How can you add a unique touch to your wedding Lehenga this season? “A silky rustling sound came from behind him. He turned, and saw Helen standing there in a white dress made of thin, glimmering layers of silk trimmed with lace.  _ Lisa Kleypas, Marrying Winterborne With the rolling of time, the notion of merely wearing an ordinary bridal gown has changed over the years. The twenty-first century is the year of evolution and nearly every aspect of the human lives is up to making an evolution in recent times. Similarly, people are trying to get more and more innovative regarding their wedding. The magic of the seven vows Well, this concept is really in nowadays. The seven vows are often encrypted on the wedding gown of brides nowadays. It looks best golden on red wedding gowns which are one of the leading trends nowadays. This is not only about fashion but also about holding on to the traditional and religious values. The concept is really unique and is even seen in many parts of the entertainment world today.…

Rhetorical Analysis of a Scientist: “I Am the Enemy” Between the life of an animal and that of a human being, which one is more valuable than the other from an ethical point of view? This is an ethical dilemma that medical research experts have been contemplating over for many years. It is an issue that has subjected them to cruel criticism from animal rights activists. In his article, a scientist: “I am the enemy”  Ron Kline analyses the dilemma they face as medical researchers and how a section of the society, primarily animal rights activists, reacts to the nature of their job. Ron points out that Medical researchers have been labeled as individuals who inflict torture and pain on animals for the sole reason of developing their careers, while the truth of the matter is that these individuals perform their duties to the best of their abilities given the passion and sympathy they have for well being of humanity in general. Ron further points out the inadequacy presented by the suggested alternatives, like the use of computer simulation instead…

Euripedes Medea Greek Drama             The play titled Euripides Medea describes the narrative of Greek tragedy that involves Medea and Jason, a husband and wife relationship that falls apart due to Jason’s love for Glauce, the cause for the death of their children. Jason’s ambitious but yet unsympathetic character revealed in words and actions depicted in the play. For instance, Jason’s statement, “I am escaping the howling gape of your verbosity, woman. Well, since you are making a mountain out of the favors you have done me, I’ll tell you what I think” (Euripides 226), reveals Jason’s unsympathetic and insensitive character towards Medea. Jason’s use of the word woman in the phrase is an indication of disregard for Medea’s position as a wife. The conflicts in the play Euripides Medea can be grouped into three categories. Firstly, is the conflict between Medea and Jason. Secondly, the conflict between Glauce and Medea, and thirdly, the conflict between Creon and Medea. The first conflict begins with Jason, the antagonist whose relationship with Medea fails and chooses to marry Glauce. Jason’s failed relationship…

Lightweight Wood Trusses Most of the modern roof constructions adopt the use of lightweight roof trusses. The truss consists of small member sizes that reduce its weight, giving it its low weight properties. The use of small size of timber allows the truss to fails quickly in case of a fire outbreak, risking the life of occupants. This paper discusses the dangers of lightweight wood trusses and the initiatives of fire departments that reduce deaths related to the failure of the trusses. Dangers of Lightweight Wood Trusses The structural aspects of trusses make them dangerous for use in roof construction. Since the bottom chords provide majorly provides tension, failure of a single connection plate transfers the load from the point to another. In case the receiving joint is weak to accommodate the additional weight, it moves the load to another joint. The process continues throughout the truss making the whole truss to fail (“CDC – NIOSH,” n.d). Secondly, the jointing gusset plates usually consist of gauge eighteen stamped steel capable of penetrating to a maximum of three-eighths inches into the…

Mount Vesuvius’s eruption Decades, prior to the Mount Vesuvius’s eruption which buried the city of Pompeii, the everyday life in the city was characterized by parties as well as struggles. According to Jarus (2019), during the period of Ancient Rome before the tragedy struck, the city of Pompeii was a wealthy and p resort destination.ref Originally Oscan people settled in the city around the seventh century BC. As a port city, it is in a strategic location for trade and agriculture. The erich nature of the volcanic soil in the area as a subsequent of previous eruptions of the Vesuvius promoted farming for olive trees and grapes. Samnites seized the city and later fell under the reign of Romans, becoming a formal Roman colony in 80 BC. The city was rrpopular as a leading vacation destination, particularly for Romans. It was a flourishing resort location based on its location, which provided a rare view to the beautiful scenery of the mountains with elaborate villas and elegant houses that were along the paved streets of the city (Mason, 2013). Most of…

