Shaft alignment Shaft alignment is the proper positioning of the shaft centerlines of the driver and driven components (i.e., pumps, gearboxes, etc.) that make up the machine drive train. Alignment is accomplished through either shimming or moving a machine component or both. Its objective is to obtain a common axis of rotation at operating equilibrium for two coupled shafts or a train of coupled shafts. Shafts must be aligned as perfectly as possible to maximize equipment reliability and life, particularly for high-speed equipment. Alignment is important for directly coupled shafts as well as coupled shafts of machines that are separated by distance—even those using flexible couplings. It is important because mis- alignment can introduce a high level of vibration, cause bearings to run hot, and result in the need for frequent repairs. Proper alignment reduces power consump- tion and noise level and helps to achieve the design life of bearings, seals, and couplings. Alignment procedures are based on the assumption that one machine-train component is stationary, level, and properly supported by its base plate and foundation. Both angular and offset…

Racism in the Selection of Juries for O.J. Simpson’s Trial             O.J. Simpson’s trial happened at a time when the US was struggling with high levels of racial differences between the whites and the black-Americans. Cases heard at that time were affected by the racial affiliation of the juries listening to them. Therefore, prosecutors and defendants did everything they could to have juries from their racial affiliation, although they had little control over the final panel of juries. Also, courts from different parts of the country were known for different racial affiliations depending on the majority of the residents. When Simpson was accused of murdering his ex-wife and a friend, the whites felt that he was guilty and needed to be executed. The black-Americans, on the other hand, felt that Simpson was targeted because he was black and had stood against any situation made to portray him as being inferior. The juries involved in both cases were selected with racial backing to offer a not guilty and guilty verdict for the cases as was needed and justice cannot be said…


Alfeter Eid

Alfeter Eid Eid al-Fitr is a day celebrated by all the Muslims and marks the end of a month-long dawn to sunset fasting of Ramadan. The day is special to me as it reflects an end to a period that checks my faith. I celebrate the day every year. Last year, I participated in the event back in our home in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The celebrations began in the evening on June 3 and ended on the evening of June 4. On the first day, we gathered in the mosque where we pray Salat, which is Islamic prayer. The day is not celebrated only in the mosque but also in other areas like open fields and community centers. The day marks the end of the 40 days of fasting time, whereas Muslims we pray for forgiveness and forgiving others. Personally, it is a day that I like coming close to Allah and ensure that I reflect on my deeds. The day is a celebration after ensuring that I am doing according to sharia. The day began at dawn at the…

Monitoring Toddlers and Technology Technology has made the history of being among the most trending subjects in the 20th and 21st centuries. And from the trend, it is most probably to be so even for the coming centuries. There has been witnessed a very active degree of engagement of human being s with technology. The reason is that technology has taken over control of all human life aspects. Another thing is that technology does not concern itself with age. Any individual of whichever age can at least get something from technology (Thompson, 2016). Technology is very much productive when used ethically or professionally. However, it can also be very destructive if used by people of ill motives. For this reason, my stance on this subject is that as much as I advocate for toddlers to be allowed to interact with technology, there should be plans to monitor the extent to which they interact with it. This topic is one that has attracted the attention of various stakeholders in society. You can think of parents, teachers, religious leaders, and other participants.…

Problem Description: There’s a need for developing child-life services in pediatric setting. Hospitalization of a child is subject to a lot of emotional and mental torture to the child, family, and friends. Such periods are characterized by confusion, stress, and fear of everyone related to the patient (Maier, 2017). I have witnessed a lack of psychological-appropriate interventions in various pediatric units to alleviate stress among children and their families. Given the fact that most hospitals either under-value or are entirely ignorant of the importance of a child-life specialist, it is of considerable significance that therapeutic counseling is incorporated to improve the well-being of children. In the bid to ensure a multi-disciplinary, value-based, and integrated health care delivery, there is a need to incorporate child life specialists in our health system. According to Maier (2017), human service has a role to play in society by availing a certified child-life specialist to work with pediatric patients having chronic or acute medical conditions. Child life professionals offer a calming presence by helping children and families cope with their bewildering events. The procedures these…

