Inadequate Self-Control Inadequate self-control refers to the inability to regulate and alter responses to evade behaviors that are undesirable. It is the inability to regulate behavior that may lead one to temptations or failing to achieve goals (Brevers, 2018). It can also be referred to as the inability to resist urges or bad behaviors. Inadequate self-control is associated with various adverse effects on an individual. It may hinder an individual from achieving their long-term goals as well as destroying relationships with colleagues and friends. Moreover, inadequate self-control may make it difficult for individuals to achieve some common goals such as regular exercising, losing weight, not procrastinating, eating healthy, saving money as well as shunning bad habits. There are numerous causes that may make and individual to have inadequate self-control. One of the main causes is the self-control dilemma (De Ridder & Gillebaart, 2016). The self-control dilemma happens especially when an individual’s long-term values and goals contradict with short-term temptations. The existence of dilemmas of such kinds reduces the significance associated with instant reward while, on the other hand, increases the…
The reproductive rights of women Introduction Various countries around the world have different legal rights and liberties that relate to reproduction and reproductive health in general. The reproductive rights are built on the recognition that couples and individuals have the right to their own number, timing and spacing of their children. The reproductive rights also acknowledge that they have the right to information concerning their reproductive health and to be provided with the best standards of reproductive health services. It is the responsibility of every government to uphold the reproductive rights of individuals and ensure that they are not violated. The reproductive rights of women give them the freedom to have safe and legal abortions if they do not wish to keep the pregnancy due to personal or health issues. The women also have the right to decide for themselves if they want to take birth control measures and to select which ones they prefer to use. The women cannot be coerced into using birth control methods they do not agree with, and they are entitled to high-quality healthcare services.…
The modern Prometheus or Frankenstein novel review In Mary Shelley’s novel The modern Prometheus or Frankenstein, the main character Frankenstein is portrayed as a controversial character who attracts the attention of the people through his scientific creation of a monster that kills some of the critical characters in the novel. The novel, Victor, spends most of the time trying to defeat a monster that he created. In most cases, students and critics tend to accuse Victor Frankenstein of portraying the “God Complex” in many of his actions through his personality. However, this accusation may not materialize considering Victor’s character traits. From a different dimension and close analysis of the character, the actions portrayed by Victor do not show him as trying to play God but instead portrays his weaknesses as a human being. In fact, he is portrayed as a person who is suffering from stress depression and many other human disorders that render him insane instead. It can, therefore, be argued that the monster that Victor creates portrays his character as a result of stress and depression. This essay,…
Creative and Critical Thinking is Welcomed and Strongly Encouraged What specific symptoms are being portrayed by the character in the nursery rhyme? In the first nursery rhyme, Georgie Porgie could be suffering from Bipolar disorder. Her mood keeps on changing. She is depressed for having too many children and not knowing what to do. At one time, she is cheerful in that she kisses her girls then makes them cry, gives the boys food but at the end of the day; she beats them up before she takes them to bed. So she is at one time a caring and at the other time harsh to her kids. Humpty Dumpty, on the other side, suffers from Post Trauma Stress. She developed the problem after falling off the wall. Everyone tried to compose her but was in vain. They instead scare her. After falling, Dumpty had flashbacks on what happened which brought her much anxiety. Ding Dong Bell Jack Sprout and his wife have an eating disorder. They never ate because the Pussy was in the well. After they managed to…
Condoms prevent teenager’s pregnancy Introduction Making condoms accessible promotes safe sex, but do not promote the real act of having sex. Similarly, implementing the free distribution of condoms will help teach responsibility, promote safe sex, help to lower teenagers’ pregnancy, and, therefore, condoms should be available for teens. Currently, the rate at which young people are getting sexually transmitted diseases and teen pregnancies is increasing. If distribution of condoms to teens is implemented, there would be low rates on teenage pregnancies. However, it will help to decrease the number of teenagers dealing with these kinds of issues at a young age. Something more should be done for purposes of preventing teenagers from finding out the hardest way the harsh consequences that unsafe sex would bring about. Specifically, the availability of condoms will encourage teenagers to make safe decisions. Again, condoms have played an essential role in preventing HIV infections around the globe. Likewise, when condoms are made available, there are still quite several factors on cultural, practical, and social that can prevent individuals from making use of them. For instance,…
