Authoritative parenting Abstract The different styles of parenting available play a significant role in the growth and development of children in western culture. No one parenting style fits every child, and as such, they should be adapted depending on the child’s and the parents’ personalities. Among the main styles include; authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, and uninvolved parenting. In the dominant western culture in the United States, the preferred child upbringing goals include confidence, independence, and social assertiveness, among others. (Choi, Kim, Kim & Park, 2013) Authoritative parenting, as the name suggests, involves parents having more control over their children’s behaviour. The parents intend to promote freedom and independence, but at the same time, exercise a certain level of control on the child. As a result, the children become more mature and responsible at the early stages of their lives. This is done by encouraging accountability which helps the children to respond to different circumstances in life in the best way possible. In general, the style aims at providing an optimum, well-developed child of competence and character. (“Authoritative Parenting”, 2019) Parenting is…

 T.V Show Analysis; This is us Introduction This is us is a T.V. series, which is an American unique comedy-drama storyline having tragic elements. The series demonstrates how events of our past significantly impact the person we are nowadays. Notably, the series has various themes such as marriage, parenting, life, grief and loss, and lastly, anxiety, and stress. Here, the plot of the series is premise since it follows the lives of siblings such as Randall, Kate, and Kelvin together with their parents Rebecca and Jack Pearson. Actually, they are the main characters in the entire T.V. series. Additionally, the series takes place, particularly in the present, and makes use of flashbacks to demonstrate the family’s past by making use of scenes from all the characters present and childhoods day lives. Moreover, the situations and characters are very relatable. Episode 1 Here, the series sets the audience on a particular day when Randall, Kate, Jack, and Kelvin all have their birthdays. It is also the same day when Jack’s wife, Rebecca, goes into a premature labor pain, having some fears…

documentary of Ted Bundy Introduction Criminology theories play a crucial role in explaining and understanding the cause of heinous crimes committed by individuals in society. For instance, Ted Bundy is one of the individuals engaged in the homicide of women in almost seven states in America. The paper will identify the documentary of Ted Bundy explaining his life background and the crimes he committed. The article will also evaluate Agnew’s General Strain Theory and Hirschi’s Social Bond theory to solve the crimes committed by Ted. The two theories will also be compared and identify the strengths and weaknesses of each approach. Summary of Criminal History Ted was an American serial killer who killed, raped, and kidnapped many young ladies in the 1970s. However, before his execution, the offender confessed to engaging in thirty homicides, which were committed from 1974 to 1978. The actual number of victims is unknown since they could be higher than he admitted. Ted was revisiting the bodies he had killed and performed sexual acts on the decomposing bodies, and he found pleasure in others’ pain. Bundy’s…

PRISON BREAK. This is an American series that featured on Fox Network from 2005-2017. It revolves around an innocent man who was wrongly condemned to death for a crime he never committed and his brother’s masterpiece plan to aid him to escape prison. It takes the story structure of the storytelling format. It sparked interest as a prison drama arising from its success and also recognition. Its genre is an action thriller and crime drama. Broadcast history. In 2003, its producer, Paul Scheuring, introduced the idea of airing the series to the Fox Network company but was unfortunately turned down as Fox thought that running the production as a series might have long-time negative effects. He subsequently presented the idea to other television channels with no luck. In 2004, the Fox Company changed its stand on the series and backed up its production. It was, therefore, broadcast in August 2009 on the Fox Company Network. In 2006, the series got nominated to participate in Primetime Emmy Awards. Apart from the television broadcast, it has also been aired in other different…

Policy Regulatory and Measuring Outcomes task Policy/Regulatory: Adoption of m-Health to all households Does this quality and safety project have an impact on policy within the chosen setting? If so, who might be involved in considering the policy change? (i.e., individuals, departments, committees). Yes, it has. M-health presents multiple advantages in healthcare. However, not all that glitters is gold. It has a diverse effect on various divisions within healthcare, and these include financial issues, changes in workflow, temporary loss of productivity associated with m-health adoption, privacy and security concerns, among others (MINGUEL & NIEZEN, 2016). To put this in perspective, healthcare financial departments will have to do mega budgets to ensure that the m-health systems see the light. Being that the system increases the reliance on technology, many physicians and nurses might experience some incompetency due to overreliance in technology. Identify a regulatory body that may have oversight (direct or indirect) to the proposed change (i.e., TJC, CMS, ANA). The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has been mandate through the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH)…

