DELEGATION Introduction There is a tremendous increase in the need for health care services prompting a need for more assistive personnel. The nurse should be equipped with delegation skills to ensure increased effectiveness in nursing care delivery. The state of New York defines delegation as the process of transferring professional responsibility in the performance of tasks or activities to another individual who is qualified in training, experience, and licensure to perform it. In the 21st century, the nurse should possess the ability to delegate, assign, and supervise tasks. The nursing practice act in New York allows nurses to delegate tasks provided; there is adequate medical and nursing supervision. The Act states the laws and regulations to minimize risks resulting from incompetence by ensuring that patients receive high quality and safe care (Russell, 2016). The nurse is expected to be aware of the laws and regulations and also the changes being made to the nurse practice act to ensure that they evolve with the Scope of practice (Davies & Fox-Young, 2018). The Scope of practice states the tasks to be delegated…

The Relations between Negligence and Nursing Care Describing malpractice Nurses are professionals who highly trained to offer medical services. However, no matter how extreme the training is, they still make mistakes referred to as nursing malpractices. In the medical industry, negligence on the part of nurses refers to nurses failing to do their duties and thus harming the patient (The Osman Firm, 2017). Some famous examples of negligence on the part of nurses include: Failure in examining or monitoring the patient. Giving patients the wrong medication or dosage. Making errors during routine procedures and when drafting or saving patients’ documents. Negligence and Nursing Care A nurses’ primary objective is to care for his/her patients. Medical experts emphasize that it is grave for nurses to know the targets and points of their job if they are to care for their patients properly (The Osman Firm, 2017). They also need to have goals when attending to their patients. Researchers have warned those in the nursing profession of the dangers of viewing patients as consumers (Nursing Times, 2013). Patients are artistic people, and…

Avalon review Part 1 Avalon is a movie about a family history of Barry Levinson, who followed the immigrant Krichinsky clan as they purposed to settle in Baltimore, and this was during the 20th century. The family decided to accompany themselves with the most of their traditions which included, a powerful family network which had been seen in the past generation of the family. They lived under one roof because this provided the opportunity for the family to make vital decisions about their extended family through the use of consensus. During the mid 20th century, the second and the third generation of the family who was on the American side decided that it is wise enough to start looking for their ideal concerning the American dream, such as assimilation of the culture of America. This is seen to be displayed through the Anglicization concerning the family name to be Kaye.   They also wanted to succeed and prosper by having developed business according to the choice of an individual in the family. Building houses in the suburbs with as a family…

Impact of Middle East economies and the new alternative sources of energy?   Across the world, population growth has driven the demand for services, which in turn led to more demand for energy. Unlike other regions, the Middle East and the Gulf region are some of the most affected areas. The region’s population growth and economic development have accelerated the demand for energy. Thus, the government is increasingly looking for alternative sources of energy. Investment in renewable energy is one of the critical areas Middle East governments have put much emphasis on. However, renewable energy is, by contrast, is a new phenomenon in the energy landscape in the Middle East. Limited environmental pollution, increased quality of life conservation of scarce natural resources, job creation, and economic growth are some of the foreseen benefits associated with new alternative sources of renewable energy (El-Katiri, 2014).  However, government subsidies on energy continue to elicit mixed economic outcomes in the region. There significant economic potential for renewable energy in the Gulf region; however, the economic growth from these alternative energy sources is likely to…

Meta title: Seven Strong Acids that You Must Know About Meta description: This post is a guide to strong acids. It shows what they are, lists them, and compares them to corrosive and concentrated acids. The 7 Strong Acids: Everything You Need to Know Are you taking chemistry? If “yes,” you will no doubt need to learn more about the seven strong acids. You will find this information very important because most chemical reactions, chemistry calculations, and other applications are likely to touch on acids and bases. In this post, we are going to tell you everything that you need to know about the seven strong acids. What are Strong Acids? One thing that you should appreciate at this point is that when an acid bears the tag “strong acid,” there is nothing related to how powerful it is or corrosiveness. But the term strong implies that the acid is capable of releasing a lot of hydrogen ions into a solution. A strong acid is an acid that is capable of dissociating completely into ions when it is added into…

