“Gun runners” and “Love brewed in an African pot,” review Africa is one of the grossly misrepresented continents on the planet. Popular media showcase Africa as a place ridden with disease, poverty, war, and corruption. Although some of these allegations are true, there is a whole other story that is somehow not shared. The beautiful scenery, the breathtaking cultures, and the unique wildlife are a side of Africa you rarely get a glimpse off unless you have been on a safari. On the other hand, African movies have portrayed how it is like living in Africa. For my assignment, I will discuss two African films, “Gun runners” and “Love brewed in an African pot,” and how they influenced my perspective on the continent. Gun Runners The film “Gun runners” is a documentary film by Anjali Nayar based in Kenya. The movie revolves around two main characters, Julius Arile and Robert Matanda. The two are initially bandits always running for their lives from the police and people who want them dead. The two leave their life of crime behind when they…

Profit Maximization Strategies: Pepsi Inc.        PepsiCo Inc. operates in the food and beverage industry, which has fierce competition as well as ever-changing consumer demands. The company is the second dominant carbonated soft drink manufactures after Coca Cola Company (KQ). However, it poses a significant threat to its close rival KQ in the competition to rule the market. The two companies have played it hard for the entry and survival of other competitors due to their reputation and worldwide operations. According to Zhang (2019), Pepsi Company (PEP) was founded in 1986, and it is in operation to date, which means it has more industry experience to fight against other competitors who threaten to outsmart it. Additionally, the company has various strategies to reduce expenses so that it can maximize profits without increasing the prices of its products. An example of such strategies is reducing the cost associated with packaging by integrated with bottling company Dr. Pepper bottlers. Nevertheless, the company had a variety of products ranging from soft drinks of different flavors to snacks, which adds extra profit as a…

Steve Avery’s case Intelligence is a phenomenon that every law enforcement agency should inculcate in their investigation as well as their analysis of evidence. In light of the Steve Avery case in the documentary ‘Making a Murderer’, it is observed that Steve served a sentence for two crimes which the police did not carry due investigations. Certain concepts of intelligence are of great value to Avery’s case; a collection of information, analysis of evidence and the concept to anticipate a crime. The intelligence cycle is canvassed with various stages of the process. The process starts with the need for an investigation to take place, then the collection of information from different sources(Pascal, 2017). The third phase is the processing of the information on its credibility, followed by an analysis of the collected and processed information. Then the information shall be disseminated to the necessary receipt and a response awaited. The cycle is quite elaborate on how the information is gathered and dispatched. With the use of intelligence in policing, there are specific issues that arise. They include the use of…



Poem In his poem, Emerson describes who a poet is, does, writes, speaks, originates, and also what he stands for. However, most of the characteristics he says that describe these features  disagree with Whitman’s thought, as described in the poem “song of myself.” Under what a poet “originates,” Emerson says that the poet is “the first speaker.” Whitman responds this to his poem, saying that he harbor for good or bad. He also says that he allows speaking at all dangers, nature without check with original energy. In this response, he tries to tell Emerson that he speaks everything, and he knows how to prevent himself from being a victim of evil. In what the poet stands form, Emerson gives the characteristic of “a breaker from the past.” Whitman responds to this characteristic by saying that “the past is the push of you, me, all, precisely the same, And what is yet untried and afterward is for you, me, all, precisely the same” (Whitman). In this response, Whitman tries to tell Emerson that the past is still significant because it…

An Overview of Moisturizer Creams|Relevant Information About Moisturizer Creams|Everything You Should Know About Moisturizer Creams   {A dry skin is not a medical worry.|If you have a dry skin; you do not need to see a doctor.|You do not need to see doctor if you have a dry skin.} {However, for severe cases, there is a chance of infections and inflammation.|However, if the case is severe, it may attract infections and inflammation.|You are likely to get infection and inflammation is the skin is dehydrated.} {Dry skin will also make you uncomfortable as it may turn to be sore, itchy, or tender to touch.|People who have dry skin feel discomfort because of aching and itchiness.|You will have itchiness and sore that will make you very uncomfortable.} {The best way to deal with dry skin is by using a humidifier, mild soap, lukewarm bath, loose clothes, and protecting yourself from the cold wind and windy air.|Some of the practices that you can use to deal with a dry skin is having a humidifier, using mild soap, showering with lukewarm water, loose clothes,…

