Historical Events that Directly led to the Prolonged Great Depression Introduction From 1929 to 1939, the United States experienced the worst economic recession in history since the beginning of the industrial revolution era. This period is known as the great depression. It started in 1929 after the stock market crashed in October. There is a misconception that the stock market crash caused the great depression. However, this is not entirely true. Several reasons directly caused and prolonged this economic recession. Some of the historical events that directly prolonged the great depression include a reduction in the monetary supply, increased taxation, and economic uncertainty. Causes of Depression Reduction in the Monetary Supply There was a sharp reduction in monetary supply between the year 1930 to 1933 and in the year 1937 to 1938. This reduction, in turn, reduced the demand and output. In 1920, the country experienced a steady economic growth where the supply of money increased throughout the years. The stock market in 1920 grew by a margin of 2.7% per annum (Bianchi, 2019). Many people during these years heavily…

HISTORICAL RAILROAD                   With the industrial revolution, there was a need to have a means of transport to support the movement of goods and people. Canals had already been built, and there was a need to connect different regions now. The railroad is one of the most significant achievements of the Industrial Revolution. It opened up places that previously could not be accessed, made trade better with more returns by opening a new market for goods. Rail transport also speeded up transport. Travelling by canals in some regions used to take a whole day and railroad simplified transport by making transport in the same regions take less than an hour. With its development, transport evolved and road transport, air transport emerged, giving competition to railroads. This research article summarizes railroad, its history, its challenges and the evolution of transportation in the USA. Sources include the primary sources, annotated websites and scholarly article reviews. With America gaining independence and land exploration and expansion started. Reliance on canals became obsolete in parts far away from the natural waterways, and there was a…

The historical labour law in the United Kingdom The historical labour law in the United Kingdom Marks the development of UK labour law. Before the period of industrial revolution and development of mechanized manufacture, workplace regulation was based on status rather than mediation contract or mediation through the use of trade unions. The prevailing status of mass people was Serfdom exemption of occasion where artisans in town could gain measure self-regulation through the use of guilds. The law of land was found under Act of Apprentices 1563. It was a requirement that al, the wages in every district should be assessed using the justice of the peace. Mid-19th century, there was a growing recognition where requiring greater protection to ensure safety for workers and promote healthy working conditions. Some of the articles that were used in the exercise include the Master-Servant Act 1867 and the Employer Workman Act of 1875. The acts helped in eliminating unfair practices in wage contracts. Minute regulations were made to offer governance and supervision to contract between the servants and master. The regulations were also…

State Powers Vs. National Powers             The debate state powers against national powers have been in place for several decades, with proficient politicians opposing sides on the topic. Historically, members of the Democratic-Republican Party have wanted more power reserved to states as opposed to the federal government as it accused the latter of leaning more to a monarchical kind of government. The Federalists, on the other hand, have preferred a central government, with the president having more powers to imprison and deport non-citizens in the nation….. Written by James Madison and Thomas Jefferson, the Virginia and Kentucky Resolution came to place as a result of civil liberty limitations contained in the Alien and Sedition Acts. The legislature of the state passed Kentucky resolutions on 1798 (November). According to the Bill of Rights Institute (……), the Virginia Resolution reached a firm resolution to support and defend the Constitution of the United States, as well as that of Virginia State against any form of aggression. To protect the State’s Constitution, the Virginia Resolution declared Alien and Sedition Acts as void and with…

POSITIVISM AND INTERPRETIVIST PARADIGMS Introduction My research topic is social sciences, and the research issue that I am addressing in this research paper is homelessness, which is based on the rising problems of social pathology. Social pathology is a recently developed model or concept of modern social science that describes the social structures and the collective human behaviors which lead to the violation of the set social norms of a particular group of people due to possible social disorganizations caused by social factors like crimes and poverty. A significant problem resulting from social pathology in the society is homelessness, which is spurred by the significant aspects of social pathologies, which cause disorganization of families; hence people scatter, and most of them remain homeless. Homelessness is one of the more complex social problems and composes a number of both social and economic factors which address homelessness as spurred by poverty, family breakdowns, or low financial status of people such that they cannot afford housing in towns; this is mainly due to unemployment cases among youths. In my research, I have put…

