Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date Module 2 – Case Question 1 A central tendency statistic is a quantitative metric that describes the central position or default value of a dataset. Such acts show where most values fall in the distribution and are often called the central distribution position. Mean is the average of a dataset. Median is the value in the middle of a data set. The mode is the most repeated in a dataset. Question 2 55   77   64   77   69   63   62   64   85   64   56   59 5 5 6 9 6 2 3 4 4 4 9 7 7 7 8 5 59 + 56 + 64 + 85 + 64 + 62 + 63 + 69 + 77 + 64 + 77 + 55 = 795/12= 66.25 Mean retirement years is 66 years Question 3 Mean 27 + 30 + 21 + 62 + 28 + 18 + 23 + 22 + 26 + 28 =285/10 =28.5   The mean =  28.5 Median lies between 26 and 27 26 + 27 = 53/2 26.5 iii. Mode The mode of the numbers is 28 Mean The outlier…

Purchase Ready-Made Essay Narratives For Cheap MD: Our narrative essay writing service Canada has a brilliant way of linking with students so that they can get excellent essay guidelines from experts. Therefore place your order today and enjoy our service in Canada! H1: What Is A Narrative Essay? Well, a narrative essay is a form of essay that comprises of a single motive, a common point, in which the entire narrative revolves around. Every event, occurrence, and the characters narratively involved present ideas. These types of essay guidelines are said to be the same as a typical essay consisting of five-paragraph, which always has a similar format and structure. There is some distinction that expects that there are dialogues, narratives, characters, and specific incidents. There is a precise structure, certain elements that should be analyzed, and a vision. Students should not worry about writing their essay guidelines since professional service Canada can help them. Our narrative essay writing service Canada is ready to devote itself to ensuring the success of every student is enhanced through the submission of quality content…

                        The question of race Name Institution affiliated                 The question of race Omi and Winant’s explanation of race posits that race is a symbol of social interests and conflicts because it insinuates the presence of several kinds of bodies (Omi & Winant, 2014, p. 111). Since moving to the US, both Mr. Ruiz and Mr. Valdés have assumed different social identities, all thanks to their races. Mr. Ruiz is black, and he lives among Miami’s black communities. His entire social life surrounds blackness, including his place of work and dates (Ojito, 2000). He does not shave in white barber shops because he believes they do not understand how black people like their hair. Mr. Valdés, on the other hand, is white. He, too, lives in a white-secluded neighborhood, only maintaining interactions with fellow whites. Mr. Valdés, like most white people, try as much as possible to avoid black people because whites think they are delinquent (Ojito, 2000). Despite being the best of…

            Obesity, Genotype, and Phenotype Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date             Obesity, Genotype, and Phenotype Obesity is an intricate heterogeneous illness or medical condition controlled by the genes and environmental settings and their relations. Obesity occurs when excess body fats accumulate to the extent of developing severe effects on human health. Typically, obesity is calculated using the BMI (Body Mass Index) and supplementary evaluations based on the distribution of fat by observing both total cardiovascular risk factors and the waist-hip ratio. Notably, genetic factors make up about 40% to 90% of human variations on body mass index. Genetics is fundamental “the study of genes” while aiming to explain genes and their functionality. This research examines the relationship between obesity and genetics or genotypes and phenotypes. The chemistry between genetics and obesity For a clear understanding of the connection between obesity and genetics, it is essential to understand that a gene is the “primary physical and functional heredity unit” and that genes comprise of DNAs (Deoxyribonucleic acid). Studies have established…

Mobile games local literature Cody Lee Bennett (2011) The succubus of this new era of technology is video games and computer mass multiplayer online role-playing games. The luring abilities of games are so invitingly seductive to certain individuals that they become addicted. After becoming addicted, the person starts showing physical and mental symptoms which are comparable to that of someone addicted to gambling. People with these symptoms then realize their real life situation is in dire need of help after they look at their future outcome. Cody Lee Bennett (2011) The succubus of this new era of technology is video games and computer mass multiplayer online role-playing games. The luring abilities of games are so invitingly seductive to certain individuals that they become addicted. [unique_solution]After becoming addicted, the person starts showing physical and mental symptoms which are comparable to that of someone addicted to gambling. People with these symptoms then realize their real life situation is in dire need of help after they look at their future outcome. Cody Lee Bennett (2011) The succubus of this new era of technology…