Christy’s Disapproval of Disability Stereotypes Contemporary literature has been criticized for encouraging stereotypes, especially regarding people with disabilities. The portrayal of such characters as thematic tools has become cliché as they are made to act the role of helpless and needy people at the mercy of their colleagues. However, the movie My Left Foot neglects such characterization by presenting Christy Brown as a realistic protagonist who happens to experience various challenges due to his Cerebral Palsy condition. The actor manages to overcome most of the obstacles emanating from his disability to develop into a celebrated artist in society. Nevertheless, several instances of bias and stigmatization exist as expected in the 1940s era. The film My Left Foot offers a holistic perspective of the life of Christy Brown, demonstrating his abilities as a human being, despite his condition the underlying social humiliation. Christy’s Disapproval of Disability Stereotypes Christy Brown’s defiance of typical disability typecasts is the most notable aspect of the movie My Left Foot. The opening scenes of the movie provide a significant icebreaker into the personality of the artist,…

Dissertation Thesis Proposal Outline I submited an inital Dissertation Thesis Proposal Outline. However, need it revised for a final proposal outlne. Advisor request a name change with the word ″up″ left out of it. The proposal is about coping after a significant loss and finding a new normal. It is about why some persons are more resiliant than others. I was considering women or both genders who have experienced similar loss, be it chronic illness, spouse or child. There is no need to study among different societies or groups of people. But the population needs to be specific. For example, adult children whose parents divorced. There needs to be a christian evidence to this approach, but uncertain if that actually needs to be included in the outline. I have a choice between a project or thesis. I have chosen a thesis. All words need to say ″thesis″ and not project. The articles need to be between 2010-2018, 100-200 articles. There needs to be a flow to the outline. For example, section V. there has to be at least 3 main…

Episodic SOAP Note CC: “I keep on forgetting things.” HPI: FS is a 70-year-old Caucasian female who visits the health center complaining of memory loss that makes him forget things, including the important events. She states that the forgetfulness began about six months back but at a moderate level where it came once in a while. However, the rate has been rising with time progression. The patient is in denial of having sustained head injuries that might have led to the destruction of some neurons in the brain that induces memory encoding, or even after the process, memory stored in the hippocampus are deleted permanently. The rate of his forgetfulness stands at 7/10 on a memory loss scale. The patient, a former senior consultant at one of the organizations in the Telecommunication industry, states that of recent, the issue has been common. She reports that it has led to a loss of important documents, absenteeism from crucial meetings, and lapses in his speech delivery that has made her non-reliable. Irrespective of that, she has been managing her finances alone. Current…

What are the elements to look for when planning to buy a drill press? Are you buying drill press machines for the first time? Well, for this you have to make the right choices depending on the material you are working with. You need to get a good quality drill press machine when working on strong materials like metal. Depending on the quality you use, you can make or break the metal or wood manufacturing work. To get a professional touch in work along with accuracy, it is better to look for quality machines. Now, if you wish to buy the Best Drill Press, some considerations shall help you invest in the right one. Choosing the right model When planning to buy the Best Drill Press, make sure that you look for the model that suits your requirements. Both a floor model and bench top type of model is available. Depending on your mode of work, you have to decide the right model of the machine. A floor model is suitable for a larger scale of projects that help get…

Mass Incarceration of Black Men in the United States One of the most pejorative features of the criminal justice system of the United States is the racial disparities in the system. In the United States, black people are five times more likely to be imprisoned than whites. According to a report by Petit and Sykes (2017), “one in ten black children living in America has a parent in prison, compared with about one in sixty white children.” This predicament has continued for a long time, and it has even become an accepted norm in the United States. Another report shows that “black people in America are incarcerated in prisons at an average rate of 5.1 times that of white people in America and this rate was ten times more in other states” (Nellis 2). There are two main reasons for this disparity. The first reason holds that the mass incarceration of black people is so that black people can be managed as black people, which is a racist system that established after the success of the civil right movement and…

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