Meta title: Seven Strong Acids that You Must Know About Meta description: This post is a guide to strong acids. It shows what they are, lists them, and compares them to corrosive and concentrated acids. The 7 Strong Acids: Everything You Need to Know Are you taking chemistry? If “yes,” you will no doubt need to learn more about the seven strong acids. You will find this information very important because most chemical reactions, chemistry calculations, and other applications are likely to touch on acids and bases. In this post, we are going to tell you everything that you need to know about the seven strong acids. What are Strong Acids? One thing that you should appreciate at this point is that when an acid bears the tag “strong acid,” there is nothing related to how powerful it is or corrosiveness. But the term strong implies that the acid is capable of releasing a lot of hydrogen ions into a solution. A strong acid is an acid that is capable of dissociating completely into ions when it is added into…
American Cultural Contexts for Critical thinking and writing Introduction America has two social structure namely patriarchy and matriarchy. However, we need to identify the structure that is the most effective; furthermore, the selected structure should be supported with evidence to prove that indeed it is the most effective. According to my point of view, patriarchy is the most effective structure. First of all, I will begin by defining this term patriarchy. What is patriarchy? It refers to a rule by fathers and not men. Nick B. Steves defines it as “ system designed to maximize paternal investment, in which rule by fathers as a key aspect” according to his definition, fathers can rule over children and wives as well. As a social equilibrium, patriarchy commits fathers to, and publicly held them responsible for providing and governing their respective households. Fathers therefore receive exclusive access to sex in exchange for this commitment to their wives ( This access therefore gives an assurance that all the children sired are his and authorize them to bear his name. The male effort in the key years,…
The dangers of smoking tobacco The dangers of smoking tobacco cannot be overstated since thousands of persons die yearly because of tobacco-related diseases. Experts’ project that in future, the numbers will increase since the list of tobacco-linked diseases and conditions is growing. Currently, some of the diseases caused by the use of tobacco are diabetes, cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack, lung and other kinds of cancer, asthma and bronchitis, eye damage, weathering of the skin and tooth decay. However, despite the dangers of smoking tobacco being entirely clear, many tobacco users find it hard to quit since there exists no clear way of quitting tobacco. The Vape Company saw this as a business opportunity and decide to invite those persons seeking to quite the use of tobacco to subscribe with them monthly at a fee so that the company can drop nicotine content to them monthly and help them quit nicotine dependence. The nicotine content will have various flavours such as watermelon and apple pie so that the consumers can comfortably use them without the fear that there will…
Understanding the Prescription pain medication abuse Understanding the Prescription pain medication abuse signs, symptoms and treatment issue will be discussed in this paper. Additionally, there will be comparing and contrasting of various approaches used to handle the problem of prescription pain medication. Moreover, I will analyze the signs and symptoms as well as predisposing factors related to addiction and misuse of pain medication. Understanding the Addiction to prescription pain medication abuse is very important as it could help in ensuring that there is a health and safe population in America. Prescription Pain Medication Abuse involves the tendency of utilizing the drug prescribed by a doctor in an unintended manner. Consequently, prescription drug abuse affects problematic abuse of the prescribed medication such as painkillers. As a result, these could result in compulsive, destructive and ongoing unhealthy severe impacts to the user. In America, Prescription Pain Medication Abuse is increasingly a critical problem. Most problems among many of the individuals fail to take the provided prescriptions keenly. Opioid painkillers like sedatives and Oxycotins are common prescription abused drugs. Most commonly these problems…
Doing Nothing – Do-It-Yourself The sociological experiment I carried out mainly centred on the perception of individuals with regards to the public issues and personal troubles. The difference between personal troubles and public matters concern the view that the personal troubles tend to occur at the individual level in addition to being limited the reach of the individual’s biography, while the public issues often go beyond the individual and are mainly perceived as the joint values and interests perceived and felt to be under threats. Thus, it is regarded as a personal trouble in case an individual is not employed while several millions are employed; but a public issue in instances where millions remain unemployed in a nation. Being my initial sociology research, I believe that the experiment I carried out was eye opening especially with regards to matters relating to sociological experiments and how to go about them. Though I had no prior experience with regards to such experiments, I was able to carry it out successfully in spite of having come across a number of obstacles including…
