organizational and personal visions Introduction I am a very supportive individual who works collaboratively and efficiently with others. I am attentive, a good listener, and sensitive to other people and their opinions. I am often highly imaginative when innovative ideas are needed and can quickly come up with solutions to different problems that require high levels of creativity. I know how to approach challenges and opportunities with keenness and creativity, especially in competitive environments that require one to showcase their strengths and skills. In such situations, I like being the best and taking the lead in providing solutions and directions to my team. Therefore, I am highly competitive and productive and have the ability to come up with the best solutions, carefully thought, and selected from a list of numerous possible options. I am usually guided by values of integrity, handwork, team spirit, and transparency as I embark on assigned duties. Moreover, I am often driven by organizational and personal visions and focus both on my goals, and that of the firm as I do my best to meet each.…

Childhood Studies: Child Psychology Personal Statement I have always been intrigued by the sheer complexity of the human mind. Accordingly, I have had an increasing desire to further my education in psychology. With the big difference between the reasoning capacities of children and adults alongside my strong affection for children, I really wanted to understand the mechanism behind the beautiful way of thinking and behaving of children. It is this ambition that would later trigger and define my interest in the field of developmental psychology. Furthermore, during one moment of my research I came across John Bowlby’s statement that “Mother love in infancy is as important for mental health as are vitamins and proteins for physical health.’ This school of thought that mental health is significant for children’s development cemented my interests in developmental psychology. I wanted to understand this connection and many other factors that influence and or affect children’s mental health; hence, their development. With an A-level in developmental psychology already, I have an overview of the basics of attachment and human development. This topic immediately ignited my…

Emotional and Personality Development in Early Childhood             A significant amount of emotional and personality development occurs during early childhood. As children experience mood swings, temper tantrums and a social world that is ever-expanding social world, they must learn more about their emotions, along with those of other people. To that extent, the following essay will discuss the emotional and personality development in early childhood, in regards to, the sense of self, emotional development, moral development, and impact of gender. Further the essay will discuss the theories on physical and cognitive changes related to early childhood. The Sense of Self             The sense of self occurs when a child has the ability to acknowledge, express, comprehend, a broad scope of feelings. Kids who can comprehend and regulate their feelings, remain calm whilst enjoying experiences have a bigger possibility of developing a positive sense of self (Santrock, 2016). Further, they are likely to become curios and confident leaners. Emotional Development             The emotional development of a child is a process by which emotional competence skills begins to manifest itself. In early…

Clay County Personal Injury Attorney – (Catastrophic Injury) Train and Subway Accidents   Train and subway accidents are not as common compared to other accidents using other modes of transportation. As a result, many people do not view them as a significant threat. However, most of them when they do happen, they leave the victims with catastrophic injuries, and in many cases, death. When a train or subway accident happens, getting compensated for your damages from the responsible party can be challenging.   The state of Florida is a no-fault state, where an accident victim can seek compensation from their insurance cover. When damages are significant, however, one can seek compensation from the party at fault. While pursuing your deserved damages, involving a lawyer is crucial to ensure your claims don’t get denied. At Clay County Personal Injury Attorney, we are committed to helping our clients receive the damages they deserve when involved in an accident.   Causes of Train and Subway Accidents   Multiple reasons exist why train and subway accidents occur. The most common area where these accidents…

Personal contribution to the design project in terms of project management, execution, prototyping, testing, troubleshooting, revising, and improving the design.   When it comes to a significant project such as ME3103’s project, usually, I tend not to take the lead as my leadership style tends to be towards demanding, and it might be seen as negative gestures to some group members. Hence, Danish will take the lead as a group leader. During the second last week of December, which is the administrative week for ME3103 project selection, since most of my team members were overseas, I took the lead to complete the group registration. By using Outlook, I obtained their NUS email address and full name and sought their assistance for their matriculation number. For the project selection, I scanned through the project list thoroughly and informed them of my project choices. They seem to have their desired project choices as well, but eventually, we need to come to a consensus of only one project selection. I took the liberty to list down my project choices, and they followed my…

