High Infant Mortality and Maternal Rate in African Americans Abstract African-American maternal and infant mortality rates are high, and it is reported that Black infants are more likely to die than white infants according to the most recent government data. The existing racial disparity means that African-American mothers and infants will continue to have a high mortality rate than other populations in the US. The purpose of this paper is to examine the root cause of the high African-American mothers and their infants’ mortality rate. Drawing on government, documentary sources, and NGO reports, the nature of the current state of African American mothers is examined as well as the reasons why the infant mortality rate is exceptionally high for African American infants compared to white infants. The study shows that there is racial disparity for the people of color, leading to them receiving poor prenatal care, lack of educational opportunities, and the opportunity to live in a stress-free environment. In this regard, relevant medical professionals and policymakers need to combine their efforts and develop viable solutions to reduce the high…

The need for educating the public This study underscores the need for the general public to understand how their economic outcomes might affect their health in the future. In essence, the article stresses how SES is an essential factor that determines a child’s or adult’s health. Of crucial importance, with this observation, it is necessary to understand that with SES, it is close for an individual to suffer from health outcomes. The need for educating the public on such is mandatory.   The above study also shows the importance of education and how it is likely to affect and upend the effects of SES in young adults. For instance, with educational attainment, people are likely to be educated on ways to prevent contraction of certain diseases. For example, now people can understand how information received from school or knowledge institutions can be used to avoid infections.   The article stresses how SES has a long term effect on the health outcome of a child. What this means is that the impact of SES on how a child will receive health…

Tips to Contemplate When Finding the Best Family Photographer   Photos are images which help us keep memories of our families at different times. However, the images have to be clear, and they have to be of best moments. Therefore, you have to consider choosing the right family photographer to ensure that your photos are taken and delivered expertly. However, you have to consider finding the best family photographer for the best outcome, but since there are several family photographers, you ought to contemplate on reading more here.   You have to consider asking for referrals from people whose family photos are excellent and amazing, and they are taken at the right time. This means that you need a photographer who has been of help to others. Therefore, asking for referrals would be great because you would find several family photographers through referrals. Thus, you have to consider finding the reviews for you to know which family photographer for your needs. The family photographer who has positive reviews should be selected because you need to be provided with excellent services.…

Evaluation for Family Vehemence Introduction From the above analysis, the growth and development stage of the clients should be taken into consideration. In regards to Piaget’s stages of cognitive development, the client is under the concrete operational stage (7-11 years). Generally, the individuals under the mentioned stage learn to reason in given situations. (Weber & Kelley, 2018) They consider the thoughts and ideas of other people and start to reason about what they see in the environment. First, I would take the client (Elizabeth) together with the mother in a quiet place where nobody apart from the can listen to the whole discussion. It is also essential to ensure that the home is comfortable free nice, and a favorable temperature. I would start talking while maintaining a good mood, quiet tone, and be relaxed with the primary intention of making the client feel free (Weber & Kelley, 2018). I would start asking the two to the center and be very keen on taking notes of Elizabeth’s reaction (anxious or afraid). I would converse directly to Elizabeth and assure her unwavering…

Family Adolescents Introduction This empirical article assignment sets to respond to various questions that are related to the selected article on the parent-adolescent relationship and the best parenting strategy to use when raising children, especially when they are in their adolescence stage. Question One: Purpose of Study The purpose of this study by Piko and Balazs (2012), was to critically investigate how the depressive symptomatology in adolescents is influenced by the use of both the authoritative parenting style and various family variables such as positive identification with parents and negative family interactions during parenting (Piko & Balazs, 2012). This study was critical since it enabled the researchers to determine whether there existed an association between the authoritative parenting style and the depressive symptomatology in the Hungarian adolescent students or not. Question Two: Research Method In the spring of 2010, Piko and Balazs (2012) carried out a study in all the primary and secondary schools that were existing in Mako and its surroundings in the effort of attaining the purpose of this study (Piko & Balazs, 2012). The researchers used self-administered…

