Saudi Labor Force: Challenges and Ambitions             Notably, Saudi Arabia has considerably changed its economic structure from nomadism to oil-based. Currently, the country is undergoing significant economic transformations, which are intended to address issues like overreliance on the oil sector and labor challenges. A fundamental problem facing Saudi Arabia is the low labor participation by its citizens. At the initial stages of oil discovery, the working population was largely composed of Saudi nationals. However, in the 1970s, reliance on foreign laborers surpassed that of locals (Al-Asmari, 2008). At the time, foreign labor was mainly from regional Arab countries, but later changed to incorporate workers from across the globe. The high number of expatriate workers is attributed to the expansion of the private sector, the small Saudi population, restriction of women, and the high number of young people. The percentage of women in the Saudi workforce is significantly low, in comparison with the rest of the world. Although Saudi Arabia experiences an increasing demand for labor, the country’s economic system has continuously restricted women’s participation. While males account for 54.4 percent…

COLLEGE ADMISSION After my high school graduation I didn’t join college immediately because I had a financial falls down. I had moved from India and I didn’t have enough money to support me in college. I therefore considered getting a job and lucky enough I got a full time job at Crabtree jewelry as sales associate, working 40 hours a week. Frankly, keeping up with the job responsibilities and tight work schedule hasn’t been easy especially since I’m a single parent as well and I had to bust out every effort I got at first to get my life balanced. But with time I started appreciating my work and being proud of the experience I was getting doing the sales work. And that’s how I got fascinated by the business field and decided I was definitely going to pursue business major in college. The reasons why I decided to pursue business major (business Administration) is because firstly, I love challenges. Business related courses expose you into solving real life dilemma situations or decisions and being able to think of a…

Sovereignty paper Short Answer Section 1 Question 1 Sovereignty refers to the absolute rights which states have over their decisions to act, determine as well as follow their individual self-interest in relation to matters regarding domestic conduct. The current world is globalized hence an enormous increase in the movement of capital, people, and technology, without forgetting massive international trade growth. With the increase in global trade, sovereignty is evident through the overlapping national claims, as well as the surge in nationalism. Furthermore, sovereignty has created room for political and social fabric, including taxation, different culture, human rights, and even education. Question 2 WWI involved 32 countries, and it reshaped many borders as well as redrew the world map. WWI led to the collapse of several empires such as the Russian, Ottoman and German Empires. Typically, the First World War created new changes in the map of Africa with Europe colonizing states. The war also redrew the political map, which ended with different state borders both in Europe and Africa as Germany seized Lorraine and Alsace provinces from France. Consequently, WWII…

Diary of a Medical Mission Trip In the case of a disaster, people need to find the means to take care of patients in the best means possible. Nursing intervention is a practice that is done on a patient so that they can reach their set health goals. There are several levels of nursing interventions such as primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. The levels are dependent on the stage that the patent is in. The standards have different levels of activity. This paper is a discussion of the three significant levels of nursing interventions based on a student’s diary of a medical trip. Primary prevention involves all the steps taken to void the onset of an infection. Based on the diary of the student, the best measures are to prevent the contamination of the wounds that the patients have (Coolbrandt et al, 2018). More clean water should be provided to clean the injuries as well as the doctors who handle the patients. In addition to that, clean bandages and wound dressing should be provided. The dressing should also be changed…

Public Service Motivation and Organizational Performance  Throughout history, individuals develop particular attributes, motives, and aspirations before determining the occupation that would help them achieve their goals. Even though individuals may have the drive towards working in a particular industry or organization, different factors, including the reward system, leadership style, organizational climate, and the work structure, often influence the motivation of the individual. Public service motivation is an employment factor or attribute that explains the desire among individuals to serve other people while linking personal actions with the interest of the public. As such, public service motivation is the person’s internal drive to help other people. The purpose of this paper is to establish the relationship and the role of public service motivation in enhancing the performance of the organizations. While different factors play a critical role in improving the performance of an organization, does public service motivation increase the performance of the organization? It is noteworthy that the employees’ productivity and performance often determine the productivity and performance of an organization. In light of this, administrators or managers of various…

