The lobbying strategy of how to increase the age of consent in Nigeria Introduction Lobbying is the attempt to influence the lawmakers or the government by individuals or interest groups so that it makes decisions in favor of them (Okechukwu & Agbodike, 2016). The lobbying strategy is mainly used to persuade the government directly or through legislators. Currently, in the federal republic of Nigeria, many people are lobbying for the consent age to be increased from 11 to 16 years. This action was sparked by contradicting laws in the Nigerian constitution on Children Act (Abdulmalik et al; 2019). Goals of the lobbying strategy The principal aim of the lobbying to increase the age of consent is to seek constitutional clarification on the laws regarding marriage and consent age in Nigeria. The marriage law stipulates that one should not engage in contractual marriage before the age of 18 years. On the other hand, a child under the age of 11 years is prohibited from participating in any sexual activity. Commitment to the above crimes would earn one a life sentence. On…

Wells’ Invisible Man Wells’ Invisible Man rewrites and answers the tale of Gyges of Plato’s Republic. Griffin possesses the same power of invisibility that Gyges has and the same desire to commit a crime and getting away with the crime. The Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison is a story in which the storyteller presents himself as an “invisible man.” He states that his invisibility is not related to any supernatural cause or any biochemical accident. However, his invisibility is contributed to the fact that other individuals are unwilling to acknowledge his presence because of his colour. The speaker’s invisibility has served as a frequent augmentation and as an advantage. Sometimes, the narrator doubts his existence because of being invisible[1]. The narrator describes his pain and needs to make other individuals spot him, and he declares that he found that such efforts do not succeed. He recounts an incident in which he bumped into a blonde man in the dark. The tall, blond male insulted him, and the narrator attacked him, demanding an apology. “He hurled the blond man to the…

Rug cleaning  Do you own a rug that you love? Do not get worried about how to clean it by yourself, as that proves to be a hard job. There is a team of professional rug cleaners that can come to your home to offer you these services. The Butler rug cleaning Sydney is one of the best choices in case you are looking for quality services and professional care for your rugs. I have pointed out about care because rugs come in various forms inclusive of Asian, Persian Turkish, Chinese, and even the custom made. It is vital to contact Butler rug professionals since they offer specialized cleaning methods for every type of rug that you have. They are specialists when it comes to the Persian rugs since they have been doing it for over 30 years in rug cleaning. The benefits of getting Butlers to clean your rugs are because there are many advantages aligned with their work. To begin with, they are eco-friendly hence enhancing safety for all your family habitats. Rugs dry within no hours, and…

Reflection Discussion One of the many takeaways from this course is about the relationship between nursing and politics. Nurses need to be involved in politics since they will contribute to strategies that influence policies in healthcare. Nurses are advocates for their clients, communities, and the country as a whole. They may be frustrated by unhealthy policies or regulations, both at the federal and state level. Therefore, nursing professionals should be directly involved in politics since they are direct caregivers who spend most of their time with patients and the community. The most surprising thing in this course was the issue of politics in healthcare. Initially, I never thought that politics play such a significant role, especially among nursing professionals. When I realized that nurses form the largest group of healthcare professionals, I discovered that they are the ones who contribute to the ideas we have seen in Congress and Senate that aim at healthcare. As a result, nurses need to be actively involved in politics because they have first-hand information about their clients and healthcare in general. By taking this…

  Why do you think you will be an excellent commercial solicitor and why are you applying for Norton Rose Fulbright My competencies Joining Norton Rose Fulbright will make me competent and an excellent commercial solicitor. My ambition is based on the interests and capacities I have gained in my profession. My uniqueness was built through my commitment to help international clients who often realize their justice through rightful representation. I have achieved the humane art in any profession, which is only achieved by self-devotion and commitment towards the clients’ benefit. Most employees are not concerned about the personal needs of their clients. Thus fail to recognize the achievement of satisfaction of the customer. However, my understanding of the individual customer needs has been a key motivator in my indulge behavior with the customer. I have ever remained relevant to their concern by proving that i can quick comprehend event explanations to form a case. These abilities have influenced my application at this institution. Similarly, I have organized events on behalf of the university society, which required that i become…