Overview of Challenges A pediatric patient brings about a unique set of challenges, family dynamics, and coping strategies. A Child-life specialist (CLS) comes in to offer personalized care for each child and family. The healthcare system and human service organization need to promote awareness of the need for child care in the modern medical procedure. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), through the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF), is one avenue to apply for grants (Hodwel, 2019). An integrated campaign between the two key players should focus on the cost-benefit analysis and comparative advantage of an active child life program. First and foremost, there’s a need to evaluate the critical importance of certified importance by identifying the psychosocial needs of pediatric patients and their families. The roles of CLS are diverse and challenging to define. However, their roles can be evaluated in terms of cost of service and benefit to the affected. To begin with, it is a well-known fact that the quality of services is competitive in healthcare. Child life services are an impression of…

Tips to Succeed as a Woman Entrepreneur The numbers of women entrepreneurs have steadily escalated in the recent past. Although men have for long ruled most businesses, nowadays, there’s a shift in the trend, and more women are involved in big corporations. However, most women grapple in the dark and don’t know what to do to become successful. Below are tips on how to succeed as a woman entrepreneur: 1. Enroll for business courses There are many cases of women entrepreneurs who mishandle their business partnerships, lose money, end up with a destroyed image, and in debts. Luckily, there are many courses you can take to equip you with the necessary skills on how to succeed as a woman entrepreneur. Although managing a company may take much of your time, this should not hinder you from gaining skills on how to empower yourself as a woman. If you lack time to attend your classes, online class help is the way to go. They have a team of professionals who assists students struggling to balance classwork and busy schedules and can…

Legalization of Abortion The legalization of abortion led to the formulation of the abortion law that regulates the availability of abortion. The abortion law was implemented in the year 1985. According to the World Health Organization [WHO], abortion rates are similar in countries where the act has been legalized and in countries where it is not. The legalization of abortion was aimed at benefitting women that were caught up with unwanted pregnancies and therefore this was a solution for women to have children by choice and not by chance. The legalization of abortion has its pros and cons as well as effects that come with it. Hence the paper gives information on the effects, pros, and cons of the legalization of abortion in various countries. Effects of legalization of abortion In all societies, the legalization of abortion will impact the number of births that occur to different mothers. This is because the mothers can control the number of children they would want to have because abortion would enable them to get rid of unwanted pregnancies through legal channels [Family Planning…

The consequences of the Atlantic Slave trade The consequences of the Atlantic Slave trade included economic, social, and political impacts. Nonetheless, the most significant effect of the slave trade on Africa was that of economic stagnation. It affected Africa’s potential for economic development. When the Europeans arrived on the coast of West Africa and established ports for slavery, through the commodification of slaves, they exploited the human resources of Africa and its labor. More than 12 million Africans were slaves in the West, and an unquantified number died in the process. This exploitation is highlighted by the state of development in different countries across the world. As a result, the most impoverished regions and countries in Africa are those who had the most significant number of slaves. Africa, before the trade, had a vibrant economy engaging in different forms of commerce. The taking away of millions of able-bodied men disrupted the economic growth of Africa. Africa, therefore, lost people endowed with skills and its production force. Wars and slave raids further led to more economic destruction. Due to the insecurity…

Huck’s Maturation Journey Transition and Maturation of Huck into adulthood is evident in his progressive separation from society throughout the novel. At the beginning of the book, when we first encounter him, Huck is in the process of being indoctrinated into the society by the Widow Douglas. His hypocrisy can be seen. However, Huck does not mind being regarded as an outsider. However, his society begins indoctrinating him and forces him into conforming when he suddenly he is handed economic power. From this point, it can be seen that Huck has no desire to get “sivilized”. Even before the book starts, he leaves and leaves the widow and returns. Huck protests against what he terms as the “respectable life”, which unfortunately he is part of. He returns only with slight coercion from his friend. Nonetheless, he does not completely disenchant himself from immaturity as he attains at the end. “The Widow Douglas, she took me for her son, and allowed she would sivilize me; but it was rough living in the house all the time, considering how dismal regular the…

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