THE SKIN I′M IN The assignment is to write a thoughtful essay of 1500 or more words that analyzes the meaning (theme) of one of the novels we are working with in our class. The methods of analysis that we are using are taken directly from our lectures (Analysis, Reading Analytically, etc.). Goals of this essay: • Demonstrate an understanding of analysis and of writing an analytical essay.There are a number of resources within our class to assist you with this concept. Please do not to turn in a plot summary! • Write a unified essay with an assertive thesis in one sentence • Use relevant quotes from the story (at least two) to support your interpretations. • Integrate research (at least two scholarly sources) to develop your interpretations using MLA format. A note on content: In writing an essay that analyzes how elements of fiction convey theme in a novel, use at least these essential elements of fiction: setting, characters, plot (including conflict and resolution), theme and personal appeal. Other elements that may be useful but may be difficult…

Death in “A Good Man is Hard to Find”             The theme of death is dominant in “A Good Man is Hard to Find” by Flannery O’Connor. A dominant theme is seen as the central argument that the author attempts to put across in almost every idea presented in their work. The development of other themes, such as grace in daily life, is done from the theme of death. Also, the use of other literary devices such as imagery is developed to support the development of the theme of death. The development of a dominant theme may not appear straightforward until other themes are developed, and O’Connor’s work considers the need to build a strong foundation of the theme from the beginning of the story to the end. “A Good Man is Hard to Find” by O’Connor is developed around the theme of death with different literary devices and writing styles being put together to give an interesting story. Major themes in novels do not have to be identifiable at the initial stages of the story, and that happens with…

 five c’s in determining the character, collateral, credit history, conditions, and capacity Debt refers to any amount that is borrowed from a lender by the borrower. Credit on the other and refers to a short term debt for the expenses that are immediate recurring such as groceries. In such a case, credit refers to a situation whereby an individual purchases goods and pays for them later. It can be beneficial as one can earn the cash back on the purchases or through the redemption of the reward points. However, one may be in a trap of overspending and unable to pay off the credit. Also, debt can entail the substantial sum money which is borrowed and then paid back to the lender over several months. Such liability may be used in purchasing assets such as a house or a car. My assets are secured by two of my asses that are my vehicles of which I already own one, and the other one is paying for it.  in this case, I only have one long term debt of $24,979.82 that…

Write a 3-4 page essay that discusses how 2 of the following poems represent the concept of liberty, authority, and/or resistance Prompt: Write a 3-4 page essay that discusses how 2 of the following poems represent the concept of liberty, authority, and/or resistance: ➢ W.H. Auden, “Refugee Blues” ➢ Dan Pagis, “Written in Pencil in the Sealed Railway Car” ➢ Claude McKay, “America” ➢ Emma Lazarus, “The New Colossus” ➢ Sylvia Plath, “Daddy” ➢ Lucille Clifton, “at the cemetery, walnut grove plantation, south Carolina, 1989” Your paper is NOT to be an objective presentation of all of the major elements of the poem(s). Rather, your essay must include: ➢ An introduction that introduces the larger theme of the essay and the poems. ➢ A thesis that includes the authors’ last names and expresses a central argument about the poems. (See the “ideas” sheet for an example.) ➢ [unique_solution]Body paragraphs that consist of evidence (quotes from the poems) and analysis (connecting the quotes back to the thesis argument). The best papers will discuss how each poem’s content and form work together…

The Handsomest Drowned Man in The World Paper One: Literary Analysis of ″The Handsomest Drowned Man in The World″ by Gabriel Garcia Marquez Read Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s “The Handsomest Drowned Man in The World” and write down your impressions as you read, underlining text that seems especially important. Read the text closely; examine it thoroughly. Determine the theme of the story. During your reading, you should think about an aspect of the story that resonates imaginatively with you. Ideas about change, beauty, resurrection, the nature of the body are all relevant. Try to start large, and get more precise in your thinking about the story′s characters, setting and/or symbols. This is a brainstorming process. Write as you brainstorm to keep track of your thoughts. Now, organize your thoughts. [unique_solution]Compose a focused essay in which you describe your understanding of the story, using the text to illustrate your points. Use quotations from the story to support your argument, but use them sparingly and integrate them into your sentences (see the Literary Analysis Resource file) Do not use secondary sources Follow the…

