Alexander the Not so ‘Great’ Plutarch’s biography, Life of Alexander, portrays Alexander as a less than great King. Ancient history has outlined the true qualities a King should possess, and they include leadership, virtue, and even mercy. He earned the title Alexander the ‘Great’ due to his massive ownership of land far and wide. He owned the land from Macedonia to the borders of the Indus valley. By conquering Egypt, Persia, as well as the northern frontiers of India, he becomes one of the ultimate captors in less than a decade. Although Alexander is often regarded as one of the greatest conquerors in all of ancient history, his actions in combat completely tarnish his legacy as the King of Macedonia. Plutarch ineffectively discredits any possible challenges to Alexander’s character in order to ensure the narrative of his accomplishments remains unscathed. Plutarch does this by mentioning Alexander’s shortcomings as a King, but by following up by attempting to justify his actions in the case of the merciless slaughter of hundreds of thousands of people and his drinking problems in order to…
Sexism in Adverts Sexism is a popular social problem in the advertisement sector. The main aim of many advertisers has been to make a positive impression using sexist adverts, but most of the cases have gone in the wrong direction. Often, adverts on several media platforms are targeted to a specific audience, a factor that creates a discriminatory kind of perception towards a certain group. For example, the use of young girls in the advertisement of toys has created a feeling of discrimination towards young boys and has caused alienation towards what toys should be used by what gender and much generally has caused gender crises. The 2017 advert by Mr. Clean on the importance of men who could sweep has not gone well with several viewers who feel that the advert has employed a wide range of sexism in passing information that could be adopted in a much better way. The portrayal of cleaning duties to belong to ladies and the fact that ladies can only pay using sex are sexist actions that should not be promoted on…
Self-drive Cars Annotated Bibliography Mladenovic, Milos N., and Tristram McPherson. “Engineering social justice into traffic control for self-driving vehicles?.” Science and engineering ethics 22.4 (2016): 1131-1149. Mladenovic and McPherson researched to assess how social justice will be adopted in the control of traffic when self-drive cars start dominating the roads. The study outlines the importance of addressing questions that arise from the engineering of social justice in the traffic transformation and attempts to sketch a preliminary framework for incorporating social justice in traffic control. The study further explains how new forms of traffic control technology will have implications for several dimensions of social justice. The implications covered in the study include safety, privacy, sustainability, efficiency, and equal access to social justice. The study focuses on the efficiency of the proposed social justice system as well as equal access by individuals using self-driven vehicles. The limitations that could be associated with the social justice system are further addressed in the study. The researchers propose the introduction of a priority based system that will give the users to select the priority levels…
Same Sex Marriage in Canada Same-sex marriage is a common and growing trend across the globe, and Canada is no exception. The aspect of same-sex marriage in Canada has been on the increase following an emerging trend that has seen the family structure evolve. This comes amidst the backdrop of factors such as change in social norms, economic issues and immigration. The current survey of 2016 by Environics Analytics indicate that there has been an increase in the rate at which Canadians are bent to form same-sex marriages. It is worth noting that despite the fact that, this group forms a small percentage compared to other forms of marriage, the segment is experiencing a growing trend. In the last decade, there has been a 60 percent rise in same-sex marriages compared to 9 percent increases registered in the opposite sex marriages (Campion-Smith, 2017). The trend is seen to take toll of the largest cities in the country such as Ottawa-Gatineau, Vancouver, Montreal and Toronto. The Canadian law allows for the same-sex marriages as per the dictates of sociological perspectives which…
Death Penalty Debate Research the death penalty and write 2 page essay explaining if we should continue to have it as an option in the U.S. or not. Must cite at least one source outside your textbook. In addition to that 1) Read the following very short ebook from Amazon: ″Death Penalty Debate: Confronting Abolitionists′ Claims″ (it costs $0.99). This is a one-sided book so feel free to disagree with it. 2) Include analysis of the book in the essay and extend your existing 2 page essay to a 900-word minimum essay[unique_solution] Research the death penalty and write 2 page essay explaining if we should continue to have it as an option in the U.S. or not. Must cite at least one source outside your textbook. In addition to that 1) Read the following very short ebook from Amazon: ″Death Penalty Debate: Confronting Abolitionists′ Claims″ (it costs $0.99). This is a one-sided book so feel free to disagree with it. 2) Include analysis of the book in the essay and extend your existing 2 page essay to a 900-word minimum…
