Moral Worth Introduction At times people are forced by circumstances to sacrifice their morals to help others when in crisis.  Sacrificing self-worth for others entirely depends on the degree of need, especially saving lives. When duty demands a sacrifice to save lives, then compromising one’s beliefs, morals, and esteem is worth it. Nevertheless, the responsibility to protect and uphold one’s worth should be given the top priority, no matter the crisis. Repeated compromise of self-worth for others may turn to be a common behavior, and when it is done more often, it developed into a character. This may erode all the morals and believes that one adhered to, resulting in loss of identity. Jacobs (98), it is essential to prioritize and protect self-worth, whatever the circumstances. One important question that everyone should ponder before sacrificing their worth is whether the risk of self-sacrifice is the limit of our moral obligations. Research shows that individuals have greater moral duties beyond selflessness. This paper, therefore, seeks to research individual obligation to others in relation to self-worth. Perhaps the decision of whether the…

Our IT Recruitment Services to board the best Talent for Your Business   Every business, whether small, medium, or big, faces the daunting task of looking for talents that align with their long term goals. If you are looking for an IT recruitment services providing agency, Alliance is an excellent bet for you. Our innovative methods of finding talent mean you can rest easy and be assured that we will build the right team for you. We carefully screen every talent, scout, through hundreds of portfolios, and conduct workshops with the recruiting company to understand their work ethics and ambitions. Alliance’s IT recruitment services has a dedicated team of experts to provide you with the most convenient IT recruitment solutions. We will conduct all initials interviews, provide training where necessary, help the candidates learn company policies and strategies and make sure to separate the passionate from the crowd. With all the right degrees and experience, a great sense of passion for the job means you have dedicated employees who genuinely care about the success of the company. We offer many…

how the national security strategy does not adequately handle threats that Russia poses to the United States The United States conceptualizes and actualizes a National Security Strategy on an annual basis to realize its goals of protecting the American people, the homeland, and the American way of life. The threats that this national security strategy does not address range from the global to regional threats. Some of the global dangers include cyber-attacks, terrorism online-based influence on governmental and civil operations, election interference, and counter-intelligence, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, international organized crime, and economically disruptive technologies. Regional threats are those that are posed by specific countries or emanate from a particular part of the world. Generally, the national security strategy is bedeviled by various inadequacies that make it ineffective in handling threats that are posed to the United States by external forces. In this paper, we will look into how the national security strategy does not adequately handle threats that Russia poses to the United States. Historically, Russia, in the form of the former Soviet Union, posed as…

Data-Driven advocacy programs In today’s ever-changing health system, employers must engage the employees in making decisions that are related to their health. In essence, this helps to improve clinical outcomes and controlling costs. REF notes that as long as the consumers have no idea about the healthcare system, they will continue being exploited by insurance companies that deduct a lot of money from their salaries. Employers are trying hard to engage their employees in focusing on ways of managing their well-being. They can only achieve this either by the use of healthcare data or by using opt-in advocacy programs. This paper will focus on the advantages and disadvantages of the two options. So as more healthcare organizations start to participate in health information exchange, they need to understand these pros and cons. Healthcare data has been used and is still being used to increase an employee’s engagement in decision making. Some of the advantages of using healthcare data to make decisions are that one can identify the gaps that exist in the recommended care, rule out the risks, and late…

The modern Prometheus or Frankenstein novel review In Mary Shelley’s novel The modern Prometheus or Frankenstein, the main character Frankenstein is portrayed as a controversial character who attracts the attention of the people through his scientific creation of a monster that kills some of the critical characters in the novel. The novel, Victor, spends most of the time trying to defeat a monster that he created.  In most cases, students and critics tend to accuse Victor Frankenstein of portraying the “God Complex” in many of his actions through his personality. However, this accusation may not materialize considering Victor’s character traits. From a different dimension and close analysis of the character, the actions portrayed by Victor do not show him as trying to play God but instead portrays his weaknesses as a human being. In fact, he is portrayed as a person who is suffering from stress depression and many other human disorders that render him insane instead. It can, therefore, be argued that the monster that Victor creates portrays his character as a result of stress and depression. This essay,…