Characterization of the American Government From 1775 to around 1785, the American republic was born. This was during the great American war for independence that took place in the eighteenth century. The result of this war was that the thirteen original colonies remained free from Great Britain’s tyranny. Thomas Jefferson wrote a declaration of independence, and on 4th July 1776, Congress voted to declare their independence from Great Britain. After that, in 1789, the first president of America, George Washington, took office. America is a breed of almost 300 million people. These people immigrated from Asia, Europe, Africa, and South America all to form the alloy that is the American people (Volkomer, 2012). Through all the forty-five presidents, America has stayed true to one thing, its constitution. The American constitution is the oldest constitution, which is still in use today. In 17th 1787, the constitution became an accepted part of the American government. Even though it has undergone amendments, its principles of separation of powers and the bill of rights still stand as the main objectives of the constitution. Essentially,…

The use of steel fibre in enhancing the strength of building materials Introduction The use of steel fibre in enhancing the strength of building materials has become significant in the contemporary world. The use of steel fibre in reinforced concrete beams has also been influenced by modern technology and has become one of the best ways to strengthen the beams. Initially, reinforced concrete beams involved materials such as straws and horsehair. However, researchers invented the use of steel fibres, which forced the use of straws and horsehair to give way to steel due to its strength. Typically, the addition of steel fiber in reinforced concrete beams is mainly to improve the ductility of the beams and enhance the shear resistance. Nevertheless, the strain rate and loading type may influence the strength of the beams. Furthermore, post-cracking is one of the common issues that is experienced in various structures. Therefore, the use of steel fibres in reinforced concrete beams has helped in reducing the extent of cracking. In this case, the fibres bridging actions helps in curbing crack propagation more efficiently…


John Buntin

 “LA Noir: The Struggle for the Soul of America’s Most Seductive City” by John Buntin John Buntin’s “LA Noir: The Struggle for the Soul of America’s Most Seductive City” is a book that shows how the history of the City of Los Angeles is intricately intertwined with that of the world’s most famous police department, the LAPD. He picks up the story of the city in its early 1920s when two important outsiders arrive – Mickey Cohen, who dropped out of second grade, and William Parker, who would eventually become the Chief of Police. Cohen’s mother lived in Boyle Heights and ran a grocery around the corner from Breed Street Shul. Despite being Jewish, he was rejected by Hebrew School. He would then become a boxer before turning into a mobster. During that time, the politics and commerce of the city were mainly run by the White Anglo-Saxon Protestants. This fact further made these two people outsiders to the community. Notably, Buntin sets up Cohen and Parker as opposites in a city that, despite the colorful image on the outside,…

Energy Aesthetic in “Joyful” by Ingrid Fetell Lee Introduction The “Joyful” by Ingrid Fetell Lee articulates that human beings are taught that their surroundings are incidental when it comes to their welfare and wellbeing. According to Lee, the physical world is a powerful tool when it comes to cultivating a healthier and happier life. For instance, workers who are in colorful and beautiful offices are more confident, alert, and friendly when compared to those in drab offices. Besides, the manuscript also argues that windows can speed a healing process together with the fact that students (children) progress at a fast rate when they are in a more lighted classroom than when they are in a dump classroom. It can be deduced that energy is a critical element when it comes to the promotion of joy, facilitating harmony, stimulating creativity, and improving health amongst other aspects of happiness in a human being. Human beings follow a culture that is characterized by the pursuit of happiness where they forget making themselves joyful in the process. Part One According to the author, color…

Consider the title (Before Reading) The title invokes insights on the link between using recreational cannabis and developing depression and anxiety. Through the title, readers are able to realize that a sample of participants is involved in developing the findings of the research. The title also indicates that the research pertains to the subject of using cannabis after its legalization in Colorado. Additionally, the title also shows that the sample participants are college campus students and are both users and non-users of cannabis. The article shows that reading the report, one should expect to learn if using recreational cannabis contributes to depression and anxiety. Also, the title shows that one should find out if the impacts of using recreational cannabis have become more adverse after its legalization in Colorado. Process Reflection Considering the title is a good way to prepare what to anticipate in the reading. The title mentions keywords that are critical to the entire content in the report. The title also gives the report a theme and a central idea in the reader’s mindset as they read through.…

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