Historical Contexts             The Lusitania was a liner belonging to the British, which was sunk in the year 1915 by the Germans. A German U boat had used a torpedo to attack the massive ship and an explosion from within followed shortly due to the weaponry carried on board. The liner was on its way to England from New York, and more than 1100 passengers who were on board lost their lives. Germans defended their selves on the ground that the Lusitania was armed and posed a potential threat to them. Versailles Treaty was the agreement that settled on to end World War 1. It was agreed upon in 1919 during the period within January and June. In the treaty, French wanted to disjoint Germany to deter it from starting another war with the Americans, British and France. The treaty had several parts which constituted of polices which would prevent the war from happening again. Franklin D. Roosevelt was a politician who later became the 32nd President of the United States in the year 1932. Roosevelt was successfully re-elected in…

Civilization comparison between Egypt and Mesopotamia Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia relied on their geographical positioning to develop a civilization that is unique to each other. In this discussion, we will focus on the Sumerian kingdom from Mesopotamia and the neo kingdom of Assyria. The social order was in a pyramid form. The kings were at the top, followed by religious leaders such as the priests. In the middle, were business people, craftsmen, and scribes. The slaves and peasants in society occupied the lowest ranks. A council of elders governed the cities in Sumer. A war leader, Lugal, was in charge of the army in wars. The Lugals eventually assumed power as kings and developed their dynasties. In ancient Egypt, the King was the lead administrator in the government and had the support from provincial governors (Frahm, 2017). Both governments had a practice of consulting with the gods before significant decision making. The Sumerians were strategically weak when it came to war. Their defenses only existed to the west and the south. They were, however, susceptible to attacks when a more…

Current Event Review The United States Geological Survey (USGS) defines an earthquake as a natural phenomenon that occurs when two plates of the earth slip past one another. In the United States, California and Alaska are the most affected by earthquakes. From the USGS data, there have been two earthquakes this month alone in California. Thisreview will look at the science and mechanics behind the earthquake, the historical context, how it affects people’s lives, and finally how they are managed. Earthquakes occur all over the globe but mostly hit regions that are along faults and plate edges. Over the years, scientists have established that small earthquakes occur every day while the earthquakes with a magnitude of 8 and higher occur once a year on average. Such quakes occur when two tectonicplates rub against each other which causes a release of energy that causes the seismic waves that are responsible for making the ground shake. It is worth noting that when the two plates are sliding against each other, they tend to stick and do not glide smoothly. The two blocks…

            My Personal values A person’s values play an essential role in influencing their decision on the behavior to choose. Besides, personal values influence one’s decision on how to live. Personal values, which are associated with the concept concerning the factors that influence one’s beliefs, thinking, and behavior, plays a critical role in determining individual behavior, how one relates with others as a group or in an organization. Individuals possess a set of values, whether knowingly or unknowingly, which influences their way of life and behavior. It is essential to choose and understand personal values since they play a vital role in shaping the way one behaves or live. As for me, personal ethical values such as reliability, respect, kindness, commitment to personal development, desire to succeed, empathy, and compassion are some of the individual values that play a critical role in shaping my behavior. Personal values are critical in influencing a person’s behavior (Suar & Khuntia, 2010). My core values show a correlation with the beliefs of commitment towards succeeding in various life endeavors.…

Global Policies for Bioterrorism Prevention Bakanidze, L., Imnadze, P., & Perkins, D. (2010). Biosafety and biosecurity as essential pillars of international health security and cross-cutting elements of biological nonproliferation. BMC Public Health, 10(Suppl 1), S12. doi:10.1186/1471-2458-10-s1-s12 The article has made highlight how international efforts have been increased to improve the sensitization of contemporary practices and matters concerning the safe pursuit of life science research, maximize oversight structures to prevent the acquisition of deadly pathogens, or unintentionally release biological toxins. The journal has critically analyzed how International Health Regulations (IHR), the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC), and the United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1540 intersect in their necessities with repute to biosafety and biosecurity. The overlap is primarily meant to improve the knowledge of practitioners and policymakers and optimize the use of national resources. The three international organizations have worked together to ensure that the word operates together to realize the effective and robust biosecurity release of biological agents/toxins. The strategies integrated involve the use of safety laboratories and the use of proper occupational health programs. Also, through BWC treaty was signed to ban the production…

