Mentoring Relationships and Programs for Youth ABSTRACT—Mentoring is one of the most popular social interventions in American society, with an estimated three million youth in formal one-to-one relationships. Studies have revealed significant associations between youth involvement in mentoring relationships and positive developmental outcomes. These associations are modest, however, and depend on several intervening processes. Centrally important is the formation of close, enduring connections between mentors and youth that foster positive developmental change. Effects of mentoring programs likewise typically have been small in magnitude, but they increase systematically with the use of program practices likely to support relationship development. Gaps between research and practice are evident both in the indiscrimi-nate use of the term mentoring in the prevention field and in a focus on the growth and efficiency of mentoring pro-grams at the expense of quality. Continued expansion of effective mentoring will require a better alignment of research and practice.       KEYWORDS—mentoring; preventive intervention; nonpar-ent adults; youth     Organized approaches to mentoring youth in the United States date back to reform-oriented initiatives in the juvenile court system more…

Significance of Primary Sources: “Middle Passage” Introduction Primary sources are one of the most significant sources in the field of history. Primary sources play a significant role to the learners, the teachers, and even the the learners, the primary sources play a role in exposing students in multiple perspectives on the significant issues which took place and the past and also the present(Legg & John pg. 104). They give a better interpretation of the past, including the most famous historians, ordinary citizens, any happening which made a significant impact on society in the past. The use of the primary sources helps the student to participate in the present debates while learning fully.  The paper aims to give the significant impact of the middle passage in slavery and abolitionism. The journal aims to provide details on how the primary helps in knowledge transformation by developing reasonable explanations derived from the primary sources. The middle passage during the slave and abolitionism was a triangular stage of triangular trade where many Africans were transported and sold into slavery. The writing was done…

How Sherlock is faithful to the book The 2010 BBC show Sherlock is a magnificent adaptation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s book, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. The creators of the television show maintained the primary characters of the original story. Sherlock is faithful to the stories portrayed in the book as it highlights a duet of a detective and a doctor solving complicated and mysterious crimes. In both the book and the television show, most vents occurred in London (Letizia, 2012). One main difference from the book is that the title of the first television episode is A study in Pink, while the title of the book is A Study in Scarlet. The title is different in the television episode since the plot revolves around the mysterious death of a woman that was dressed entirely in pink. Additionally, Sherlock deduced the past of the victim, trough the patterns on her pink outfit and the information derived from her pink luggage that led him to further unveil critical cues behind the mystery. This contributes a vital meaning behind the title…

Empirical research Empirical research refers to a research approach whose basis is experience and observation; thus, it is reliable, testable, verifiable, replicable, and experimental. On the other hand, applied research refers to studies formulated for purposes of generating information that will be used to address practical questions. There are particular vital aspects of the research process that definitive in both empirical and applied research. These are research design, sampling, data collection, and internal and external validity. Internal validity in a research problem refers to the authenticity of the research proposition regarding the relationship that exists between various formulated research constructs. The relationship between various variables that are used to test a research proposition is termed as causality. On the other hand, the external validity in a study refers to the applicability or generalizability of the observed outcomes in a survey, in the broader population that the research had targeted. Empirical study approaches are employed in applied research. However, when empirical research is done in the primary context, the internal validity in the study may be higher than in the context…

Why are Movies so Popular?             Records have shown that movies are the most popular type of entertainment among both the old and the young, across the globe. Every year, the movie industry records billions of dollars in profits. The people starring as actors in popular movies get substantial fan bases. To understand all these developments, it is vital to understand why videos are the most popular form of entertainment. Movies are essential because they help people to learn. In other words, they are a huge source of education. People learn a considerable amount about particular events in time and the perceptions people had in time from the movies they watch. Generally, movies can shape the way people make sense of the world regardless of the period. Secondly, movies are popular because they drive social change. Since time immemorial, films have been used to inspire social change. They are considered efficient triggers of social change since they are capable of teaching viewers about the experiences of others outside their perspective. They also help generate empathy and answer questions that are…