            My Personal values A person’s values play an essential role in influencing their decision on the behavior to choose. Besides, personal values influence one’s decision on how to live. Personal values, which are associated with the concept concerning the factors that influence one’s beliefs, thinking, and behavior, plays a critical role in determining individual behavior, how one relates with others as a group or in an organization. Individuals possess a set of values, whether knowingly or unknowingly, which influences their way of life and behavior. It is essential to choose and understand personal values since they play a vital role in shaping the way one behaves or live. As for me, personal ethical values such as reliability, respect, kindness, commitment to personal development, desire to succeed, empathy, and compassion are some of the individual values that play a critical role in shaping my behavior. Personal values are critical in influencing a person’s behavior (Suar & Khuntia, 2010). My core values show a correlation with the beliefs of commitment towards succeeding in various life endeavors.…

Personality and Intelligence Theories Gardner’s Intelligence Theory VS Classical View of Intelligence Introduction Multiple intelligence theory was founded by Howard Gardner between 1970 and 1980. In his theory, he claimed that individuals possess eight different traits that guide them on a daily basis (Gardner, 1983-1999). The identified intelligence includes interpersonal, linguistics, intrapersonal,logical-mathematical,spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, as well as naturalistic intelligence(Gardner, 1999). Of the eight, linguistic and logical-mathematics intelligence is more valuable and testable, observable in schools. The classical view of intelligence, as proposed by Mike Anderson (1904), every person owns a general intelligence factor known as g, implying that every individual is intelligent in whichever test they are exposed to. Unlike Gardner’s approach, the Classical view perceives knowledge composition as a key factor in judging one’s intelligence.   Differences While Anderson’s theory (classical view) is based on general intelligence, Gardner’s theoryis based on diverse types of intelligence, which he believed are different enough to be classified in isolation. In addition, the classical view of intelligence, as proposed by Sternberg, focuses on cognitive development, whereas Gardner’s is diverse. Unlike Gardner’s, the classical…

Discussion in detail of personal response Lessons learned from me The experience enabled me to learn various ethical responsibilities of the management within an organization on a personal level. The lectures allowed me to recognize the moral dimension of every aspect of business life and my relationship with my own life. Through the discussion of approaches to ethic, it enabled me to improve my collective ethical performance. My transformative ability to investigate a variety of activities with integrity and value-centered was explored during the lesson. The learning-enabled my realize ethics is a personal and confidential issue within my conscience. This enabled me to describe any wrongdoing as an independent activity with no relation to the disobedient employees. The thought helped me learn how to bear the responsibilities of individual employee misdeeds without prejudgment. Moreover, I learned that personal ethics are not related to business management. Essential lessons from what was learned During the class, I learned that unethical practices take a considerable effect on businesses by destroying reputations and harming employee morale. Ethical values improve the behavior of employees, thus…

Scientific Study of Personality Introduction Personality psychology is one of the many branches in the field of psychology that analyzes personality variations among individuals. It is, therefore, a scientific study whose objective is to d denote how human beings are different due to forces known as psychological forces (Baumert, Schmitt & Perugini, 2019). Personality psychology is critical as it helps psychologists to determine as well as treating those with specific illnesses and helping them in the end to overcome such problems. The goal of this essay is to provide an overview of the definition of psychology, the different methods used to study personality and their advantages and disadvantages. An Overview Definition of Personality Generally, personality is defined as the long-standing traits and patterns that tend to propel a persons’ consistency in thinking, feelings as well as their behavioural features. Therefore, it is a set of behaviours emotional patterns and cognitions which have evolved from environmental or biological patterns (Uher, 2017). In Psychology, however, in as much as the terms are almost the same, personality according to psychologists are divided into…

An Analysis of the Interpersonal Challenge The challenges that I have so far taken up have proven to be exceptionally true due to the accuracy that has been attached to the various prediction test scores that I garnered. According to the score interpretation, Iam a capable communicator that sometimes experiences communication problems. I believe that this is a close to true description of my everyday personality as is exemplified by my inability to interact with those that I find unfamiliar to me. While I am an entirely different chatty person around a common crowd, engagement with people that I do not interact with a regular basis is a bit challenging. Apart from accounting for my inabilities, the test puts into considerationmy abilities in communication search as attention to other people’s perspectives, and explanation of complex issues. Notably, I have made great improvements from my first challenge especially in respect of the suggestions that were made at the end of the test score explanation. Upon analysis of my interpersonal communication skills, I have identified areas of weakness that I have to…

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