The Meaning, Properties, and Powers of Amethyst   Amethyst is a precious stone consisting of a violet and purple variety of quartz. The stone is so prevalent in the current world. Unlike other precious stones, the stone has been used for spiritual purposes, for healing, and cleansing. Amethyst also has therapeutic implications. It has been widely used as medicine. The stone is unique of its own. Logically, precious stones have been used as ornaments. It is evident here, however, that the rock, in this case, got different uses. It is good to have a look at some of the properties, meaning, and powers of the kind of stone we are discussing.   The stone can heal stress. Due to its nice way of outlook, the stone can make someone happy. It is good to be stress-free. People who are free of stress are working in the best ways possible to bring out maximum output. Stress can affect the body negatively s it will strain the way we perceive issues. It is, therefore good that we should find a way of…


John Buntin

 “LA Noir: The Struggle for the Soul of America’s Most Seductive City” by John Buntin John Buntin’s “LA Noir: The Struggle for the Soul of America’s Most Seductive City” is a book that shows how the history of the City of Los Angeles is intricately intertwined with that of the world’s most famous police department, the LAPD. He picks up the story of the city in its early 1920s when two important outsiders arrive – Mickey Cohen, who dropped out of second grade, and William Parker, who would eventually become the Chief of Police. Cohen’s mother lived in Boyle Heights and ran a grocery around the corner from Breed Street Shul. Despite being Jewish, he was rejected by Hebrew School. He would then become a boxer before turning into a mobster. During that time, the politics and commerce of the city were mainly run by the White Anglo-Saxon Protestants. This fact further made these two people outsiders to the community. Notably, Buntin sets up Cohen and Parker as opposites in a city that, despite the colorful image on the outside,…

Name: Instructor: Subject: Date: Book review for The Tempest, Oroonoko, and Beloved The books, The Tempest, Oroonoko, and Beloved are the ones I chose to discuss in these courses. But first, before beginning, there is a need to organize the course by highlighting the goals of the course, content selection, content presentation tools and methods, student’s evaluation methods, and lastly, the selection of instructional materials. For effecting the presentation of the three books, there is a need to start with the simple text to the complex one. Also, doing a book talk, as the instructor, I would briefly talk about the author, explain the characters, read and explain the prologue to make all learners ready and eager to learn more.  The mentioned books are written by different authors and have two similar themes of love and slavery, and that is why I chose them since they are easy to connect and understand. William Shakespeare is the author of the play, The Tempest, written early in 1600. As the book starts, Prospero, the seized Milan’s Duke,  and Miranda, his teen daughter,…

        Wellness Self Assessment Student’s Name Institution Affiliation                     What did you learn about yourself from the self-care inventory and wellness self-assessment you completed? I learned that wellness not exclusively about the absence of illness or stress, but it’s a large perspective gearing towards a general positive life: mentally, physically, and socially. It is a continuous process made possible by a person in their entire life, making the best decisions they can at given intervals in time to ensure the wellness of their life. The assessment made me aware that there is more to wellness than just health. It all comes from an emotional perspective, environment one is in, intellectual, occupation, physical, social, and spiritual perspectives build someone entirely. Did anything surprise you? Spiritual wellness shocked me as to how wide it goes. Surprisingly there is more to our spiritual part that just believing what we are told. One should think it through thus bringing in the perspective of critical and creative thinking and analyzing situations that help…

Summary of the New Testament Books Matthew Matthew is the first book in the New Testament and one of the four gospel books in the New Testament. It starts with delving on the genealogy of Jesus by linking him to King David. Though the book retells the story of the birth of Jesus, it does not follow a chronological account in highlighting the life of Christ. Again, it is the only gospel book that talks about the prophecy of the prophet Isaiah, the Magi, and Angel’s appearance to announce the birth of Christ. In quoting the prophecy of Prophet Isaiah, the book acknowledges that being that Jesus was born of a Virgin Mary, such occurrence marked the fulfilling of the prophecy. Further, the book highlights the events that followed the birth of Christ. For instance, King Herod ordered the death of all the male children in Israel and Jesus’ subsequent escape to Egypt. It showed that the event was the fulfillment of Prophet Jeremiah’s prophecy about the Messiah. The book also highlights the Baptism of Jesus Christ by John the…

