Contrasting And Comparison Essay Of Chapters 4 & 5 Of  Twain’s Life On The Mississippi And Bobbie Ann Mason’s “Being Country”   Though the two stories are written in different settings and the personas are of different genders, there have some common themes. They also have numerous opposing arguments. This paper seeks to compare and contrast the themes, mood, and tones of the two essays. The first theme that is present in the two stories is the theme of childhood dreams. The two characters in the two stories have various ambitions in their life. They don’t admire the lives that are lived by their parents. They all have dreams to follow. ”WHEN I was a boy, there was but one permanent ambition among my comrades in our village on the west bank of the Mississippi River. That was, to be a steam boatman.” (Twain, N.D.).  The character and his fellow mates had only one ambition – becoming a steam boatman. The boys had other dreams also, but that of being a steamboats man superseded them all. At a later stage,…

Life on the Mississippi Theme Bobbie insists on the themes of suffering and dependence as well as happiness. He states that she was with her mother and grandmother, who were shelling beans. At this moment, she had not healed from the death of Beth. There was fear about the failure of crops, and therefore food was treated as a rare commodity. Scarcity of food in the region caused people to depend on nature to bring its fortunes majorly. There was a high dependency on natural forces as a source of livelihood to the people. Bobbie writes that it was this sense of helplessness and dependency that made her rebellious. Women were highly dependent, and farmers did not take initiatives to solve the problem of food scarcity. However, happiness came in when the author and her family members went to town and experienced the beautiful life in the town (Mason 149). Just like in Bobbie’s story, Mark, in his book, Life on the Mississippi, mainly insists on the themes of suffering and happiness. Mark first starts by talking about the theme…

Exposure and experience Exposure and experience are directly related to each other. A new employee does have the ‘experience’ of working, but he or she can get exposure to a professional environment through an internship. Sneha had applied for an executive post in a reputed MNC. She was confident as she had an MBA degree from the right institution. But she finds out someone else had landed the job. Upon query, HR remarked that she did not have the exposure to any internship or projects. Is it that important? If it comes from a sports perspective, you have to play regional cricket before becoming a potential player for the national team. Just consider the internship as the local cricket and being selected for the national team as your job. The difference between Neha and the chosen candidate is the level of exposure. The selected candidate had already done two internships and had hands-on knowledge of how things worked in a company. What to do? There is always a first time, even as an employee. But if you’re clueless, the company…

The yellow wallpaper essay The yellow wallpaper speaks of an unnamed woman confined to a single room in an abandoned mansion. Her physician husband diagnosed her with a ‘nervous breakdown’ and has prescribed ‘rest cure’ as the appropriate treatment. He, therefore, has brought her to the countryside to recover from the hysterical tendency where she is required to rest as well as air and exercise. She has also been forbidden from any intellectual work and is to be cared for and left alone until she is well again. Here, she attempts to read and write, something she notes make her weary, and unhesitatingly watches the wallpaper. It is this wallpaper that dominates her exhausted mind, and the shapes on it are getting more apparent day by day. These shapes are sometimes of one woman, occasionally many and sometimes of women stooping down around a pattern. Towards the end, she takes advantage of her husband’s absence and tears the wallpaper. The women are now stooping outside in the garden, and she wonders if they are all free at last. While the…

 My dream of being a Physical Therapist I am Priscilla Pickett, and being a Physical Therapist has been my lifelong dream. The ability of therapists to restore functional mobility and improve overall quality-of-life, giving individuals back their hopes to reach their personal goals, makes this profession exciting and meets my wishes of helping humanity and as a means to giving back to the community. In the process of commitment to attain my objectives aimed at making the profession a better platform, I have demonstrated my efforts through participating in community services. I worked with Holmes Community College, where my primary duty was picking up trash around the city of Goodman, MS. while serving at Premeir Rehab in koscuisko, MS facility. In other circumstances, I participate in a community church where I assist in engaging children as a means of helping the community. The experience at Premeir Rehab in koscuisko, MS facility, has contributed much to my abilities as a professional. Working along with experienced professionals, observing how they interact with young, old, bariatric, and emancipated clients, enriched me with the…

