CHILD DATE OF BIRTH M/F ETHNIC ORIGIN Charlie Clegg Mother 08/05/2004 F White British   KEY AGENCIES INVOLVED DETAILS OF INVOLVEMENT Foster Care Agency Baby Lotus needs a placement pending the court’s decision. Children’s Social Care Child’s social worker. Assessment of the current child protection plan and the application for a Care Order (S31). Health Visitor Assessment of Lotus Clegg’s…

Simon Task Research 1.0 Introduction According to Schlaghecken et al. (2017), Simon task refers to a scientific procedure that helps in making discoveries, testing hypotheses, and in demonstrating known facts. Aisenberg (2018) asserts that Simon experiments, especially in psychology tests predictions through subjecting individuals or groups to one or many conditions such as IV or various levels of independent variables, and after that, it measures the effects portrayed by task performance. Yamaguchi, Wall, and Hommel (2018) posit that within the subjects which are also referred to as repeated measures, designs helps in measuring the same items that are under different conditions. Also, the independent group’s designs help in assigning different people to the independent variable in each level. Erb and Marcovitch (2019) postulate Simon’s task is an experimental paradigm that focuses on the compatibility of the stimulus-response through tapping in an executive function type, also known as visuospatial inhibition. Hübner and Töbel (2019)  also believe that the compatible nature of items together with the position of irrelevant spatial comes in to support the correct rule-direct response. At the same time,…

Short stories Through the readings, ‘Story of An Hour’ by Kate Chopin involves one of the essential narrations that I found captivating. For instance, this is because of themes within that are realized within its setting development. One of the subjects within the story that facilitated the selection for the story is seeking identity by women, together with how repressive is marriage. For instance, the reaction of Louise concerning the death of Brently, her husband, is characterized by great fear; however, this changes to joyful reception or acceptance. For instance, this illustrates the searching for selfhood and personal identity, especially in the world that has been under the dominion of male. Besides, the specific reaction of Louise concerning the situation alludes that marriage creates freedom loss and oppression exclusively for the female. Consequently, the development of this story concerning the identified themes captivated me, especially with the demonstration of the actual nature of marriage within the society. Accordingly, this narration has transformed my thoughts regarding gender and marriage. Women are under captive of the particular bond even though love brings…

Shakespeare’s Approach to Gender Roles & Patriarchy in Othello Literature is a reflection of society. The values, attitudes, beliefs that society holds dear are projected by writers who have the hope of altering the negative values and upholding the positive values. Gender is understood as not only referring to either male or female but also as a social construct. It is the latter perception of gender as a social construct that informs this discussion because gender roles flow from this social construction of gender. Gender roles are the socially defined tasks given to a man or a woman primarily because of their sex. The stereotypes on the capability to perform a certain task or not are deeply entrenched in societies since time immemorial, thus reflected in literature. The renowned work of Shakespeare captures the patriarchal values of society, which is a system that treated men as superior and women as inferior. Women are perceived as the “other” “second class” persons, while men are the “subjects” of the system (Iyasere). The result of this treatment is that men get access to…

EXEPTIONAL CHILDREN  This course has impacted my understanding of exceptionality and provide increased knowledge through the eight weeks. I ‘ve learned new information that will improve my career as an educator. Prior to enrolling in a Psychology of exceptional children course, I thought the correct term for children with physical, behavioral, or cognitive performance differences were called disabled or person(s) with disabilities. Nonetheless, after researching and studying in this course I understand now that the correct terminology is not disabled but rather exceptional. In chapters 9 – 15 there were different subjects. The list of different subjects covered vary from: Students with speech and language disorders, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Deafness and Hearing loss, Visual Impairments, Orthopedic Impairments, Health Impairments, Traumatic Brain Injury, Severe/ Multiple disabilities and students who are gifted. In chapter 9 my knowledge was increased as I learn about students with speech and language disorders that can be common in adolescents. I lean it is important to understand the initial stages of this specific exceptionality. Common symptoms of this condition include: Struggles to say sounds or words (stuttering),…

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