Hidden Figures Response Informative Summary Hidden Figures Hidden figures can be understood from two dimensions. First, it is a term that refers to West Computer Group’s African-American female, such as Mary, Dorothy, and Katherine, who were mathematicians and engineers at NASA. Second, it relates to mathematics, figures, and equations that were not remembered or had not been found out, which would make possible the human spacecraft. Initially, Mary, Dorothy, and Katherine had been racially discriminated against due to early sexist and racism in America, making them be isolated. They had been sealed off in an old building’s basement, which was far away from their equivalent male and female whites. The Americans did not believe that including them in the project of defeating the Russian’s spacecraft will be a good idea since they seemed valueless. Later, they were included in the program, which made them put an extra effort into discovering the equations and numbers that realized human spacecraft. Hidden figures, therefore remind people to remain focused on the abilities of others through past and present knowledge. Impossible miracles Despite Mary…

Concepts of Sustainability Introduction Sustainability seems to be the worst challenge in the future and the present management of business organizations. The environmental and social-economic factors lead to raising the issues to the upcoming generation to enable them to meet all their management needs.Human resource management refers to the strategic and business legal approaches to practical and legal management of business employees in an organization to positively impact the industry with an advantage gain in its competitive environment. Human resource management maximizes the performance of its employees in the provision of services to its employers in the achievement of the business objectives. The human resource departments in the business are supposed to oversee the benefits of the employee through recruitment, employee training, reward, development, and performance appraisal. The department takes part in industrial relations and changes. It entails balancing the business requirements and the practices in the corporation from the statutory laws and collective organizational bargaining. Al these elements in a business organization can only be achieved through corporate sustainability (Rockström et al.,2017). Business sustainability entails the coordination and the…

TREATY OF VERSAILLES Introduction The Treaty of Versailles was the major peace treaty among the rest that led to the end of World War. Archduke`s Franz Ferdinand assassination was the main reason for the start of World War I. Although the armistice saw the end of the war, negotiations to draft the Treaty at the Paris Peace Conference took about six months. In October 1919, the League of Nations secretariat registered the treaty. The Treaty of Versailles led to the end of World war I this research aim at obtaining the contents of the treaty including the reasons for signing the treaty and also the lessons learnt from the treaty. The most important provision of the treaty was Article 231(Bosco, Bosco & Bowman, 2010). This article would later be called the “War Guilt Clause.” The Article ordered that Germany was to accept responsibilities for damages and losses incurred during the war. The treaty also required Germany to surrender all its weapons, make amends and give reparations the Entente powers. The total cost of the reparations in 1921, was evaluated to…

Confidence Development Plan               Self-confidence is a critical element that is very instrumental in an individual’s life. Most people struggle to find it. People who lack confidence can find it very hard to make it in life. Their beliefs have blinded them and thus cannot do something new. Someone nervous can rarely pursue a challenging project, fearing failure. On the other hand, individuals who have self-confidence and have strong beliefs in themselves can easily make it in life. They have strong confidence in themselves and are willing to explore (Lothian& Devries 2017). These kinds of individuals can easily convince or persuades someone because they speak clearly and eloquently. They also hold their heads high and answer questions with acuity. In essence, gaining the confidence of others is, therefore, one of the crucial ways in which a self-confident person builds success. It is, therefore, no doubt that the level of confidence determines once carrier and how far an individual can go. Creating a long-term goal Goal setting is a critical ingredient that defines success. Every successful person has a plan of…

Types and symptoms of stress Your body’s mode of reacting to any claim or threat is known as stress. When your body senses danger, may it be imaginary or factual, the body’s fortifications kick into high gear in speedy, automatic course well-known as the battle or flight response or the anxiety response. It is the body’s way of protecting you by helping you stay concentrated, energetic, and watchful. Stressors are pressures and situations that cause stress. We always think of stressors as unfavorable, but anything that puts higher demands on you can be termed stressful. Losing a job is one of life’s most stressful experiences. It’s normal to feel hurt, depressed, angry, grieve for what you have lost or feel anxious about what the future holds. Unemployment or job loss involves a lot of change at once, and this may rock your sense of purpose and self-esteem. But while stress can be overwhelming, you many steps that you can overtake to come out of this. When you have lost something or someone you love becomes one of life’s main stressors,…

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