Oxygen and it’s Important to Life Oxygen is a colorless odorless and tasteless gas that supports life on earth. It is formed through the binding of two oxygen molecules to form a diatomic molecule.  Oxygen is essential for generating energy, which is required for biological respiration. Cellular respiration a complex biological process that occurs in all living cells makes use of oxygen molecules to break down complex organic molecules such as sugars, proteins, lipids, and fats into simpler molecules that can be used by cells to generate energy. An example of these simpler molecules is glucose from sugars and amino acids from proteins (Han et al., 2011). In this process, oxygen is the only molecule with a capacity to capture the reactive electron from Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) or Flavin adenine dinucleotide (FADH using the hydrogen transporter molecules during respiration and as a result forms water. Over accumulation of NADH or FADH2 can terminate the process of respiration. One unique feature of oxygen is that it is relatively soluble in water. This makes it possible to support aquatic plants and…


The Preacher

The Preacher The chapter is dedicated to the religious community because it plays an oversized role. The religious community does not only provide spiritual services to society, but it also has a significant socio-economic and political role (Venkatesh 225). Therefore, as a central pillar of the community, its inclusion in the book’s discourse — urban poverty, is necessary. The various denominations, particularly Christianity, is an essential stakeholder in the economic sphere of the Maquis Park economic activity. According to Venkatesh, the role of the church in the area’s economic activities was necessitated by the vacuum created by the lack of formal services from the government. For instance, the absence of social services forced the clergy to intervene and offer some of these services, including employment referrals (215). Additionally, the clergy also engaged in political activism to ensure enhanced representation of African-Americans. Nevertheless, these measures were not enough to lift most of the residents out of poverty. Consequently, the church had to take a more pro-active role in the economic welfare of its congregants. The move entailed the formation of self-help…

How has the problem of human trafficking been addressed through international agreements and domestic legislation? Human trafficking has emerged as a criminal enterprise that is growing very fast in the world and the second largest. Victims of trafficking are forced to work in such settings as brothels, sex, and strip clubs. As the challenge of human trafficking continues to devastate a life, states have sought to address the issue through the development of domestic legislation and international policies. Mallicoat asserts that despite the differences in a standard adopted by different jurisdictions, there have been three general themes that guide these efforts. These include a commitment to the prosecution of individual traffickers, seeking to protect the victims of trafficking, and engaging in actions that attempt to prevent human trafficking (86).  For example, in the United States, the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 is critical legislation in the process. It advocates for the punishment of traffickers, offers protection to the victims, and calls for active prevention efforts at the community level to fight human trafficking. Identify one strategy discussed by the…

  To: All Staff in the Finance Department From: Company Chief Executive Officer Date: Subject: New policy on Accounting Standards This is to bring to your attention to the new accounting standards (ASC 842) introduced by FASB. The policy requires operating leases to be reported in the balance sheet at discounted at the present value of future payments on the balance sheet as a liability. Before the change, operating leases were not reported in the balance, but Instead, a lump sum lease/rental payments were reported in the income statement. A large amount of liabilities were thus hidden in the notes, but now will be directly seen on the balance sheet. I want responsible staff effect these changes in financial reporting as per the policy. Besides, I also want to state that every single lease must be reported separately instead of a lump-sum. I applaud FASB for the move that brings more transparency for investors in public equities. I have noted that the accounting update will have no material change on accounting our model because they were always captured off the…

Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date Module 2 – Case Question 1 A central tendency statistic is a quantitative metric that describes the central position or default value of a dataset. Such acts show where most values fall in the distribution and are often called the central distribution position. Mean is the average of a dataset. Median is the value in the middle of a data set. The mode is the most repeated in a dataset. Question 2 55   77   64   77   69   63   62   64   85   64   56   59 5 5 6 9 6 2 3 4 4 4 9 7 7 7 8 5 59 + 56 + 64 + 85 + 64 + 62 + 63 + 69 + 77 + 64 + 77 + 55 = 795/12= 66.25 Mean retirement years is 66 years Question 3 Mean 27 + 30 + 21 + 62 + 28 + 18 + 23 + 22 + 26 + 28 =285/10 =28.5   The mean =  28.5 Median lies between 26 and 27 26 + 27 = 53/2 26.5 iii. Mode The mode of the numbers is 28 Mean The outlier…