Margaret Atwood’s short story “Death by Landscape.” In Margaret Atwood’s short story “Death by Landscape,” the core conflict is Lois’s disbelieve of cessation over the unanticipated evanesce of her pal Lucy Fraser (2007, p.1280). Lois was a good friend of Lucy, and before she vanishes they were together, Lois is worried about what could have made her friend disappeared. It is this uncertainty that led Lois to be in deep conflict with herself, and this is what Lois had to deal with for the rest of her life (Raschke, 2012, p. 79). Even the camp director presumed that Lois had something to do with Lucy’s vanish. It is correct to insinuate that Lois’s guilt only appended because of the fate of her friend Lucy (Raschke, 2012, p. 77). Lois’s answer to this uncertain wrangle is to purchase a different type of paintings that illustrate the wilderness that nudges her of her significant loss of her friend. In this short story, the two terms of fiction applied are the setting and the theme of the story. The tale adheres strictly to…
Cases of child and elderly abuse Introduction Child abuse refers to a set of complex behaviours that include emotional, physical, sexual abuse and neglect. Many people are conversant with the physical form, which is the most common and entails punching, kicking, burning, beating, biting, and any form of action that physically harms a child. However, the other forms are also prevalent only that they are not easy to detect. Although there exist various laws across the world that aim to prevent and possibly eliminate child abuse, the issue is still rampant with the United States also receiving a significant share of child abuse reported cases. Similarly, cases of elderly abuse are also on the rise globally, and the US still features among the most affected. Elderly abuse is defined as the financial, emotional, physical, or psychological mistreatment of an older person. Experts attribute the worsening situation to the increase in the life span of human beings that promotes dependency. As a result, most older adults are viewed as a burden to family and society in general. Cases of child and…
MY ROLE AS A BACCALAUREATE PREPARED NURSE Being a nurse is not easy. Nurses are supposed to be not only helpful and compassionate but also capable of making difficult decisions and administering the right medical attention to patients in the absence of the doctors. Apparently, education plays a very crucial role in ensuring this but there are certain innate qualities that make one nurse better than the other. Nurses should have skills like effective interpersonal skills, exceptional communication skills, quick problem solving abilities, high sense of humor among others. All these qualities lie in both formal and informal capabilities of being a nurse. Therefore, this and much more exposes one to have different roles as a baccalaureate prepared nurse. Nursing as career has percolated and evolved to be what it is today. In the United States, a testament to the diligence of interested groups known as the act was successfully passed. This happened as early as 1902 where the mid wives remained the domain of the women. The act provided a path way to the organization and registration of interested…
Heterosexuality Heterosexuality refers to the characteristic where people are attracted sexually to people of the opposite sex. The first time I realized that heterosexuality was the norm in society was when I was in my earlier stages of school. I remember very well I was about eight years old we were having lunch with the other pupils in our school. One of the girls who was bigger than the rest of us asked us to confess which boy we loved in class. It was interesting that all the girls were attracted to a different boy in class, and others were their desk mates. A certain boy in class also kept coming where I was, and he liked spending time with me. I also recall one time my neighbor, who was a boy coming to request me to join him play a game. This went on for a long time, even from other of my boy neighbors and church mates. I don’t deny the fact that I was also enjoying their company and even went to call them during weekends so…
discomforts experienced by women during pregnancy Introduction Recent medical reports have presented significant findings about the discomforts experienced by women during pregnancy. Many researchers, however, argue that the effects of such discomforts are always self-limiting and minor to the lifestyles of women. Lumbopelvic pain (LPP) is an example of musculoskeletal complaints that is described as “minor discomforts.” Women, on the other hand, may experience substantial levels of pain and disability, with economic and social consequences. Studies also show that lumbopelvic pain can cause an impact on the psychological health, impact sick leave and equally transform to a chronic pain condition. Several women have been reported to be requesting an elective caesarean or an early induction of labour in order to reduce the pain felt (Pierce et al., 2012). The central purpose of the author is to explore the nature and prevalence of lumbopelvic pain felt by women, especially during pregnancy. The design carried out for this purpose is a cross-sectional and descriptive study. The authors based their research on an Australian public hospital where women who were in their trimester…