Potential Granter for UNDO UR REDONE Name of organization Name of the grant Location Scope of service Website Why I selected it 1 Grant.GOV Sex risk avoidance education program USA (government grant) Empower the young people to make a healthy decision through abstaining from sexual behaviors that can lead to early pregnancy or STI https://youth.gov/funding-search/grants-search As per the objective of your organization, you are playing a big role in the primary prevention of sexual violence and immoralities against the young generation. The dangers of pornographic include sexual violence and addiction, which leads to early pregnancies. This is a government fund project under the ministry of health. You have a higher chance of securing the grant if you present your value proportion well. 2 The United States Department of justice Discretionary grant: Culturally specific service grant Grants to Reduce Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, and Stalking Program USA ( The objective of the grant is to enforce help to victims of GBV and sexual violence by taking the cultural approach. Creating awareness and support at the cultural level. https://www.justice.gov/ovw/grant-programs Your…

Social precursors of drug addiction: effectiveness of drugs Drug addiction refers to a disease affecting a person’s brain leading to inability to control the usage of certain drugs or medication. Drug addiction is also known as substance use disorder. Many factors lead to drug and substance use, and some are attributed to social environments. Parenting style matters a lot in the growth of children. Children whose parents abuse drugs are likely to abuse drugs too. Socioeconomic status of caregivers also contributes to drug and substance use amongst children. Their peers greatly influence decision making in teens since their opinions are highly valued. Peer pressure, therefore, poses as a risk factor to drug and substance use. Use of drugs and substance has effects on the individual and society at large. The results vary from health effects to social impacts. Although the use of drugs and substances is known to have adverse implications, certain drugs are useful in the human body for example alcohol. Alcohol is an organic solvent, and when taken in small doses, it is known to have beneficial effects. …

Different factors causing addiction Addiction is a chronic, compulsive behavior that leads to the use of drug or substance abuse. The person is often unable to stop consuming the substance even though it causes them psychological and physical harm. Thesis: addiction is an issue of concern around the world contributed by different factors. For a long time, addiction was treated as a criminal offense. Over time, policies have been developed to decriminalize it and help the victims. Different factors can cause addiction. For many people, it can be inherited or developed. Michael Botticelli grew up in a family riddled with addiction, which eventually led to him becoming addicted. His situation further worsened when he would hang out in gay bars to meet people. Johann Hari challenges the idea that addiction occurs due to chemical hooks, which alter the person’s chemical balance, leading to addiction. He believes that addiction correlates with a person’s surroundings. He believes that the people one surrounds themselves with influence their well-being. If a person is happy and healthy, they bond in positive ways. However, if a…

temples of the holy spirit The issue analyzed in this case study is the use of Juuls. This is a brand of e-cigarettes that have become popular among the youth. It is a battery-powered device which allows the users to vape or inhales an aerosolized liquid which contains nicotine. These devices are not easily detected by the adults or the parents as they look like computer flash drives. It can also be hidden easily in the pockets. When heated, the device creates a vapor which is inhaled by the user. Most of these devices contain nicotine which is highly addictive. This substance also has a negative impact on the development of the brains of the youth since their brains are developing. The nicotine has a long term effect on their brains. The side effects of this substance include the increase in the blood pressure, lung diseases, increase in the heart rate, resistance to insulin which results from type 2 diabetes, and chronic bronchitis. There are also harmful substances contained in the e-cigarettes that the producers claim to be nicotine-free. Substances…

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans-gender community The lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community is one among the unique set of cities which is yet to be fully acknowledged and accepted as a part of the general population. This is mainly propelled by the fact that some part of the general population has not accepted this kind of relationships and thus the prejudice and homophobia that come with it, resulting in social and health problems such as drug and alcohol addiction Issues related to the LGBT community Homophobia- this refers to the various forms of negative attitudes exerted upon the lesbians and the gays due to their sexual orientation Use of some specific languages, for instance, “family” and Bill W, to mean their colleagues. This is mainly to create a sense of belonging The LGBT community has been fighting for acceptance and respect their efforts including several activist groups to champion for their rights and freedom There is also the use of specialized treatment programs for the LGB addicts to foster their sense of pride and belonging Challenges faced by the LGBT…