Pride and Prejudice analysis Jane Austen published and anonymously released her book, Pride and Prejudice in 1813, a period during which people were getting used to the idea that women would divert from the norm of being modest in their characters and dealings. A strict code of conduct guided women during this era. They were expected to be virtuous, obedient, humble, covering their intelligence and aptitudes and leaving matters of science, philosophy, politics, and business to brainy and better knowledgeable gentlemen. The law at that time did not allow divorce and saw women as their husbands’ property. In her writing, Jane Austen portrays a society where the woman defies the rule of the land and does what she wants. She tells her own life story through her heroines; the Bennet sisters. She publishes and sells books during a time when women were expected to live by the rule of the land, making them submissive and modest, value and treasure marriage rather than chase individual financial freedom (Austen, Pride and Prejudice 5).) The ideals and pitfalls of femininity, as portrayed by…

Coordinating family and medical leave Question One The question that I would first ask the manager is whether he knew that one of his employees was taking regular leaves every Friday for the past few months. The question would help address the understaffing issues and determine the reasons behind the regular Friday leaves. The answer would determine whether the employee has some authorization or was violating the organizational policies, thus leading to staffing problems (Lopez and Blair, 2018). Question Two My next step would be informing the manager of the attendance rates as the employee falls in the manager’s department. Secondly, I would inform the manager of the speculations that the employee might have a chronic health condition (Johnston, 2019). Question Three If the manager is aware of the situation, I would seek to understand why the human resource department was not informed despite being charged with staffing duties. I would regard this as a conflict in the managerial and human resource duties (Glasgow, 2018). Question Four The fact that other employees are aware of the condition means that there…

Calvin’s Giftedness Is Calvin gifted, creative, and talented? Provide a rationale for your answer Yes, he displays characteristics of people who are gifted, creative, and talented. Calvin demonstrates high intellectual and creative abilities. He is skilled in the use of language, as evidenced by his humorous and creative answers to his dad. For instance, when he vouches for looking at the “help wanted section” when his dad’s polls are slipping down. His reasoning appears to be beyond his age, sometimes manipulating it in naughty ways. For instance, he creatively attempts to illustrate to his dad how early retirement to bed would turn him into a psychopath (Hardman, Drew & Egan, 2013). These are typical characteristics that depict the nature of Calvin as a gifted child. If Calvin’s dad asked you how to handle Calvin’s “giftedness,” what recommendations would you make? Give a rationale for your answer The main way to handle Calvin’s gifted nature is through pursuing differentiated education. As Hardman, Drew & Egan (2013) explain, this type of schooling system is customized to meet the unique interests and abilities…

Individual vs family floater health insurance plan- all you need to know The health insurance is a must for every individual in this age as the diseases are much deadly than ever before, and treatment cost has also gone much higher. The health insurance has mainly two options which are individual plans and family floater. As the name shows in the individual plan, only one person is covered who is a policyholder. In the family floater, all the family members are included. The individual plan: In an individual plan, the premium amount is decided from the sum assured and age of the individual policyholder. Hence if the policyholder is young, he may have to pay a low premium. The sum assured offered to the individual is restricted to be used by him only in case of any medical treatment. However, in this plan, only one person is covered. The family floater plan: In this plan, a particular sum assured is given to the whole family or members covered. Usually, in this plan, parents and kids are covered. However, there are also…

Dear Parents and Sister             I am writing this letter as an apology for my unethical behavior. I understand how you undergo through awkward moments when I deviate from the doctrine of ethics. The wrongdoings I have committed to you; I know they are unbearable. You have been talking to me so politely only to the expense of disrespecting all your commands. Have come into my senses and understood that the unethical behaviors I portray to you raise your tempers and make you feel annoyed. My ignorance has caused this sorrow and disgrace. I don’t have a genuine reason as to why I offend this much to you though I justify as a peer pressure thing which influences me a lot. I know that you have been pivotal to set a role model to me, and likewise, I should be a role model to my sisters. I have disrespected you a lot and annoyed you unconditionally, and I opt not to repeat it. You have stood by my side but have regularly gone contrary to your expectations. Significantly you did…

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