Single moment narrative As I came to understand, English is an international language that’s both simple and difficult to learn. The language is simple because even as a second language, a lot of people can understand and grasp concepts quickly, but it is difficult because adhering to all written and spoken English requires a lot of knowledge to know how to pronounce and respect specific linguistic rules. For example, using a comma is something that seems simple, but if you delve deeper, you will realize a lot of regulations are involved in using a comma appropriately. Well, my journey in learning and writing in English has been with both highs and lows. I keep learning new concepts every day, and in the same way, I keep improving. Today, I reflect on the journey as an English learner. My journey started at the tender age of five when my mother and father brought me some elementary books written in English. Saudi, like the rest of the Arabian countries, is very conservative, hence prompting the use of local language and culture as…

Union’s advantages and disadvantages, Confederates, and turning points of the American Civil War Introduction The Civil War is one of the United States most influential periods in history. Its Northern Union faced off with the Southern Confederates earning a victory for the former. Each side enjoyed advantage and disadvantages. However, this essay provides the Union’s advantages and disadvantages, as well as the Confederates, before providing two turning points of the American Civil War. Advantages and Disadvantages for both the Union and Confederacy The first advantage of the Union to its members was the combination of resources into one formidable unit. Human resources, purpose, and equipment came together into one united force that focused its efforts on the enemies leading to a massive defeat for them. Such unity was an essential factor in the formation of the Union which lead to a considerable increase in the number of soldiers that could overpower their enemies. Another advantage of the Union was the formation of a unified military base from which to manage the vast resource pool of human resources and equipment. Previously,…

China’s History of Leadership Q1. The Chinese Communist Party was formed in 1921, following the end of the Russian revolution in 1917. Both international and domestic factors influenced the formation of the party and its nourishment to become an active party. For instance, after the fall of the Russian revolution and the CCP was the only remaining durable power that was consulted when it came to Communist ideologies, the nation began working on ways to improve their performance and administration. For instance, the nation’s government formulated policies such as the open-door policy that contributed to the development of the country through foreign investment. Ideally, understanding the formation of the CCP and its process of rising to power in its totality is likely to enhance our understanding of the domestic as well as the international factors that influenced the growth of the power of the CCP. To begin with, the communist party gained its influence by using a soft power approach to widen its international relations. China has currently made several alliances with different nations, where both parties gain. Through this,…

CUIB Mourns one of Her Student The Catholic University Institute of Buea, Douala Campus has lost one of her student Nafisa Momut Cie Njoya a level 400 student in the School of Business reading Accounting. The student died around 2:00 am on Wednesday at Douala General Hospital due to illness which the family fought hard to ensure that their daughter stay’s alive to achieve her dreams. Nafisa Momut Cie Njoya death brought pains to the Growth Mindset Institution, which considers their students as VIPs. The Faculty and staff were very sad to hear that the beautiful and intelligent and ever-smiling Nafisa Momut Cie Njoya was no more and will not be back any time soon. To the students it was like the whole world has gone dark, beautiful memories are still fresh in their minds especially her classmates whom she has been talking with before being hospitalized, and even at the hospital her message of hope was still fresh within them. Nafisa Momut Cie Njoya was a student full of life, with great ambitions of becoming the best of herself…

The movie essay The movie is films which are a form of visual communication to people by use of free pictures and demonstrate through sound. It has a lesson to the listeners where, in most cases, brings different emotions to people. Those emotions include happiness, laugh, and cry, feel afraid, among others. The primary purpose of a cinema is to educate and serve social courses and reflect our lives and understand the operations of our societies and cultures. There are various types of movies. They include adventure films, romantic films, comedies, dramas, horror films, war films, period films, real-life films, adventure films, and science fiction. Few movies touch on teenage girls and are acting as a drama. Many of the films are comedies and post-apocalyptic survivalist unrealities, which are horror firm. Comedies have migrated from away from Hollywood to short bits on televisions and others as fun in the online. Many dramas naturally torch on teenagers. Still, not many of them are centralized on young women, and that is a reason why Andrea Arnold came up with a fantastic movie…

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