Inductive and Deductive Theory The understanding of inductive and deductive theory can be traced from the explanation of Guillermino Jasso.  Jasso came up with a formula to measure the measurable components of distributive justice. The formula was meant specifically meant to find out whether people access to equal treatment in their lives.  The formula incorporated the variables such as J that implies that justice, a stands for actual holdings a person has while C represents comparison holdings of another person. The full formula abbreviation was; J=A-C (Jasso, Törnblom & Sabbagh, 2016). Her research and mathematic calculation hypothesized that distributive justice could be understood well when actual person holdings are compared with that of another person. Actual holdings involved things such as beauty, happiness, intelligence, among many other variables.  The research was based on whether all the people were under equal treatment in terms of access to nature as well as social goods.  Some of the variables were too broad. Hence Guillermino Jasso developed a rule to measure things such as respect. In her final decision, variables such as respect were…

More Thoughts on Stigma and Addiction Stigma is defined as a set of overlying negative attitudes about a particular group of people, such as those suffering from addiction. It is an attitude that judges people not by who they are but by the drugs they take. Although most of the families in the US know or have at least one person suffering from addiction, myths, and misconceptions about people suffering from addiction run wild. Several studies out there show that addiction is not a choice but an illness that may be dependent on environmental factors and genetic vulnerability. Harms of Stigma and Addiction As our nation slowly evolves from its dark history of criminalizing addiction and isolating victims, the effects of stigma can be easily downplayed. Stigma is a serious issue, and the view that stigma is worse than an overdose is widely considered in addiction recovery circles. Negative Impacts of stigma include:   Keeps people from reaching out for help The dark cloud that hangs over addiction creates guilt and shame in the addicts who then don’t reach out…

Addictions Discussions The term addiction goes beyond the use of substances or chemicals that alters an individual’s normal functioning and reasoning owing to the prolonged use of such substances. Instead, it entails both the extreme dependence on such substances as well as repetitive behavioral aspects that arises from one’s inability to regulate unpleasant behavior(Zilberman et al., 2018). The behavioral addictions manifest through sex addiction, serial gambling, addiction to masturbation, or any other non-conforming behavioral aspect. The road to addiction is within a continuum, and no one could become addicted without following that path. The first path that most individuals who are living free from behavioral or substance addiction find themselves is the total abstinence phase followed by the abuse stage that separates addiction from abstinence(Zilberman et al., 2018).  The third phase of addiction arises from the continuous abuse of either the substance or the repetition of the behavior until someone starts struggling without the substance or the behavior. From the medical model of addiction’s perspective, addiction is an aspect that lies within an individual and views addiction as an illness…

5 Things Everyone Should Know For the First Time Vaping Vaping remains to be hands down the most favored technique of dispensing cbd. The method is common among youths and has seen startups become multimillion-dollar companies just by selling vaping merchandise. Other than being a laid back marijuana consumption method, vaping seems to be among the few techniques that unleash the impacts of cannabidiol on the system at a faster rate. However, first-timers should be aware that becoming a vaping expert is not an easy task. The method requires skills and knowledge on how to use the equipment involved. It also needs a steadfast individual who is patient enough to go through the learning curve. That is because any mistake can lead to a bad hit, and that may ruin your initial vaping experience. Now that you have a hint of what the whole process is all about, here are five things every first-time vaper should know. https://pixabay.com/photos/vape-vaping-vapor-smoke-vaporizer-5039608/ Start your journey with high-quality vaping equipment The first noticeable aspect once you start your vaping journey is the prevalence of vaping…

Addiction to cell phones Cell phones are harmful to students in schools. This condition is making cell phones to be banned in schools. Banning cell phones in school ensures that students are not addicted to cell phones. It also provides that while in class, students focus on their schoolwork. Reports on banning cell phones in schools have increased globally. Teachers, as well as the parents, should support each other to ensure that students don’t use cell phones both in schools and outside school (Mupinga, 2017). Parents, guardians, and teachers believe that the learning of students in school is disturbed as well as harmed by cell phones. The achievement of students has declined over some years in several nations. The mental health of students has declined rapidly, which makes parents, as well as teachers, wonder what is happening in the health of the students (Shaw, 2012). Children don’t have enough sleep and don’t eat enough healthful food as well as get involved in physical activities. Children don’t sleep anymore because they used most of their time on their phones. They should…

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