Step-by-Step IT Security Policy The IT security policy is used to determine the procedures and rules for people accessing and utilizing the IT assets and resources of an organization. The purpose of an IT security policy is to preserve the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of systems and information used by members of an organization. For instance, to handle the user accounts or rights for a student who is leaving prematurely in circumstances such as drops or getting expelled, the following step-by-step IT security policy can be used. Scope and accessibility-the scope and accessibility is the first step in this security policy process. The step involves dealing with all the relevant students’ information, the convenience of the networks, and systems. The practice comes before the classification of the individual data as private or public. Data Classification –the step involves the specification of the information. The data can get classified as public or private. Managing data-the management of the data involves ensuring that an individual handles secure data for classification. Management of Context– the step involves addressing all the needed context Supporting…

The Silk Road The Silk Road was a trade route network that acted as a physical connection between the East and West. The trade route had cultural, religious, and political benefits to the regions which were experienced between the Second Century (BCE) to the 18th Century[1]. The Silk Road was a land route that connected both East Asia and South East Asia with South Asia, East Africa, Persia, the Arabian Peninsula, and Southern Europe[2]. Its name is derived from the lucrative trade in Silk, which was the main trade commodity at the time for the Chinese. The trade began in the First Century in Han Dynasty China, which was later expanded to Central Asia and led to the Chinese Imperial envoy known as Zhang Qian being explored. Some of the most significant features of the route included the extension of the Great Wall of China as a security measure for the Chinese trade products. Trade along the Silk Road trade was vital to the development of the civilizations of Korea, Japan, Iran, India as a continent, Europe, Arabia, Horn of…

Iran and Nuclear Proliferation Nuclear weapons are hazardous and, therefore, calls for the need to have regulation in place to protect the countries without the capability to have them. It becomes a violation of international justice when some of the countries with nuclear capabilities continue to make them. In as much as this is known, some countries have the ability to manufacture nuclear weapons and threaten to use them. Eight sovereign states have freely reported the fruitful explosion of atomic weapons. Five are viewed as nuclear-weapon states (NWS) under the particulars of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT). Arranged by obtaining nuclear weapons, these are the United States, Russia (the successor state to the Soviet Union), the United Kingdom, France, and China. This is not fair to the weak countries, and hence at times, they are permitted to use and manufacture nuclear weapons to strengthen and defend themselves (Shellenberger, 2018). In as much as this is so, some of the small countries such as Iran tend to violate the nuclear Treaty by threatening to use and attack…

Impacts of Ocean Acidification in the Arctic The changes in the atmospheric composition and the overall evolution of man and the earth have seen the merging of the two tighter every time. Humans are as dependent on the environment as the environment is dependent on humans. The atmospheric state has gradually been on a decline in terms of stability and safety.  A lot of human activities seem to be destroying the natural balance on earth, resulting in detrimental atmospheric related calamities and losses. The relationship between the environmental systems and social systems has shifted for the worst due to global warming, which threatens extinction for humans and the destruction of the environment. Atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration has steadily been on the rise in the past few years, resulting in atmospheric warming. The high saturation of CO2 is a senior contributor to acidification in the world’s oceans. The primary victim of these devastating effects is the Arctic Ocean, where marine life faces challenges and consequences of our choices as humans (Cross et al., 2018). The phenomena occur when the top…


Thomas fire

Thomas fire Thomas fire started December 4, 2017, and burned for forty days. It destroyed 281,893 acres of land in California, consumed structures of more than one thousand, consumed many homes and killed seventeen people. More than a hundred thousand people were forced to vacate their homes. The cause of the fire was a tire that blew apart on the pavement of the state route 299 as a couple dragged the tire sparks arced from the steel rim and reached the grass and shrubs that were nearby. These ignited the fire which then spread to the Whiskey town National Recreation Area. Several criminal violations by Edison were also linked with the fire; like arson, murder and a health care code breach. There were failures of planning that led to the fire in Carolina. Inaccurate estimation of cost is one of the shortcomings of planning. A project proceeds with more than general opinion. Everything needs to be budgeted for. The kind of resources required for the project to start should be enough and the money to purchase them should also be…

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