Collaborative Decision Making Through Shared Governance   Introduction Members gather, share ideas, deliberate, and decide issues based on their solutions. Several health practitioners apply collective decision-making model in tackling professional matters. This strategy ensures all parties in the medical profession are involved in policymaking and planning. The management in such organizations has to seek opinions of all stakeholders before proceeding with the course of action. This paper is a summary of an organization meeting written to express how firms practice shared governance and the interaction of the members. The organization secretariat comprises the Chairperson, vice-chairperson, secretary, and the treasurer who undertake constitutional roles. The committee executive also has a member representative. Chairperson is the overall head of the organization. He or she oversees the execution of duties by the members and officials as provided for in the constitution. The Chairperson provides the guidelines and unity for the group. The chair also maintains order within the firm and outside. He or she is the official representative of the organization to the external world, negotiating funding, partnerships, and interacting with the government…

4 evergreen books on suspense stories everyone should read Suspense or thriller genre happens to be one of the most loved genres in the industry. Apart from romantic novels, people love to spend time around such suspense stories to experience the electrifying feelings centring on the suspense thrillers. Whether it is a suspense story in Hindi or English or any other language, the real fun lies in the intriguing parts of the story itself. The writer needs to understand the reading requirements of the readers to connect to their inner soul and deliver his story correctly. It doesn’t matter what the language involved it till the readers can decipher the real truth and meaning behind the entire writeups is. Here are some of the best trending suspense stories that happen to be the leaders in the suspense genre. One who loves to feel the thrilling and electrifying effects of the stories in their bones must read these novels without fail once in their life: The book named The Birthday Girl by Sue Fortin The book focuses on the woman named…

  Replace all green text with your own text in black. First and Last Name Information Systems and Information Technology SUMMARY OF RESEARCH PROGRESS:   With the knowledge and skills I have attained up to this point, I have confidence that I can conduct successful research. My topic of study being Information Systems and Information Technology (IS & IT), I will plan to reduce the costs of the research project and keep my budget as low as possible. Besides, I will apply research techniques that are cost-effective and less time-consuming. Under this, for the review process, I have estimated a timeline of not exceeding two weeks. The time set will be adequate to collect statistics from numerous sources, whereby I will use two to three days to investigate the data so far collected. The results obtained from the data collected will help me in understanding Information Systems and Information Technology in a better way. The purpose of the study being earlier outlined during phase one of the research topic will prompt me to focus on understanding the various measures and…

Name Course Instructor Date Name Course Instructor Date Objective Violence Slavoj Žižek is a renowned political theorist and sociologist who has authored many books on the subject. One of the most critical publications authored by Zizek is Violence, which was authored in 2008. This paper discusses violence as a significant theme in the book. It is essential to understand global violence and the way through which it occurs in the world, especially concerning interests in the economy. Subjective violence is violence that is caused by a distinctly recognized agent of action as in the incidences of terrorism. On the other hand, objective violence is violence that has no distinct agent and can only be discounted in the context of the outbreaks of subjective violence, as in the case of outbreak of global poverty or pandemic like COVID-19. Objective violence cannot be blamed on a specific agent, and even if global medical elites were to be recognized as responsible, they would still be acquitted. In his work, Zizek gives us an insight into philosophical discussions about the contemporary world. One of…

Newberry Award-winning books In our adolescent fiction unit, we explored Newberry Award-winning books and connected them back to the topic of juvenile delinquency. During this unit, we were required to choose a book that fits into the category of adolescent fiction, analyze it, and create a presentation. The book that we chose for our project wasn’t required to be a Newberry Award winner or relate to juvenile delinquency. My partner and I chose to do the book The Fault in our Stars by John Green. This book follows a sixteen-year-old girl named Hazel and her lover Augustus. Hazel and Augustus both have cancer and meet each other at a cancer support group. The two of them embark on a roller coaster of emotions as they search for the author of their favorite book, Imperial Affliction. Hazel and Augustus travel to Amsterdam, searching for the author Peter Van Houten and Augustus shares some heartbreaking news to Hazel and their worlds fall apart. Although this book doesn’t’ t follow the theme of juvenile delinquency, there are many viable themes that are presented…