Tell us about the areas of study you are excited to explore, and specifically why you wish to pursue them at Cornell University Am interested in studying science at the Cornell University because I feel the world-class institution would propel my ambition to greater heights. I believe science is the order of the day and most future projection about the world focus on scientific innovations and renovations. All our lives are shaped by science and thus I believe studying science at such high-prolific institution shall place my career on high demand. I have passion in science which if granted the opportunity at this institution would be highly valuable. My choice of studying at Cornell University was motivated by the institution’s philosophy of any person … any study” as expressed by the vision and mission statement. The philosophy encouraged me to believe that everyone has got the opportunity to take the career of interest and become any person or profession they would like to be.  The statement provides light on the professionalism though encouraging all the students to have some hopes…

The most significant accomplishment while at work Question one The most significant accomplishment while at work was the relationship I was able to get. Through my experience at the job place, I have been able to make some good friends. All these friends have been important in guiding me through my life and job experience. I have been able to understand the different phenomena at work and known how to handle work. In addition to the friend has also enabled me to have links and connect with other individuals.  Lastly, the job has helped me to understand the difference in the job and how to be disciplined. Question two While working, I have come across new skills that have enabled me to work well. The skills include communication skills and computer skills in the job place. I have been able to learn how to handle and manage different customers and talk to them. The skill has helped me in deciding on which communication tool to use.  The computer skill I learned as almost everything has gone digital. I learned how…

Comparing and Contrasting the Grandmother In ‘A Good Man Is Hard to Find’ And Mathilde in ‘The Necklace’ Grandmother and Mathilde are protagonists in ‘A Good Man is Hard to Find’ by Flannery O’Connor and ‘The Necklace’ by Guy de Maupassant respectively. Through different settings such as the party and traveling to Florida via Tennessee, the authors use Grandmother and Mathilde to bring out the theme of pride. Through these characters, the pitfalls of pride are revealed to the reader as pride land the Grandmother and Mathilde in different problems. This essay seeks to compare and contrast Grandmother and Mathilde and make an argument about the pitfalls of pride. This will be done by paying particular attention to setting and characterization. The most notable difference in Grandmother and Mathilde is their age. The grandmother is an older woman while Mathilde is a young woman. Notwithstanding, Grandmother and Mathilde have similar attributes since they both have pride. It is important to compare and contrast these two characters since their pride made them lead miserable lives and ultimately ended their lives. Pride…

Tesla’s Expansion in China The previously Tesla, Inc that is presently known as Tesla motors Inc engineers, produces and sells electric vehicles and solutions to energy storage. The organization was incorporated in the year 2003 after being established by Jeffrey and Elon Musk, among other individuals. The organization offers clean energy production, storage, and consumption technologies with a mission to accelerate the international transition to the production of sustainable energy (, 2019).  The organization also has an automotive segment which consists of generation, the design, and sale of electric mot vehicles, which targets the premium sedan and SUV marketplace, although the company’s Model S, Model X, and the mainstream vehicle marketplace, it incepted Model 3. The production of energy and storage segment consists of the design, generation, and sale of solar energy production systems and solutions to storage to industrial and commercial customers. The organization benefits from key competencies in powertrain engineering, innovative manufacturing, vehicle engineering, and energy storage. This paper aims to discuss Tesla’s expansion in China. The production of the majority of Tesla’s outlays in the United States…

Procurement in Mega Projects Introduction Megaprojects are complex ventures that cost billions of dollars, involve many stakeholders, and in most cases, take an extended life circle to be completed. The success in the completion of mega projects is affected by several factors that hinder faster and quality completion of the project. In most cases, the mega projects take more than the expected completion time frame and fail to achieve the expected goals of the entire project. The mega project could be in infrastructure, recreation like the construction of a stadium, technology, energy, mega-dams, among many other mega projects. The reasons behind the failure of megaprojects involve an issue of budget control, the involvement of many stakeholders, which creates conflicts, the cooperation of innovative ideas and technology in use. Also, the procurement process in the mega project significantly affects the success of the project. As part of the implementation of successful projects, t procurement process of the materials used in the mega projects needs to effective, efficient, and reliable to minimize project development delays. However, the efficiency of the procurement process…

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