the childhood and adulthood in iran from persipolis This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThesis Located at end of introduction Clear, concise Specific, not vague Focuses clearly on some aspect of the literary text This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSupporting Details • Each paragraph supports the thesis with clear subtopic sentences • Examples are used throughout as evidence • Quotes are used as examples and support • Quotes are interpreted by the author • Ideas are fully explained throughout the text This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar & Mechanics • Sentence Structure • Proper grammatical usage • Spelling • Word usage • Subject-verb agreement • Pronoun antecedent This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMLA[unique_solution] • Properly cited quotes • Titled paper • Pages numbered with author’s last name • Language style and usage meets MLA essay style • Text formatted properly • Work Cited is properly formatted This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction/Conclusion • Introduction opens the paper and captures the reader’s attention and interest • Conclusion makes the paper “complete”, i.e.,…

Research Topic Proposal Research question During the period of transition from childhood to adulthood, also known as adolescence, an individual goes through growth that will affect them in their adulthood. During this period, many psychological factors come into play, including the environment surrounding them and the influence of their parents (Anderman, 2002). This results in the question; in Generation Z, which is more influential during the adolescence period, nature or nurture? Thesis statement Psychological factors shape one’s development throughout their life, especially when young (Cherry, 2018). This issue has, over time, triggered various scholars to venture into establishing a sufficient explanation behind these factors and their impacts. However, due to the changing times, different generations exhibit different results of this influence. In most cases, scholars focus on distinguishing, which is more influential between nature and nurture. In the current age, that is, Generation Z, various norms have changed, including the influences during adolescence. This is a result of the impacts resulting from the global changes occurring, including the advancement in technology. However, nurture is more influential during adolescence than nature…

Reply to Heather Webster Hello Heather, Hi. I hope you are fine. Well, I have read your response to the questions, and I believe you did an excellent job of clearly answering the three questions. You have lucidly described the meaning of CPM and especially in light of the case in question. However, I was trying to ponder on the Machnick’s family actions vis-à-vis the ruling they received from the judges and wondered whether they were unable to describe the psychological maltreatment as child abuse. Of course, child abuse is illegal. However, child abuse is not limited to physical abuse alone but also psychological ones. I believe the maltreatment that Grady is experiencing is physically dilapidating, especially sleeping in the cold, pouring him water, carrying dog feces, and even going without lunch. These actions have severe physical and traumatic implications on the boy that amounts to abuse. Given the magnitude of these actions, I beg to disagree with your view that CPM is hard to identify. These psychological actions of maltreatment are blatantly clear, and no one in the right…

QUOTE OF STRESS What is stress? Stress is an affection that makes you feel uncomfortable since you are always thinking about something unusual that happened in your life. Stress, if not taken reasonable control, can lead to the generation of mental problems. It is brought by giving people too much of your time and not returning it to you in return. This feeling usually affects your head nerves, and on most occasion, if not looked upon can lead to depression. Stress is a killer disease as it affects you in a way that it is difficult for other people to notice that you are suffering. You should try as much as possible not to be stressed as it can make you do things that are harmful to others. How to deal with stress? You need to take the responsibility that you are likely to handle so that you won’t let your mind start thinking about what you will do to finish the task. You should also talk to someone when feeling uncomfortable as they may help you to recover or…

The need for educating the public This study underscores the need for the general public to understand how their economic outcomes might affect their health in the future. In essence, the article stresses how SES is an essential factor that determines a child’s or adult’s health. Of crucial importance, with this observation, it is necessary to understand that with SES, it is close for an individual to suffer from health outcomes. The need for educating the public on such is mandatory.   The above study also shows the importance of education and how it is likely to affect and upend the effects of SES in young adults. For instance, with educational attainment, people are likely to be educated on ways to prevent contraction of certain diseases. For example, now people can understand how information received from school or knowledge institutions can be used to avoid infections.   The article stresses how SES has a long term effect on the health outcome of a child. What this means is that the impact of SES on how a child will receive health…