Liberal tradition in the US is more of a myth than a reality Historical development of any nation is a systematic step by step development of ideologies and putting these ideologies into action. Notably, in the case of the US, several events have taken place in shaping the current state of governance experienced in the Federal government and the World’s most powerful nation. In the following paper, I would like to argue that the Liberal tradition in the US is more of a myth than a reality. True liberalism is founded on the notion of being accommodative to different views and accepting that despite the difference in racial, religious, or even political backgrounds, we should still accommodate each other and perceive each person as an equal partner or a sister. However, from annals of American history,  a lot of literature that discloses America in the opposite: that portrays how deficient America has been in terms of upholding true liberalism. Hannah-Jones (2019) reveals that blacks in the US have never had equal rights to their white counterparts even though the first…

equity analysis of union pacific corp TOPICS TO COVER IN DETAIL (using these required headings – points off for missing headings): INVESTMENT SUMMARY Write this after you have written everything else, even though this must be placed up front. This should be a detailed summary of all the important results of your research and conclusions made. Begin with your recommendation (clearly stated) and provide specific support for and the rationale for why you are making it. Be sure to include recent earnings, earnings estimates and growth expectations, and any key drivers or metrics of note. I should be able to read this summary and understand all the main points made in the paper to follow. BUSINESS DESCRIPTION Describe the business so that someone who had never heard of it understands what it does. [unique_solution]Is it mostly a single product company, or does it provide a wide range of very different products across a range of sub-industries? Where does it do business – is it regional, national, global? Don’t pose these questions and answer them, but a reader should understand this…

8 places near Khajuraho that are famous Khajuraho is one of the most famous historical sites in India. It is not only a UNESCO world heritage site, but it is considered to be amongst the seven wonders of the world. Not only the group of temples in Khajuraho has great architectural significance, but the rock carvings depict eroticism that is quite surprising considering the time it was constructed. The temple was created over 200 years during the 10th to 12th century during the Chandela rule. It is situated at a distance of 175 km from Jhansi and can easily be reached by train from Jhansi or Satna or else; you could reach thereby accessing a flight since Khajuraho has an airport. But this blog is not about Khajuraho, and it is about the places that surround the mesmerizing temple. Khajuraho is lucky to be in a location that is pretty close to some of the gorgeous spots in Madhya Pradesh. Whether you love adventure or you love nature or even if you are a spiritual person, you will find places…

Tourism in Bangladesh     There are many tourist-attractions known to strangers in Bangladesh. Travellers have been fascinated by the natural beauty of Bangladesh for ages.   Among these are archaeological sites, historical mosques and monuments, some of the world’s longest natural beaches, mountains, forests, etc. The natural beauty of this country attracts tourists.   Different characteristics characterize each area of ​​Bangladesh. Cox’s Bazaar is the longest beach in the world.   Problems of the tourism industry in Bangladesh   In addition to Bangladesh’s communication and infrastructure difficulties,   tourists are concerned about the ongoing political instability and security.   Besides, there is a lack of both public and private initiatives to promote and promote the tourism industry. Tourists in various tourist spots suffer from various insecurities including raids. Women and foreign tourists in particular have more problems. Besides the origin of the ferry walkers during the day, the tourists discouraged because of the high price of goods at the tourist spot.     The potential of the tourism industry in BangladeshTravelers have been fascinated by the natural beauty of…

Historical Narrative Introduction New imperialism was the order of the day in the late 1800s and early 1900s where the European nations explored new trade territories in different fronts across the globe. The Latin America, Asia, and Africa were some of the preferred destinations. The European nations would collaborate with local rulers in such countries to serve their economic, military, political, religious and humanitarian interests. Latin America experienced colonial rule advanced by the Portuguese and Spanish. Wars characterized the intervention as the Latin American sought to fight for their independence. The war came to an end as the countries gained independence and subsequent developments in the 20th century. The Latin America comprised entire South America, Mexico, and Central America. Spaniards and Portuguese perpetuated the colonial experience of this area. These countries share some common trends in heritage as well as differences that come to play through material and economic endowments. Colonization in Mexico by the Spanish The Spaniards had powerful armed forces that had no match, and as such, they had the upper hand to explore and conquer the Mexicans.…

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