Response to Jorge Montanez-Bosquet According to Gallup’s assessment, Jorge’s strengths included analytical, deliberate, relator, strategic, and restorative. Jorge highlights that among the five strengths, he only exhibits analytical and deliberate skills. Jorge connects analytical strength with individual ability to scrutinize all the operations, actions, data, facts, and evidence that contributed to the current state of affairs, and this has to come from one’s desire and urge to solve problems and analyze solutions. However, an analytical leader should also demonstrate how the assessed information reaches others through significant influence and collaboration. This is because every individual works in the presence of others. Therefore, the impacts of their decisions, which concerns the overall wellbeing of an organization, are far wider felt. On the other hand, Jorge points out that people exhibiting deliberate strength portray serious care during decision making, and they anticipate obstacles. Moreover, Jorge highlights his core values to be integrity and excellent communication skills. What is important to note is that integrity encompasses a combination of kindness, honesty, and behaving ethically in an attempt to safeguard the patient’s well being…

Smart Shop Assignments The layout of a supermarket can be defined as the way the merchandise is arranged on shelves. From the supermarkets I have visited, I have noticed that most supermarkets prefer either a grid of circular layouts of a supermarket. I also noted a well-arranged store increases your urge to shop. The layout of a retail store has a very crucial role in affecting the purchasing power of customers. A well-organized layout has the power to make a customer have impulse buying. How things are arranged in a store is not a coincidence, but everything is arranged to lure customers into buying it. The following are the things I would Improve on the layout of my supermarket to increase greater customer satisfaction. First, I would make sure that all products are easily visible to all customers to reduce the hustle of looking for them as no one wants to be looking for merchandise. Increase Character merchandising can be defined as the method of using famous characters to advertise goods. This will mostly work on kids’ stuff as they…

Urban vs rural living People who live in large cities and towns which are highly populated and filled with different activities are said to be living an urban life. In this areas there are so many people and many activities taking place and life move at a very high pace and mostly people living here act like strangers because they are all from different parts the world who meet at the urban center and so their interaction seems to have certain limits. While people who live outside the cities and don’t stay near big towns are known to be living a rural life. The pace of life in this areas is a bit slower people are involved in intense interactions with each other and the population is low as well. In the urban areas people appreciate diversity. The cities and the towns have people from different religions, who don’t hold the same cultural ideas and even people with different sexual orientation and the good thing is that people who stay in these areas incorporate the idea of differences very well.…

Reflection Assessment Introduction Leadership and decision-making skills go hand in hand. They display individual skills that help in influencing one’s behaviors, characters, and actions as well. Charles Manz introduced the term self-leadership in 1983. In his study, he defined self-leadership as an aspect of self-influence in leading oneself. It focuses on self-development and doing what is right through individual decision-making skills to survive the world. Through self-leadership, one can identify o they are, what they do, and what they want. AS a result, they can, therefore, make decisions that would influence their emotions, character, behavior, and lifestyle. Studies state that all human beings are self-leaders, but few have practical self-leadership skills. It changes the ability of one to make right or wrong decisions Self-Assessment Based on the self-assessment result, self-leadership skills play a significant role in my overall day to day life. Through the assessment, I gained a high prospect in self-confidence, efficacy, and influence, even to other parties around me. Western (2019) states that self-leadership influences individual choices and character, and in incidences that one can positively influence their…

 Doctor-Patient Relationship Section 9 of the course describes various factors that influence an excellent doctor-patient relationship. Among the different factors that make a good relationship between doctors and their patients, showing compassion and empathy to patients is one of the critical factors that the chapter highlights. Considering that the patients are in pain and in search of a remedy, doctors should always ensure that they show compassion and empathy when treating them. Chapter 12. The idea of always being compassionate and empathetic also extends to being compassionate with healthcare providers, as illustrated in chapter twelve. The society and even patients need to be sympathetic to the doctors are they also go through a lot while at work. For example, the nature of their work itself is tiring and demand. Hence being empathetic to them could make them feel valued. Chapter 13. Patients who suffer from chronic illnesses and cardiovascular disease in many cases are always overwhelmed with their health condition as well as the never-ending medication regimens. As a result, any doctor handling them need to be empathetic to the…

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