intelligence question This is not your ordinary ″essay″ midterm. For the midterm project you will deliver two intelligence collection plans (a tactical and a separate strategic collection plan). You are expected to deliver in .ppt or .xls format a table that is a matrix of potential intelligence targets and collection methods (feel free to break down major methods of collection, like SIGINT, into their components: ELINT, COMINT, MASINT, TELINT, etc.). You are asked to submit two matrices: one that deals with tactical intelligence and one that deals with strategic intelligence. You are required to identify and describe an intelligence question (of your choice) that drives each of these matrices. Remember what you learned early on in this class: clarity in the intelligence question is the most important element of collection planning. Your grade will be based on the following rubric and I recommend you make a check list to be sure you have: 1) the primary intelligence question or requirement identified (in two separate strategic and tactical matrices), 2) you′ve listed your sub-questions or component information requirements(PIRs/EEIs), 3) listing of…
How far should the scientists go to modify humans through genetic engineering? Introduction Genetic engineering is the act of direct manipulating human beings DNA to change a certain characteristic of an organism. It is used by scientists to modify the features of an organism by additional of a copy of gene or removal either in the sperm or the egg (Sparrow, 2014). The paper seeks to discuss how far should the scientists go to modify humans through genetic engineering. Therefore the paper exemplifies the extent to which the scientists should go to modify human beings through the help of genetic engineering. Background There are many types of diseases which are inherited from our parents such as cancer, polycystic ovarian syndrome, cyst fibrosis among others. These diseases are acquired from the genes of the parents during mutation and formation of an embryo which grow to form a fetus. Scientists have discovered that they can use genetic engineering to alter these genes to prevent the continuation of inheriting these killer diseases. However, there is the limit in which they can go to…
Managing services in businesses Introduction A guarantee refers to as a pledge given by a business company to any customer stressing that the products assigned to him/her are of good quality and benefits to the customer. The commitment is usually written in a book or a piece of paper for the customers to read and understand. In the guarantee statement, it is assured that in case the customer is not satisfied with the product, there are measures to be taken to compensate the customer in a way he/she will be happy with the commodity. Using the concept of “service recovery”, there is money set aside to back up the guarantee for all those products bought within the first 12months.The customer is given a form to fill out his personal information and national identification card details. The way will be used over the period as the warehouse business promise to provide the customer with a one year warranty for the products. Guarantees are the most powerful concepts in the marketing industry. The ideas help to build the warehousing reputation and increasing…
Coronavirus: Two first deaths in South Africa and over a thousand infections, Public transport suspended. The Covid-19 pandemic today claimed two lives in South Africa. The country has since crossed the barrier of a thousand infections, as announced by its Health Minister. “This morning, we wake South Africans up with sad news that we now have our first deaths resulting from COVID-19,” Health Minister Zweli Mkhize said in a statement. South Africa started today three weeks of general confinement across the country. “No one will be allowed to leave their homes except in exceptional circumstances,” announced the president of Africa South, Cyril Ramaphosa. “All shops and businesses will be closed, except for pharmacies, laboratories, banks, essential financial and payment services, including the JSE, supermarkets, petrol stations, and health care providers. Companies that are essential to the production and transportation of food, basic goods, and medical supplies will remain open,” he said. . The African continent has so far registered 87 deaths due to the new coronavirus to date, with more than 3,200 cases of infections in 46 countries. Several…
Modern Lovers. In society today, it is difficult to find two people who are genuinely in love. Several reasons may cause this occurrence. Perhaps the most common reason for this is the fact that many people rush into relationships at a very young age. These individuals may have ventured into the romantic world due to peer pressure. For others, it is an experimental activity. As a result, one person in the relationship ends up hurt because they believed that what they had going on was real and would last for a lifetime. As the real world comes into play, they end up hurt. (Edemariam, 2020). These heart-breaking experiences drive them to seek revenge, and they end up hurting another person, and it begins a cycle of unhappy relationships (Lippert, 2020). Eventually, society remains with individuals dating for the thrill of the prospect of a relationship without putting much thought into the future of their relationship. Also, money has proven to be an essential commodity in the world today. Money is no longer just a means of exchange; instead, it has…