Big-league baseball Big-league baseball is important as it symbolically contributes to the overall theme of conflict emerging from the play. Troy was a baseball star in the Negro league, but he did not get the opportunity to play the game as a profession because he was discriminated against due to his race. Baseball is the source of his flaws in broken character and poor family relationships. Because he did not get the chance, it made him bitter for years because of the injustice. His inability to play is what makes him sabotage the athletic career of his son. He believes the discrimination he experienced will also affect Cory, and he will not get a chance to play. To him, whites will never give a chance to black, which will end up hurting him. Even though Rose tries to convince him that the time has already changed, but he is still stubborn. He gives her an example where a black player always stays at the bench in all major leagues. One may interpret his opposition to his son’s career as a…

FMLA and OSHA Acts on Ken FMLA enhance employees to have balance within their working environment and role to be taken in the family, and the WHD administers it. The employees are given unpaid leave for twelve weeks per year as a job-protected leave. This act aims at accommodating both male and female as a legitimate interest of employees for an equal employment opportunity. Ones the employees have been provided with the leave by their respective employers; the given employee should, therefore, to readily available for a covered family member with either illness, the birth of a child, placement of a child and qualifying military exigency. Ones the employee finishes the twelve weeks leave they must be maintained in their earlier positions or a corresponding position they had before they had taken the leave earlier (Gutpa et al., 2018) For employees to qualify for the leave; They should be able to meet the 1250 working hours for the employer for one year. Ken should have been working for the state of estates planning firm for this designated period to qualify…

  Effects of slavery Slavery is something that is rarely discussed in the modern world. This happens due to shame associated with the white families who held slaves in the 18th century. There were many effects it had on both the black and the white population. Some of them were psychological in nature some were cultural while others were purely physical in nature. This essay is going to gather those effects from various slave narratives mainly Victor Sejour’s the Mulatto which provides an account of a slave in a story that became the first fictional work by a black person. Some of the effects it had were hatred, violence and total disregard for human life. This story is narrated from the point of view of a white settler who was sympathetic to the plight of the African Americans who were forced into slavery. He talks about a slave known as George who had an African American mother and a white man for a father. He got the complete narration from Antoine who was an old man but still working on…

Roger Rogerson and Glen  McNamara vs Jamie Gao. Office fill no: Docket no: Re: Memorandum of the case between Roger Rogerson and Glen  McNamara vs Jamie Gao. Assessment of the assignment. You have asked me to prepare a memorandum involving the case between detective Roger Rogerson and Glen McNamara vs Jamie Gao whom they killed claiming that he was a drug dealer which was wright, Jamie was a drug dealer. He was not supposed to be killed by detective Roger and Glen (Henry & Powell, 2016.p.397-418). . Detective Roger Rogerson and Glen McNamara killed Jamie Gao on Jun 14 2016, Jamie who was a Sydney student and was only 20 years old due to these Jamie’s family went ahead and sued Rogerson and Glen McNamara. Court and location. The Jamie’s Gao case was petitioned in SUPREME COURT OF  NSW, the court is located in the Sydney CBD, The supreme court which is situated In 184 Philip street of Sydney and the location accommodates all departments in the court’s registries, and the location is referred to the law court building and…

The story of the Storm by Kate Chopin In any given story, the setting describes the surroundings as well as the time of the story. Setting pays a significant role in a story since it influences the behavior of the characters and offers a reflection on the character’s society. Besides, setting sets the mood of the story, invokes responses more so emotional, and also helps in foreshadowing events therein. Additionally, the central theme of a story heavily relies on the story’s setting. It is also worth noting that context plays a crucial role in determining the tone in a story. A story’s plot is generally comprised of five parts, namely exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and finally, resolution. This essay examines how the setting of the story contributes to the rising action, falling action, and climax in the story, “The Storm” by Kate Chopin. In the short story “The Storm” by Kate Chopin, the setting takes place in the late 19th century in Louisiana. The protagonist in the story is Calixta, wife to Bobinot and mother to Bibi. The…