The Family Formation The family institution has existed for a long generation now and has formed a fundamental component of society today.  Blood, adoption and marriage influence the existence of persons in a particular lineage. Marriage has been the main factor that has contributed to the formation of families. It is the union of people who have a relationship either through a contract or agreement or a legal union which is recognizable by the law. Traditionally, marriage was composed of people of different sexes who came together for companionship and procreation. The union was meant to unify them and bring them into a common belief and practice. However, recently, marriage composition has changed and included people of the same sex and some even choosing to stay single without the option of marrying. The move, according to sociologist, has impacted on the family, which forms the basic unit in the society. The change has also influenced kinship and conjugality in family lineages. The existence of family from a marriage perspective has in the past been a matter of debate with some…

My decision to continue my studies in foreign countries Children, especially have a very limited perspective on events in their lives and most often interpret any negative experience as their fault and as evidence that there is something wrong with them and I very much believe that, the way we talk to a child becomes his or her inner voice. Many adults and children have self-doubt, anger, pressure, ego, anxiety, and stress, the feeling of loneliness, worthlessness and loss of purpose among many other negative states. And these emotions and feelings affect their actions and daily lives; those actions have consequences that affect them and those around them and they may or may not know how or why. It has always been my desire to guide and help people with behavioral and developmental problems as I believe that I have a great influence on society through such a role. I have decided to continue my studies in foreign countries, where the academic programs in psychology are much more advanced in comparison with my native country. I was born in Bhilwara,…

Ways to Make Your Family Eco-Friendly in 2020   It is critical to be concerned about the environment we leave behind for the next generation. Too much waste finds its way into the landfill. It is one of the leading causes of water scarcity around the world. Here are the top ways to make your family eco-friendly in 2020. Organize a Clothing Swap   It is the perfect way to get new toys, clothes, and gear for your family without spending any money. Get your friends together and let everyone bring the things they do not use but are still in good condition and you can swap. It is also a great way to clean your closet by getting rid of what you don’t need. Choose Reusable Goods over Disposable   Most of the things we throw away, such as juice boxes and snack pouches can be recycled and turned into something much safer for the planet. It is also another fantastic way to save money. During Craft Session, Recycle and Re-use   Enhance the limits of your little ones…

Coronavirus Pandemic The World Health Organization declared COVID19 a public health emergency that needed every country to be on alert. The disease that was discovered in Wuhan, a city in Hubei province in China has left a toll of suffering and death in most countries. The high number of deaths and how the disease is quick to spread prompted WHO to declare it a global pandemic in 11th March. As of today (8th March), the number of deaths due to COVID19 is at 82,101. The number of confirmed cases in over 209 countries is 1,431,973. As the disease spread, there has been a lot of misinformation spreading, but here is what you need to know about the virus. What is COVID19 COVID19 is a viral infection that is highly transmittable. The disease is caused by SARS-CoV-2, which is severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2.  According to Genomic Analysis, SARS-CoV-2 could be related to a group of bat viruses which is similar to the severe acute respiratory syndrome. Because of this, the disease is considered to have originated from bats. The…

Corporate Governance Principles in Woolworths Groups The term ‘Corporate governance’ refers to a detailed structure of rules, relationships, systems, and procedures within which operations are conducted in corporations. It entails the guidelines with which firms and those in control-positions are bound to comply. Woolworths groups in their corporate governance statement stated that the ASX Corporate governance principles had influenced their principles. These principles are aimed at promoting investor confidence, which is a significant aspect of the ability of corporations to compete for capital. The ASX Corporate Governance principles and recommendations are set and aimed at promoting eight central principles: Solid Foundation Layout for Managerial and Oversight Purposes This principle recommends that a corporate should clearly describe the respective responsibilities of its management and view its performance on a regular basis. The firm should provide a board chatter, clearly defining the various roles and responsibilities of both the Board and management and clearly outline those issues delegated to the Board and those reserved to the management. The nature of the roles and responsibilities delegated to the Board and management will depend…

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