Apple showcases the abilities of the new LIDAR scanner using the Hot Lava game You can now turn your living room into an AR version of the popular video game Hot Lava using the LIDAR scanner of the new iPad Pro. The video game is based on that childhood pastime, where people used to jump on the furniture for avoiding imaginary lava on their floor. The game is available for streaming, but the mobile version of it is presently exclusively available only on Apple Arcade. Apple declared that the LIDAR scanner enabled iPad Pro will allow users to play Hot Lava using the latest AR mode, to be made available this year. The game aims to showcase the abilities of the LIDAR scanner. The player has to scan the living room using his iPad. The app automatically generates the lava on the floor, and the player has to jump accordingly to avoid coming in contact with hot lava.. Besides this new and improved version of the video game, Apple has also showcased a couple of other important uses of the…

One Flew over the Cuckoo′s Nest             Chief Bromden is the narrator in “One Flew over the Cuckoo′s Nest,” by Ken Kesey, and his development as a character depends on the standards set by the fictional society. The novel dates back to the 1960s when the US community was strangling to choose between conformity and rebellion. The fictional society in “One Flew over the Cuckoo′s Nest” sets standards that can be viewed as freedom from one perspective, but another perspective can bring out the idea of forced conformity. The character traits associated with Chief Bromden, who later gets the nickname Chief Brooms takes shape due to the standards set by the society. The dilemma between conformity and rebellion seems to take a considerable part of Chief Bromden’s character as he is forced to conform to society but chooses to rebel. The move to fight for freewill in a society is always associated with several challenges. Conformity, on the other side, requires that an individual has to lose a part of their determination so that they can be accepted into society…

Regression Analysis The paper by Campell et al., (2009) tries to examine time-series fluctuations in the prices of houses as well as the housing returns by use of tools that have been proved successful in the characterization of the nature of performance in the bond and stock markets. The authors show that the ratio of house rents to house prices (called the ”rent–price ratio”) must equal the present discounted value of future expected housing service flows, as well as the future expected returns to house assets. This model is called the dynamic version of the Gordon growth model in financial literature. It improves the researcher’s assessments of the study variables and aids in making an informed conclusion. The model applies to a housing market in 23 metropolitan areas in the United States, four census regions, and the entire nation from 1975 to 2007. The dependent variables, as in equations 18, 19, and 20, are as follows: real rate ( ), the real growth rate of rents ( ), and the housing premium ( ), respectively (where is time in years).…

Critique a Measurement Instrument  Locate a standardized measurement instrument used in your specialization or area of interest (Early Childhood Education), and then complete an evaluation of the instrument as described below. There are a few different ways to locate a measurement instrument with published psychometrics. Locate a test instrument by one of these three methods: 1. Use the Roadrunner Search to identify a measurement instrument used in a peer-reviewed study you have read, and then use the reference list to find its origin. 2. Use one of the Library databases listed in the guide to identify a test instrument. 3. Try searching for a commercially published test or measurement or information about them on the Internet. The standardized measurement instrument used in the critique must be located from a scholarly source containing validity and reliability information. Use the measurement template below to create a presentation sharing your critique. 6 slides, not including title and reference slides; each slide should include 150-200 words of speaker notes References: Cite the source where you located the measurement instrument Measurement Instrument Critique Template Slide…

Scheduled immunizations and routine screening practices Introduction   Scheduled immunizations and routine screening practices are the primary form of clinical prevention in the reduction of death and disability and plays a vital role in improving global health. Population health involves the healthcare approach, which is more than the traditional biomedical model and addresses health issues in promoting the overall community health.   Clinical prevention plays a vital role in both early prevention and detection of diseases and illnesses in their most treatable period. The American public, health officials, and policymakers have a clear understanding of population health and disease prevention across the health spectrum. This includes emerging infectious diseases, chronic disease management, the impact of lifestyle behaviors, and emergency preparedness of the health sector. Clinical Prevention Clinical prevention plays a vital role in offering the tremendous opportunity of saving people’s lives and for better living life. Moreover, clinical-based prevention is critical when it comes to saving capital by helping individuals from wasting money through unnecessary procedures and tests. Clinical based preventive measures are highly effective in the reduction of disability,…

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