Isabel dos Santos Defying All Odds and Establishing a Successful Business Empire Isabel dos Santos is an Angolan entrepreneur who has worked very hard over the years to make a name for herself in the business world. She has successfully been able to put up investments in different parts of the world. Her interests span from telecommunications to media and energy among others. Other than making a mark in the entrepreneurial world, Isabel dos Santos is a role model to very many young women across the globe, especially in Africa. To all the young women, Isabel simply proves that a woman’s possibilities are limitless if she puts her all into her goals. Isabel dos Santos was born in Baku, Azerbaijan, to Jose Eduardo dos Santos, the late former President of Angola and Tatiana Kukanova, the first wife of Mr. Jose. Isabel dos Santos studied electrical engineering at King’s College in London. Isabel’s career began at Urbana 2000 where she worked as a project manager engineer. In 1997 she opened the Miami Beach Club. This was one of the first beach…

Geostrategic             From the mid-1800s, the United States, along with other colonial countries, laid their claims to the South China Sea because of its vast resourcefulness. These countries faced little or no resistance at the time because they had naval superiority. However, different countries, especially those around the South China Sea, have continued to improve their marine prowess. As a result, the superpowers that initially claimed the area are facing resistance from the upcoming countries. This resistance is because these countries, such as China, the Philippines, Vietnam, and Taiwan, have realized that the area could give them massive benefits that would help them experience significant growth. These countries demand ownership of the land based on ancestral history and ties. The sea borders their countries, and they believe that they have control over the area because it is part of their country. They claim that the area was forcefully taken from them back when they could not fight for what was theirs. Based on the geographic locations, these countries have more substantial claims to the area than the United States. According…

Anomie and Strain Theories The term anomie began to appear in social theories from the works of French theorist Emile Durkheim. It started as a concept that explains the abnormal division of labor. It has become a significant idea in explaining the social consequences of huge, heterogeneous, and urban societies such as the United States. According to Durkheim, self-interest, limitless ambitions, and an insatiable desire for success directs the behavior of human. Therefore, it is essential to constrain human behavior to guarantee healthy coexistence in society. As a result, regulation is necessary to create clarity, security, and order in society. Therefore, for Durkheim, anomie means the breakdown of social order as well as an individual and collective loss According to Deflem (2015), anomie is a Greek word meaning lack of the law. Durkheim’s ideas have a significant influence on Robert Merton and strain theory and modern theories about punishment for criminal activities. Merton introduced the anomie theory to the American population for the study of crime and deviance. Therefore, the initial ideas about anomie were a departure from the early…

 poverty is a predictable and acquired condition In the United States, so many people are convinced that poverty is a predictable and acquired condition, especially when one is from a particular section of society. This is a misleading stereotype that has led to the conception of the underclass in the country. The existence of the underclass is primarily a social construction and is often used as a political weapon (Ruggles, 175). Mostly, this concept is intrinsically linked to poverty and is commonly used to symbolize the elucidation of these state of affairs. Most of the problems surrounding the idea of the underclass revolve around the public understanding of poverty. For instance, poverty may be defined in a behavioral aspect where the people in this class are believed to be morally contaminated with no ambitions, and thus an economic burden (Rodgers, 13). This understanding of poverty makes it harder to find solutions for the poor in society. Therefore, the concept of the underclass of poverty is an ideological construction. Like many ideological constructions, it is not a permanent concept and may…

FEDERALIST 51 Question 1 Power separation in government aims at reducing conflicts hence jeopardizing a country’s operations. For instance, whenever two branches in government are working on different issues, the likelihood of engaging in a conflict is minimal. As such, the system to separate power forces government branches to focus on key issues that need to be addressed. Question 2 Madison articulated that only the constitution granted the power to every branch of government hence did not believe in the complete separation. So, Madison believed that only honorable ambitions to work for the people’s interests would help attain a complete power separation (Madison, 1788). Question 3 Madison’s comments on the need to take auxiliary precautions were castigated by his fear of the great difficulty of founding. Madison outlines that any government must develop strong institutional power in order to control the governed (Madison, 1788). Furthermore, the auxiliary precautions included the separation of power between the three branches of government, including executive, legislature, and executive. Secondly, the division of power and federalism serves as another form of auxiliary precaution. The separation…

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