The Metaphor in Station Eleven Comic Books The author centralizes the writing technique around the use of metaphors which adds an interesting sophistication to the writing experience and enhances the whole reading experience. The story presents a metaphor in the manner through which the world seems to collapse following the apocalypse and then creates a sense of hope that the now destroyed universe will not impede their journey back home (Barnett). It is, however, ironical, to think that there is any hope of going back since there is absolutely no way to get back to the things they initially had before the apocalypse gripped the world. There has been a divisive schism in the story. We get to trail the story of a group of individuals who after an extended period of perpetual twilight now desire to head back into the world and beg for reprieve in a world now inhabited and dominated by aliens. Their chances are slight in this regard. As the story is being told, they dwell in the Undersea, which is a vast interconnection of temporary…

8 Best Bookshelf Stereo System You may want to buy a music system that will give the meatiest sound but you find that you do not have the space or a budget for big speakers, or an inclination for a set of floor-standers. This is why is important to discuss the alternatives you can turn to in such a situation, and bookshelf stereo systems, is one of the best alternatives you will have. They are small in size and cheaper than other big speakers and they offer you a pretty exciting listening experience. Benefits and Advantages of Bookshelf Stereo System They are small in size One of the most significant benefits that bookshelf stereo systems have is their small size, which makes it easy for you to find a place for them in your home or office. They take a little space making it easy for you to mount them on a , wall, place them on a table, or even, as their name suggests, place then on a shelf. Therefore, if you are looking for a music system that…



TWO BOOKS Choose TWO of the four concepts, and discuss how Farha Ghannam, “Live and die like a man”, and Jason de Leon, “the land of open graves”, conceptualize these. You can also use other authors we read over the semester, but the main focus should be the two books we have read. Please make sure to write conceptually, for instance, if you choose death, do not write how people died, but how the authors understand death as a concept e.g as a social phenomena, as a political phenomena, and then go explain why and how. Here are the concepts to choose from: Death, agency, positionality, and body. Each essay should be a few paragrahps, about one page long. So, about two pages IN TOTAL. 1.5 space, 12 pts.Choose TWO of the four concepts, and discuss how Farha Ghannam, “Live and die like a man”, and Jason de Leon, “the land of open graves”, conceptualize these. You can also use other authors we read over the semester, but the main focus should be the two books we have read. Please…



Desire Noun: 1) a strong feeling of wanting to have something or wishing for something to happen; Growing up with her siblings, learning to read and write and getting admission to the university. She only wanted to be an experienced neurosurgeon, capable of understating the brain, thought processes and how they make us who we are. Then dissecting, seeing the cerebellum, diving down to the core, getting hold of the thalamus and the limbic system, eventually getting to embrace the amygdala, realizing its importance in perception of emotions, then finally feeling the emptiness that lies within. 2) Strong sexual feeling or appetite; Coming from an anatomy session, too tired to think about home, wanting to reach her room and rest, coming upon familiar shoes on her doorsteps, heart fluttering, realizing her boyfriend already in the house. Not knocking to surprise, pushing the door slowly open, only to meet the said boyfriend, clinging to her best friend, in passionate desire, both shouting and writhing, her heart beating and sinking. She slowly drops to the floor, books scattered, love shattered. 3) Something…

the death penalty as a form of correctional measure     Abstract The research explores details of the death penalty as a form of correctional measure. It explores the literature that addresses the aspects of the death penalty, including but not limited to contexts of execution, the pros, and the cons. Moreover, it explores the data in various jurisdictions in alignment with the laws of the land. The data collection tool used is the SurveyMonkey, considered for its flexibility and convenience. This paper indicates that there is pertinent information to back the contention, possibly in support of capital punishment. Henceforth, intending to capital punishment as today, it is a complicated matter to depend on proof to decide capital punishment. The paper takes a standardizing position in managing contemporary social issues by offering thought to the human right viewpoint, should the option to live be arranged. The paper concludes with the declaration of how we characterize capital punishment would decide the arrangements executed. Keywords: Penalty, Death, Punishment, Law.                     Death Penalty Introduction…

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