Movie themes

Movie themes The recent surge in the popularity of dance movies is undeniable. As an avid viewer and fan of the genre, I tend to watch these movies more to enjoy the sterling choreography and camera plays on display than actually looking into the underlying themes the films possess. Now, watching them again with a more analytical eye, it is hard to miss the major issues dealing with everyday society, which such films aim to portray. Beyond the apparent clichés and romance that are usually easily noticeable the first time round, for the inattentive viewer, there are much more important themes that come into play, as can be seen in recent films such as Save the Last Dance, and Street Dance 3D. Hybridity is an accepted aspect of modern dancing. Sara, in the film, Save me the last dance, as detailed earlier, is a young girl trying to adapt to her new school. She is a promising ballet dancer who, after getting introduced to Derek by her friend Chenille, gets immersed in the world of hip-hop dancing upon gaining interest…

What Characterises an Excellent Health Care Provider? You are mostly responsible for your mental and physical well-being. Observing prevention measures often translates to fewer visits to the doctor. However, it is essential to work with qualified medical providers to be on the safe side. Spain offers both private and public health care system. The government-run system provides primary care for individuals and families that contribute to the country’s social security. Additionally, retirees, including those from European Union countries, receive health services for free in public hospitals. Choosing the right clinic for you and your family is one of the most crucial things you will do. Location and Accessibility A lot of people focus on the area when picking a hospital, more than experience and standard of care. Therefore, if you start losing your clients to faraway hospitals, you should examine how you treat your patients and the quality of your services. Since the seriousness of medical conditions can change within no time, it is better to get to the hospital quickly hence the essentiality of access and location. However, with…

Synthesis Paper around Theme The essay has to be a Synthesis Paper around a Theme.The Introduction (Hook/attention getter, thesis statement with a theme, roadmap of sources to be discussed). Body Paragraphs–minimum of 3 Claim ideas are developed logically Evidence used is specific and effective Sources are used with parenthetical citation/or accredited with a lead-in Analysis is original and examines the relationship of the topic. Can you please use the sources of the book monster, 12 Angry Men ( movie or book does not matter), and To Kill a Mockingbird. Also everything has to be MLA: heading, title, double spaced, citations, work cited.[unique_solution] Synthesis Paper around Theme The essay has to be a Synthesis Paper around a Theme.The Introduction (Hook/attention getter, thesis statement with a theme, roadmap of sources to be discussed). Body Paragraphs–minimum of 3 Claim ideas are developed logically Evidence used is specific and effective Sources are used with parenthetical citation/or accredited with a lead-in Analysis is original and examines the relationship of the topic. Can you please use the sources of the book monster, 12 Angry Men (…

General Development Themes -Students are required to submit a research paper of 2000-3000 words -Double space, 12pt font, Chicago or APA style – In the paper, students are expected to use proper data as evidence (data are available on the website of World Development Indicators). You may add desсrіptive data with some basic tables and figures. -Paper about any topic below: ˂Some General Development Themes Topics˃ * Economic Development: Discuss the economic development in the area (developing countries) you are researching. * Measurement of Poverty: Discuss the problems of measurement of poverty or poverty issues in developing countries. * Development in East Asia and South Asia, Africa: Discuss the development process of the area you are researching. * Population Issue of Developing Countries: Discuss the population issues in developing countries. * Financial Development: Discuss the financial issues in developing countries * Basic Education Development: Discuss the issues of basic education in developing countries * Development and Aid: Discuss the current issues of ODA, or the relationship between development and aid. * FDI: Discuss the case study of FDI in Asian…

The Metaphor in Station Eleven Comic Books The author centralizes the writing technique around the use of metaphors which adds an interesting sophistication to the writing experience and enhances the whole reading experience. The story presents a metaphor in the manner through which the world seems to collapse following the apocalypse and then creates a sense of hope that the now destroyed universe will not impede their journey back home (Barnett). It is, however, ironical, to think that there is any hope of going back since there is absolutely no way to get back to the things they initially had before the apocalypse gripped the world. There has been a divisive schism in the story. We get to trail the story of a group of individuals who after an extended period of perpetual twilight now desire to head back into the world and beg for reprieve in a world now inhabited and dominated by aliens. Their chances are slight in this regard. As the story is being told, they dwell in the Undersea, which is a vast interconnection of temporary…

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