Little girl becomes the showstopper while dancing with her family  The Davies family got interested in the famous Whip Nae Nae dance and tried new moves when their 2 years old girl stood as the best performer of the dance. The little girl joined the family group and started to dance in her style. The family started to dance on Silento’s Watch Me song while the little kid was on with flaunting her dance moves and style in a fluffy skirt. She also decided to dance solo in her pace and style. Without the need of choreography, she was dancing happily with happy feet following the rhythm of the song. Therefore, the little girl was the showstopper without any training, with her enthusiastic recreation of dance to the song Whip Nae Nae. This family is interested in dancing and the video, the mother, father, and the big brother along with the little girl is seen spice up the dance floor with innovative moves. As the little girl joined the other family members, she proved how her enthusiasm has resulted in…

Considerations in Designing a Qualitative Study             Courtney, Kiernan, Guerin, Ryan, and McQuillan’s article is titled “Mothers’ perspectives of the experience and impact of caring for their child with a life‐limiting neurodevelopmental disability.” The purpose of the study is to investigate the experiences of mothers caring for children with life-limiting neurodevelopmental disabilities. The study also aims to understand the perceptions of mothers and impact that caring for a child with special needs has on the family (Courtney et al., 2018). The primary research question from the article is: To understand the perspectives of mothers and impact on themselves and their families when caring for a child with a life-limiting neurodevelopmental disability. The article clearly presented the research design. The authors have designated a part in the article that names and describes the research design. The research design chosen by the authors is subjective interpretivist strand that they plan to use to gain a deeper insight into the issues involved when caring for a child with the named disability (Courtney et al., 2018). Through an interpretivism research design, researchers explore crucial…

 reports of oral health Culture are shared beliefs or actions by a specific group of people who have the same social relationship. The critical component of the social structure is the process of people making sense of both conscious and conscious assumptions, practices and expectations of their life. Culture organizes the social group’s norms and beliefs of death, life, children’s care and their birth. This process also involves health care seeking when an illness occurs within the members of the society. At sometimes, social beliefs and norms can act as a barrier to accessing health services in hospitals. According to several reports of oral health, it is evident that some of the people in the United States indicate that specific minority ethnic groups have the poor oral status of health. Being one of the ethnic group members does not suggest that one have poor health status. However, some certain cultural practices and beliefs may be familiar to the members of these groups that influence health status. Such beliefs and practices include values that are placed on therapeutic or preventive expectations…

Critical Analysis of Why New Borns Cause Acrimony And Alimony The article by Dolores Puterbaugh, “Why newborns cause acrimony and alimony,” describes the challenges that come in marriage when children are born in the family. It is true divorce rate is high for new couples. However, acrimony and alimony in marriages occur as a result of abrupt changes in expectations for income, duties and the structure of the family. Acrimony refers to feelings of bitterness or resentment towards someone, while alimony is a person’s legal obligation to support their spouse financially after a marital divorce. To understand why newborns cause alimony, Dolores Puterbaugh discusses the differences in parenting expectations. The differences in expectations of handling money, decisions, power, children and duties are the likely cause for acrimony and alimony between married couples. The role of both parents raising a child is important because the interest of the child comes first. However, for marriages where the man is the sole financial provider for the family, the loss of job puts a lot of strain in the marriage (Puterbaugh, 2005). Married couples…

 Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare. Twelfth Night is a fantastic comedy featuring Viola and her brother Sebastian who gets separated after a shipwreck at the Coast of Illyria. Viola is lucky to have the sea captain save her life but is afraid when she cannot find her brother in the fear that he drowned. Despite being a noblewoman, the loneliness makes her want to look for a way of living, and the sea captain tells her about the lady Olivia. However, she is mourning for her family and does not want to see anyone new. For protection, Viola impersonates to be a man named Cesario and gets work at Duke Orsino’s court through the help of the captain. Orsino likes Viola, and he makes him/her cover for his service, the Duke. This essay explains the meaning of the play elaborating on the themes, conflicts, and symbolism used by Shakespeare to convey his message to the audience. To begin with, conflict in the play where Viola mourns her twin brother being the only family is not optimistic he might be alive.…