MY ROLE AS A BACCALAUREATE PREPARED NURSE Being a nurse is not easy. Nurses are supposed to be not only helpful and compassionate but also capable of making difficult decisions and administering the right medical attention to patients in the absence of the doctors. Apparently, education plays a very crucial role in ensuring this but there are certain innate qualities that make one nurse better than the other. Nurses should have skills like effective interpersonal skills, exceptional communication skills, quick problem solving abilities, high sense of humor among others. All these qualities lie in both formal and informal capabilities of being a nurse. Therefore, this and much more exposes one to have different roles as a baccalaureate prepared nurse. Nursing as career has percolated and evolved to be what it is today. In the United States, a testament to the diligence of interested groups known as the act was successfully passed. This happened as early as 1902 where the mid wives remained the domain of the women. The act provided a path way to the organization and registration of interested…

Gateway to Global Affairs: Policy Brief   Choose a case out of the following two and write a policy paper. The policy paper is aimed at a specific audience with concise policy options and the feasibility of these options. Building on course content and own research write a policy paper with at least two different policy options. Include all literature and sources used.   You can choose between a paper on the EU response to Russian election interference or a paper on China’s political and economic ambitions in Europe (specifically involving the 16+1 cooperation format in eastern Europe). Both papers are addressed to the European Commission.   These topics are very broad; please identify a problem within these topics to address. This will allow you to then identify policy solutions targeting the specific problems.[unique_solution]   Argumentation should be rational and realistic, backed-up by evidence, and based on what is actually happening,   Your proposed policies need to be practical, feasible, and measurable. They ought to have concrete elements, and a plan of execution.   A policy brief is an action-oriented…

MAKING COUNTER TERRORISM BETTER Abstract. The researcher, in his efforts to get to the bottom of making counterterrorism better factors in four variables that include; identifying terrorists and terrorist organizations, affects the war on terrorism. Destroying terrorists’ organization and their organizations affects the war on terrorism, denying sponsorship, sanctuary and, support helps improve the war on terrorism and diminishing the underlying conditions that brood Terrorism affects the war on terrorism. Terrorism has been a disturbing reality in this modern generation — the touches how the extent of terrorism and how it started. The paper further assumes both exclusion and inclusion research parameters that are attached to the nature of the study. The researcher also employed a research string that is the critical words for the thematic search. Specific search strings were used keenly on the effects the identifying terrorist organizations. Destroying terrorist’s organization and their organizations affect the war on terrorism, denying sponsorship, sanctuary and, support helps improve the war on terrorism and diminishing the underlying conditions that brood Terrorism, affects counterterrorism. The study found out that the variables that…

Master’s of Science in Financial Technology To me Master’s of Science in Financial Technology has not only been an abiding passion but I see it as my future investment on which I would like to build my career. I would consider it an honor and privilege to study this prestigious program offered by University of Huddersfield. I am confident some day in future I will look back with pride and gratitude towards my alma mater for having played the catalyst in my success.     . The technical skills that I will learn from the course will help me use my managerial skills wisely. I aspire to leverage my previous experience with the newest trends in the FinTech spcae. Also, I will be able to network or upgrade to new roles with higher responsibility. I have keen interest in Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Global Financial Markets etc and have found that the course modules are very interesting and will prove to be very helpful for my academic growth. The MSc in FinTech offered at University of Huddersfield falls in place with…

Texas Border, Immigration and Security Introduction For a given period of more than a century, the region of Sabine north was the territory that was between Spain and France, the U.S  together with Spain and the and also United. States and Mexico. This was after the Texas Republic started in 1836. The U.S and Texas came together and established a joint commission, which was mainly to survey and mark the boundaries between these nations. The survey crew started at 1840 at the Mexico Gulf; first, it established a 36-foot pole in the middle as they continued to place 8 foot at each mile following the Sabine River proceeding to Red River. The west marked the Republic of Texas as the east was for the U.S. Brief History Many of the Americans do accept the manifest destiny of the 1840s. This manifest suggested that it was the right for the expansion of the U.S towards the Pacific Ocean. In that, the boundary that separated Mexico from the United States was the foregone conclusion (Davidson, 2019). This, therefore, included Great Britain in…

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