Near-Death Experience A near-death experience (NDE) can be defined as an occurrence where one comes close to dying coupled with spiritual memories experience characterized by meeting dead members of the family, dead friends, or seeing a white light at that moment when death was close. Some of the essential characteristics of this experience include trauma to the body, complete pain cessation and profound peace, hearing of everyday earthly sound noises, floating above the dead body, traveling down and enclosure, meeting others possibly angelic bodies, guardian angels or Jesus and Mary (Thomas 3). One most vital characteristic that seems familiar to all people experiencing NDE is meeting a being of light. The being of light appears to be loving, understanding, personal, non-judgmental, and caring. This brilliant light is highly associated with Christ, God, or an Angel. At the same time, people experiencing an NDE could have a life review, exceptional knowledge, and finally returning to the body to signify a return to the traumatized bodies. The vision of life after death described by NDE cohere most with the western religions, especially…
Effect of caffeine on cognitive functions’ The expression “for getting healthy, the kind of food you eat is everything has been tossed around for quite a while; however, the vast majority don’t think about the full ramifications.” What individuals eat and drink can genuinely transform them, in diet or size as well as in their psychological limit. Caffeine is the most generally utilized and devoured medicate. The recurrence being used of caffeine has prompted the improvement of a broad measure of tests to discover the impacts of caffeine on intellectual capacities. Probably the highest zone of study secured the effects of caffeine on memory review. These investigations have indicated different outcomes on the impacts of caffeine (James, 2014). A lot of variety has appeared in the changed kind of subjective capacities proceeded just as a general absence of information on co-morbidities. Research has indicated a considerable increment in free psychological capacities. This has shown that caffeine has some effect on cognitive functions. Alternatively, decreases in cognitive functions. In the AVLT, subjects must remember a group of lately shown words (Kara,…
The body of a human being undergoes a lot of changes as the woman goes old, The body of a human being undergoes a lot of changes as the woman goes old, as a result of these changes affects their physical appearance and their health status changes due to their hormonal imbalances. The issues of stress and the diet that a woman takes affect their life. The women should take their dieting seriously and avoid stress to avoid the issues of health issues because of their emotional imbalance. Due to these changes, women get to experience menopause, which really affects their life as well as their health status. Middle adulthood can make someone have some physical and mental changes in the two people. The progressions people experience a shift from individual to individual and the seriousness of the progressions relies upon one’s enthusiastic, physical, and mental state at the time the “change” happens. Medical issues in center adulthood like diabetes, hypertension, and joint pain can happen, which may prompt other medical issues. Menopause happens around age 51, or some of…
The contribution of neuroimaging (fMRI) to understand of face processing. One of the core stimuli in the lifestyle is well constituted in the human face. It transmits a massive wealth of information that is paramount for the sake of social interaction, for instance, a person’s expression of emotions and identification. Research has perpetually demonstrated a face attentional bias (Johnson, 1991), which carries with it a superior execution in the face recognition in comparison to other stimuli (Bindemann, 2005), implying diverse processing for the faces connected to different inducements. Subsequently, the recent past decades were calibrated with a heightened concern in interpreting the procedures embedded in features processing. There is a formidable understanding model towards the face perception that is attached to the neurophysiological and behavior findings, which diversified the first stages towards face identification raising forth from the numerical analysis of movement and facial recognition (Bruce and Young, 1986). Nevertheless, the authors deliberately formulated functional elements in the individual appearance processing arrangement. This was devoid of whether or not that these elements confined to particular regions of the(Bran and…
Hidden Figures Response Informative Summary Hidden Figures Hidden figures can be understood from two dimensions. First, it is a term that refers to West Computer Group’s African-American female, such as Mary, Dorothy, and Katherine, who were mathematicians and engineers at NASA. Second, it relates to mathematics, figures, and equations that were not remembered or had not been found out, which would make possible the human spacecraft. Initially, Mary, Dorothy, and Katherine had been racially discriminated against due to early sexist and racism in America, making them be isolated. They had been sealed off in an old building’s basement, which was far away from their equivalent male and female whites. The Americans did not believe that including them in the project of defeating the Russian’s spacecraft will be a good idea since they seemed valueless. Later, they were included in the program, which made them put an extra effort into discovering the equations and numbers that realized human spacecraft. Hidden figures, therefore remind people to remain focused on the abilities of others through past and present knowledge. Impossible miracles Despite Mary…