Organisational design: The case of Bookworm Books 1         Introduction Organisational structure and design are highly relevant to its functional competence. The addition of new practices and the process can require the business to change its structure and design. This increases the effective growth within the issue faced by the entity or maybe the reason for its smooth operations. The need to operate smoothly allows the organisation to consider various areas to compensate and prior to introducing the change. Thus in the following report, the case of Bookworm Books has been investigated and discussed with the relevant conclusion being derived and recommendations provided in light of the theoretical literature concepts. 2         Findings, Analysis and Discussion In light of the research by Pries and Guild (2011), the emergence of new technology can be considered driving or halting factor when it comes to the growth of a business. Technology, as it has seeped within the functions of modern-day business, keeps businesses on the edge of an ever-transforming operational plain. The same has been considered in case of Bookworm, the store with its traditional…

How is Daniel unique among Old Testament books?             The book of Daniel has an overall message regarding the historical sovereignty of God.     The general theme is about the superiority of God’s sovereignty over all the earthly kings. The book is also providing a general sovereignty overview and answer to the fundamental question concerning how God keeps on working His plans whenever they are looking lost. Therefore, David is unique in his way, considering his eschatological view of passage (Daniel Carroll R., 2015). According to Daniel’s perspective, he is different from the other eschatological passages. These other passages refer to the future perspective of the Israelites as well as the covenant promising to God’s people. However, Daniel’s eschatological passage has a different perspective regarding the purpose of empires in the secular world. He is also different in explaining the coming of the last kingdom of God. The book attempts to call for obedience and patience during the hard times different from the others advocating for the importance of repenting to God’s people. Discuss the problems in interpreting Daniel. Daniel…

Comparison and contrast of The Representation of Exile in the books Season of Migration to the North and Breath, Eyes, and Memory The two novels have been selected for this comparisons because they bear a close resemblance in the manner that the two different authors have portrayed the theme of exile. How the two authors narrate the long absence of the key characters in the two books draws a mixed reaction and anticipation among the audience on what awaits the characters upon their comeback to their respective village. They, therefore, provide a different perspective of exiles and the different scenarios that an exile can create within a society. A thorough analysis of these two books is, therefore, fit for ascertaining the nature of exile and their consequences to the perception and anticipation of the audience. The similarity between the representations of exile in the two books is that the author has represented exile in Season of Migration to the North through the use of the figurative style of work and narration to depict exile, rape as acts of injustice on…

Buyer’s Guide For The Best Reusable Notebooks The world is moving forward to a paperless society that is littered with tablets and smartphones. In regards to them, smart notebooks might be a hard sell, but they portray an innovative blend of the new and the old. No electronic device can ever outlive the feeling of a pen or pencil on a paper. However, having notes in the digital format is not only eco-friendly but also needed these days. Buying the best reusable notebook or the best smart notebook would help you to take notes quickly, save them on the cloud service, and then retrieve them on multiple electronic devices. A reusable or smart notebook is a new concept. Hence everyone might not have an insight on them yet. Therefore, if you are one of them, or you want to know what is the best reusable notebook that you can buy, we have created a brief yet detailed guide for you. In this guide, we will teach you how you can pick the best reusable notebook for yourself from all the…

Comparing the Wall and the Books, Before the Law and Dream of the Butterfly Though the above-selected texts were from different contexts and are different in genre, they have multiple shared similarities as far as the themes, styles, and characterization. Borges’ The Wall and the Books gets set in modern China, and it is more of a mythical story that explains how the Great Wall of China got constructed by the first emperor of China, Shi Huang. Out of the fear of death and the need to get rid of the past, the first emperor conquered eight kingdoms in China, got rid of the past canonical books, and even banished his mother (Borges, 1971). On the other hand, Kafka’s text Before the Law is set in a fictional location where a man faces barriers in access to the law (Kafka, 1971). The text remains subject to multiple interpretations as, in most cases, it depicts the life of every individual and the struggle they go through to achieve their goals. Again, Zhuang’s Dream of the Butterfly emanates from the dream of…

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