A research paper Outline: Domestic Violence Introduction Domestic violence refers to any behavior undertaken by the abuser to gain control and power over a partner, spouse, and or boyfriend/girlfriend. Domestic violence is an area of concern that requires immediate actions from the government all over the world. Women are a larger group affected by domestic violence. For instance, in the United States, three women are murdered each day by a male partner, a total of thirty-eight million, and twenty eighty thousand (38,028,000) have suffered from the domestic abuse from an intimate partner.  Most of the victims suffering from domestic abuse are afraid of exposing their partners to the people’s authority. Hence they continue to endure the situation, which sometimes leads to death. Domestic abuse affects most of the people in society, especially in the United States; hence there is a need for the victims to corporate with the government agencies to put the problem to an end. Domestic abuse occurs in the form of verbal, physical, and sexual assault. Verbal Abuse Verbal abuse refers to the abusive statements made by…

Savaari Presents Top 5 Family-friendly destinations near Chennai.   Chennai always manages to greet you with its scorching glory, like any coastal city. Formerly known as Madras, Chennai can be a stirring pot of diversity, reminiscing the past and embracing the modernities like any other city of India. With that being said, Chennai attracts a lot of tourists over the years. And, you can’t blame the tourists for coming to witness the majestic attractions offered by Chennai. From Mahabalipuram to the Marina beach, Chennai has become a hotspot for family gatherings and holiday options. If you are tagging your kids along, it can also be the right place for them to travel. So, make the plan already, set the date, and set out for Chennai.   Note: Since you will be traveling with your family, always opt for a car since a road trip can help you externalize the inner wanderlust in you and your family. So, Avail a comfortable and spacious tempo traveler for rent in Chennai with Savaari.   Here’s a curated list of top 5 family-friendly destinations…

cryptocurrency mass adoption in the Middle East Even though the pace by which cryptocurrency mass adoption in the Middle East is quite slow, one thing which is for sure is that it is taking place.   Cryptocurrency has become a widely accepted phenomenon worldwide; however, its growth is still at a slow pace in the Middle East. Countries like UAE, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, and Bahrain consist of few private and public entities that are accommodating this new technology at the moment. On the other hand, there are also countries in the Middle East that are trying everything in their will not to let Cryptocurrency enter their nation.     One of the main focal points which are taken into consideration while analyzing the nascent industry is that adoption in this region is mainly driven from the top down. Due to cliched mindsets and fear of failure, the Government agencies and traditional banks, hesitate to adopt new technology.   Atmost wealthiest nations in the world situated in the Middle East. The GDP per capita ranges from $50,000 to $130,000 in the…

Six barren women in the Bible that finally gave birth. Sara, Abraham’s wife: “The name of Abram’s wife was Sarai … But Sarai was barren and had no child”, Gen. 11: 29-30. When God called Abraham to leave Ur and go to Canaan, he promised to make him “a great nation,” Gen. 12: 1. Then God told him that from him a large people would come out like the sand of the sea and like the stars of the sky that cannot be counted; that through that people he would bless all the families of the earth: he would give them the Scriptures, the revelation of Himself in the multiple precepts and ceremonies rich in symbolisms and teachings, which would be the framework for the manifestation of the Messiah, the supreme fulfilment of all His love for man. Abraham and Sara were tested. They were already old and, to complement the apparent problem, she was also sterile. Both were tempted to think that the offspring could only come through Hagar, Sara’s servant. The custom then was to consider the servants…

Analysis Paper for the Family The United States has a unique cultural dominance on the bases of marriages and families. For instance, when one looks at the dominant Ethiopian Muslims culture on marriages and families, it will be different from that of The United States (McGinn, 2016). In The United States, the issue of big families is not there. Most families in The United States compost of two parents. The case is different when it comes to Ethiopian Muslims (Abbink, 2008). According to the tradition of Muslims, man’s status and worthiness were determined by the size of his family. A man was allowed to marry up to four women. The number of women and children that a man had was used to reflect his ability (Ezra, 2003). The community, therefore, espoused extended families. Muslims also were not supposed to use contraceptives, methods promoting small families. A woman was supposed to give birth to as many kids as her womb could hold. Additionally, the cases of divorce were minimal in a Muslim society(Ezra, 2003). The society considered the family system theory.…

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