20th Century Migration History (Canadian Immigration) Canada, through its multiculturalism diversity, is considered one of the most diverse countries in the world. However, before the start of the 20th-century immigration into Canada, it was a “white man’s country” (Loewen et al.). The different successive waves of migration and the transformation into Canadian policies helped shape the multicultural diversity in Canada. Canadian immigration is characterized by different policies and races at different periods encouraged by the financial requirements and the wake of human rights, which made the government react differently with different systems towards regulating immigration. During world war two from the spin of the 20th century, it is arguably stated that many lives would have survived from the brutal and animosity of Hitler. During this period, Canada had effected policies that prohibited the entry of non-white immigrants into Canada even to the extent of allowing the languishment of 400 East Indians aboard the Komagata Maru ship in 1914 and eventually chasing them away (Edmonston). At this period, there was a widespread anti-German Hysteria in Canada, producing hatred for foreigners associated…

CURRENT EVENTS The article is about the rise in estimated costs of establishing a new maternity hospital and cancer center in Aberdeen. The value as according to the article, is believed to have risen by 60milion euros from the original cost of 163.7 million euros. The new costs have delayed construction to pave the way for assessment. Once the business case containing the report with increased costs has been submitted and granted approval, the plans for the main program is expected to kick off. The article demonstrates that the increase in charge has been as a result of NHS Grampian going out to the market from which they have received the newquotation. The news article goes ahead to claim that the original cost plan was inadequate and did not reflect the complexity of the project despite just being an estimate. The cost issue is expected to hold the project until 2023 when it will be resumed. The rise in the cost of the new proposed maternity hospital and cancer is likely to interfere with the governments’ resources allocation policy. It’s…

Current Event – Local Issue Summary. The New York Times newspaper is talking about how the president of the United States, Donald Trump, has shocked the world by making a legendary unprecedented action of doing away with environmental regulations. The regulations that he has done away with are those that protect water, air, land, and the health of the public from the danger that the environment is exposed too from fossils pollution. Trump’s administration is targeting approximately ninety-five environmental regulation laws. That regulation that he is doing away with are those structured to curb the emission of greenhouse gases, protection of the ecosystem from gas and oil drilling and development. Besides, they are structured to limit the pollution of the nation’s water bodies by toxic waste runoff. According to Trump, these regulations are burdensome to fossil fuel companies and other major energy industries. Trumps makes it seem less effective when this regulation is eliminated, and it might be best for the economic development of the nations. However, the consequence of such actions will lead to premature deaths from pollutants, increasing…

Personality and Intelligence Theories Gardner’s Intelligence Theory VS Classical View of Intelligence Introduction Multiple intelligence theory was founded by Howard Gardner between 1970 and 1980. In his theory, he claimed that individuals possess eight different traits that guide them on a daily basis (Gardner, 1983-1999). The identified intelligence includes interpersonal, linguistics, intrapersonal,logical-mathematical,spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, as well as naturalistic intelligence(Gardner, 1999). Of the eight, linguistic and logical-mathematics intelligence is more valuable and testable, observable in schools. The classical view of intelligence, as proposed by Mike Anderson (1904), every person owns a general intelligence factor known as g, implying that every individual is intelligent in whichever test they are exposed to. Unlike Gardner’s approach, the Classical view perceives knowledge composition as a key factor in judging one’s intelligence.   Differences While Anderson’s theory (classical view) is based on general intelligence, Gardner’s theoryis based on diverse types of intelligence, which he believed are different enough to be classified in isolation. In addition, the classical view of intelligence, as proposed by Sternberg, focuses on cognitive development, whereas Gardner’s is diverse. Unlike Gardner’s, the classical…

Geography Current Events Article 1 Article Date: February 12, 2020 Event date: 2019 Topic: Air pollution Article URL: https://www.greenqueen.com.hk/indonesia-pushes-environmental-deregulation-after-deadly-floods-deforestation/ Book/class info reference: Slide 36, The Earth’s global energy balance The article stated: Indonesia pushes environmental deregulation after deadly floods and deforestation. The book/class info stated: Air Pollution: Hazy Asian Atmosphere, Asian Brown Cloud Air pollution Indonesia pushes environmental deregulation after deadly floods and deforestation In January 2020, Jakarta experienced extreme floods and landslides that resulted in the death of 67 people and the displacement of 170,000 people from their homes. Also, the Indonesian fires in 2019 burnt off vast forests, causing a massive blanket of smoke all over Southeast Asia. Indonesians president, Joko Widodo, is putting forward over 1200 amendments to 80 laws in the Constitution to the parliament. These policies are aimed at improving the economy, however, there is a risk that they will contradict the existing policies on environmental protection.             Environmental hazards over the past year, such as the deadly floods, deforestation, and floods, have to be addressed before the new amendments that deregulate environmental protection laws…

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