ALASKA YOUTH AND FAMILY NETWORK       Alaska youth and family network is a Human Service Organization that provides Behavioural Health connections to the community in Alaska. It’s a nationwide organization that focuses on family. It is dedicated to Providing strength, preserving and providing unity to all families affected across Alaska. It also promotes education and support between peers.      Mission: The mission of Alaska youth and family networks is To nurture stability for families within their communities within the state of Alaska. This is done through peer sustained support, education health services which focus on behaviour. The HSO offers support to families involved in their programs so that they may maintain stability within the community-focused. Provide support to families involved in Alaska’s behavioural health and child-serving systems URL:         Proposal idea: Through increasing the participation of the youth and parents in their programs, they can significantly increase the greatness and their strength. Education parents on contemporary issues affecting their children, for example, a behavioural change associated with internet, Adolescent,peer pressure their effects to their kids could significantly reduce their…

EUROPEAN IMPERIALISM   Even though nationalism and the Industrial Revolution defined European society in the 19th century, imperialism dramatically altered the world as the century ended. Most European countries embarked on an aggressive expansionist policy to satisfy the economic needs occasioned by the demands of the Industrial Revolution. As technology, science, and industry spurred economic growth, Europe’s industrial economies had to look for new avenues to sustain the expansion. Enhancements in steel production energized transportation and shipbuilding. At the same time, the development of the combustion engine, the railroad, and electric power meant the continent had to conquer other lands and dominate them while exploiting their vast resources. Through military might, annexation, and economic spheres of influence, Europe was motivated to dominate Asia and Africa and exploit their resources for selfish gain, where interactions with locals were often violent, as evidenced by the brutal end of most of the empires European countries created. The primary motivation for European imperialism was the need to power their economies following a surge in demand for goods. The leading European powers that scrambled for…

Buying Vs. Renting a Home in Florida Are you looking for a new place to settle? Florida is one of the best places that are suitable for settlement? Whether alone or with your family. There are many towns where you can comfortably adapt to and enjoy your life. But you could be asking yourself, which is the best option for housing? Is it renting or buying your own house? Well, this should not worry you anymore. This article discusses both options, and by the time you are done reading, you will know what is best for you. When it comes to looking for a home, everyone has a different taste and needs. For you to decide whether you are going to buy your house or rent, there are a few things you need to look at, like your life situation, the present market condition, as well as your financial status. So, after looking at those things, should you buy or rent? To know which is best, let’s look at each of them. Renting a house in Florida If you are…

Adjusting and closing journal entries Every business conducts several transactions in its day to day operations. A company records its transactions in journal entries where they can state the relevant account and their effects. Journal entries are recorded daily, depending on the insensitivity of business operations. The journal entries are adjusted at the end of the period to get an accurate figure. The purpose of closing entries is to eliminate temporary accounts. The aim is to get a precise reflection of the expenses and incomes generated throughout the accounting period. Adjusting entries The purpose of adjusting entries is to meet the accrual concept of accounting. Some business transactions affect revenues and expenses in more than one accounting period. For example, revenue might are earned this year, but the services related to the revenue are provided the next year. The accrual concept of accounting requires the business to recognize the expenses in the accounting period they are incurred and revenues in the accounting period they are earned.  A business operating in a service industry, for example, could receive service fees from…

effect of human sex trafficking in the U.S This research was conducted to determine the effect of human sex trafficking in the U.S. The study also analyzed various human sex trafficking cases that have been decided by the U.S. Court of Appeals in 2016. The data analyzed in this research came from secondary sources such as journals, books, and articles that reflect on the state of human sex trafficking. Findings This research revealed that human sex trafficking is rampant in the United States. The majority of the victims are women and children. Human sex trafficking in the United States includes transportation, harboring, recruitment, provision, or obtaining of a person for labor services to subject them to involuntary servitude. Further, the study showed that human sex trafficking often coincides with other forms of crime. As a result, human trafficking statutes are sometimes inadequate in prosecuting sex trafficking cases. Additionally, the research found out that the United States Courts of Appeals affirmed all the convictions for human sex trafficking. The study also revealed that the majority of sex trafficking victims are female…

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