Rhetoric Analysis of O.J.: Made in America Introduction O.J.: Made in America is a documentary film that revolves around racism, violence and other things in the criminal justice system. The documentary revolves around the life of OJ Simpson, who was a suspect involved in robberies and kidnapping. The trial of OJ Simpson is the main focus of the eight-hour documentary. The prosecution mainly began as a trial that includes a famous person, but it later became a trial that involved racism and classism in history and the whole of America. The producer of the film argues that Simpson did commit the murders, but racism in the police department should have been a reason for discharge according to Simpson’s lawyers. The documentary focuses on how the American criminal justice system would not function with the complicated forces surrounding it. Simpson represents everything good in the U.S. as well as everything bad in the U.S. Description and significance Among observers, the Simpson story began the night where Nicole Simpson and Ronald Goldman were found murdered outside the formers home in Brentwood. To…

Purchasing Printer Toners Today, printing can be an expensive undertaking. And you know what? Printer manufacturers understand and enjoy this fact. Look. You get a printer that very cheap and think that this is a great deal only to discover that the printer is super-hungry for ink. Then, the worst comes: the printer cartridges are so expensive. At times, as expensive as the printer itself! At this point, you come to discover that picking a cheap printer is indeed very expensive in the long term. When you set off buying printer toners (ink), it can be a challenge because of the many brands out there. Indeed, the printer toner designed for your printer will appear similar, but the price can have a big difference. Therefore, you can opt to purchase toners from the original printer manufacturers (OEM) or go for alternatives that are designed by other brands. Well, no matter what your choice is, the bottom line is that the printer toner is very expensive. And you know what? Manufacturers come with all sorts of tricks to make their options…

Children and Mobile Phone Ownership             Technology is everywhere, and parenting is changing significantly in recent years. Children born during the era of technology are become hard to deal with, especially when parents decide to bring them up according to the traditional ways. One of the most contentious issues coming up in parenting is whether or not to allow children to own mobile phones. Some parents have allowed their children to own phones as early as when they are nine or fewer years old. Some schools have also allowed children to use mobile phones during breaks between classes to communicate with their parents. However, other parents and schools have held the position that phones should not be availed to children. Allowing children at the age of nine to own phones may be risky on their behavior and also is expensive, although it may be viewed as a security measure. A nine-year-old child is not in a position to make informed decisions safe for a few children who attain maturity at an early age. Mobile phones allow children to be at…

CDA portfolio project COMPETENCY GOAL I To establish and maintain a safe, healthy learning environment RC Iessays.blablawriting.com3. Provide a sample of your weekly plan that includes goals for children’s learning and development, brief desсrіptions of planned learning experiences, and also accommodations for children with special needs (whether for children you currently serve or may serve in the future). Indicate the age group(s) for which the plan is intended. COMPETENCY GOAL II To advance physical and intellectual competence RC II. Describe nine learning experiences (activities), written in your own words, including one from each of the following curricular areas: • RCIIessays.blablawriting.com1 Science/ Sensory • RCIIessays.blablawriting.com2 Language and Literacy • RCIIessays.blablawriting.com3 Creative Arts • RCIIessays.blablawriting.com4 Fine Motor (please choose an indoor activity) • RCIIessays.blablawriting.com5 Gross Motor (please choose an outdoor activity) • [unique_solution]RCIIessays.blablawriting.com6 Self Concept • RCIIessays.blablawriting.com7 Emotional Skills/ Regulation • RCIIessays.blablawriting.com8 Social Skills • RCIIessays.blablawriting.com9 Mathematics TEACHING ESSENTIALS 69 For example, for RC IIessays.blablawriting.com1, Science/Sensory, you might write about an experience entitled “Smell Jars” and for RC IIessays.blablawriting.com6, Self Concept, you might write about an experience entitled “Self Portraits”. For each…

How to Pick a Health Care Provider For You And Your Family You are mostly responsible for your mental and physical well-being. Observing prevention measures often translates to fewer visits to the doctor. However, it is essential to work with qualified and skilled medical providers to be on the safe side. Spain offers both private and public health care system. The government-run system provides primary care for individuals and families that contribute to the country’s social security. Additionally, retirees, including those from European Union countries, receive health services for free in public hospitals. Choosing the right clinic for you and your family is one of the most crucial things you will do Location and Accessibility A lot of people focus on the area when picking a hospital, more than experience and standard of care. Therefore, if you start losing your clients to faraway hospitals, you should examine how you treat your patients and the quality of your services. Since the seriousness of medical conditions can change within no time, it is better to get to the hospital quickly hence the…

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