Geological and evolutionary time Describe the conditions on earth that made life possible for different types of organisms As accorded by the geologists, the earth is estimated to be around 4.5 billion years. The geologist’s estimation the age of the earth by measuring the ages of the oldest rocks on earth together with those of moon rock and meteorites (Nutman, 535). Therefore these geologists applied the geological time scale to estimate the period in which several events took place in the world. One of the prerequisites which facilitated the development of life and organisms on earth includes the presence of liquid water. The existing liquid water acted as a universal solvent due to its aptitude of H-bonding. Moreover, liquid water acted as a media for reactivity, a diverse catalyst, and self-organization. Surface liquid water facilitated the existence of life on earth due to its ability to become stable within five hundred million years of the formation of the planet (Nutman, 535). The geological time scale portrays that the liquid water has been present on earth for a period of 4.3…

Political science weekly journal TOPIC 4 Topic four: a reading of Cooperation under the security dilemma. It talks about lawlessness and the Security dilemma that has made working together seemingly impossible. This leads to questions about the reasons that would make the states to work together. Supposedly, a mechanism should be in existence which would enable different states to bind together and maintain these relations so as not to “defect”.  The mechanism should also help in identifying the parties that are likely defect and take appropriate action. According to Jervis, there exists two main variables; the balance in offense or defense, and the ability to differentiate offensive and defensive postures. He uses these two variables to create a mental simulation of possible strategic environments: 1/2.Indistinguishable offensive/defensive postures- Countries who take offensive measures often play a very dangerous card because their neighbors, enemies, and allies start to develop mistrust to the intentions of the offensive measures the state is taking. 3/4.The Security dilemma is distinguishable between offensive and defensive advantages- Countries that often use offensive action to protect themselves often incentives…

Social Engineering             Social engineering is one of the easiest ways that attackers use in the penetration of the defense system of a firm which can be proven and strongly supported with logical reasons. It also refers to a type of influence aiming to change the perception and behavior of people through deceptive tactics as well as manipulation of people to perform leak confidential information. It depends entirely on the human interaction involving cooing of people ensuring that they break normal security protocol. The attacker deceives by acting as a trustworthy fellow for a useful purpose which is intended to access sensitive data in the system. The aim of this paper is to elaborate on how security engineering is normally used in undermining the security of information systems. Social engineering has been combined with hacking several times to power treacherous attacks most of which exploit trust upon which social networking is based. Some of the common social engineering attacks used in leveraging information include phishing where attackers employ emails and social media to deceive victims to provide sensitive information. Watering…

Engineering Ethics Abstract Globally, Design-Product-Concept (DPC) development or deployment is a critical approach used by engineers in designing products through integrative thinking so as to fully fulfill customers’ desires.  This process determines the product features as well as the performance of the product based on the customers’ preferences. Moreover, Montgomery (Pg. 17) affirms that the approach integrates product framing, collection and analysis of data, therefore, engineers should continue using it as well as incorporating technology which comes with it. Besides that, the approach should meet some ethics for the product to be accepted positively into the market since the design of a product should be such that it limits immoral use. Nowadays, engineers are in ethical dilemmas between environmental and economic conflicts in their work. In order to satisfy the engineering code of ethics, DPC development should put the public interests first before business and professional interests. Other forms of the arguments which arise due to DPC development are self-interest, environmental interests, and developmental sustainability. DPC Background Basically, before any product is fabricated customers present their ideas before an engineer…

Narrative: Spot of Time by Cate Chopin Introduction In the novel; the story of an Hour, Cate Chopin captures the interior lives of the generation of women in the society. In her proto-feminist tale of the Story of an Hour, the author sheds light on the women by elucidating on the various frustrations which are undergone by this section of humanity.  This is a story about a woman who learns that her husband and life lover has died in a train crash, a situation that makes her go through a range of emotions. “The thoughts about how her husband loved her are so vivid and this makes her life miserable”, as explained by Chopin in the novel. As time goes by, the woman overcomes this sense of grief and regains a new energy and freedom which she yearned for.  Since then, she accepts her current situation and goes on with her life.  Through this, Chopin captures how an escape of marriage, even in the shortest time can grant a spouse, or rather the woman a relief. This essay will portray…

Project Management Methods Globally, the graph of new projects is escalating day by day with the increase being brought up by the fast-growing technology in the 21st century. Incorporation of the new technology has facilitated the development of these project since it aims at maximization of the output in the shortest duration of time as possible. Moreover, these projects require a management methodology so that it can have a synchronized way of their ontogenesis (Nicholas & Steyn, 2017 Pg. 2). Generally, a project management methodology is a set of detailed, systematic and scientifically proven approaches which are used in the design, execution plan, and the completion of any project (Kerzner & Kerzner, 2017 Pg. 32). Additionally, it integrates logically related implementation of processes that play a key role in coming up with a plan, developing, controlling, and delivering the project within the given time of execution. Summing the functions of the project management methodology, Kerzner & Kerzner (2017 Pg. 32) agree that it vital significance is taking full control in the development process via problem-solving and making decisions to ensure…

Adult Patients and Knee Surgery Abstract The paper focuses on how useful nerve blocks are when engaging in knee surgery for adult patients. Moreover, there is a consideration of complications that would arise if a nerve block is not used when participating in the operation. At the beginning of the study, there is the identification of a particular population to focus on in the research. After that, there is the intervention stage that reviews the treatment strategies that can be applied in the case of the patient to have effective knee surgery. There is also the comparison where there is the provision of suggestions to employ in case the nerve block of preference is unavailable or if the patient is allergic. The outcome of the procedure is well presented in later parts of the assignment, and a time frame provided as well.   The research focuses on adult patients that are going through knee surgery. Any form of operation in the contemporary environment is painful, and thus the need to have nerve blockage. Regardless of the age of the individual,…

Sustainability ISSUE Plastics productions and its prevalence within the human lives is unmatched. It offers versatility in numerous ways and thus commanding a massive demand from the consumers. Over the last decade, the production of plastics has doubled in production. However, despite its importance within human lives, this material is slowly destroying the planet earth (Reisser et al. 2013). The problem of plastic pollution has become a thorn in the environmental sector. This material poses negative impacts on the environments form its onset of production. Plastics are churned from fossil-based materials using crude oil and natural gases as raw materials plastics bear a finite character. Pollution of plastics seems to be an issue that will affect generations to come if solutions are not modified promptly (Joyner & Frew, 1991). Despite numerous practices being undertaken to curb plastic pollution, several chemical wastes are still being deposited in various points on the Earth. The oceans currently hold close to 50 tons of plastic waste, with more of this waste material being deposited daily (Eriksen et al. 2013). The degradation of plastics brings…

Planning for Family Mate selection allows the process of choosing a partner who one can form a marriage bond relationship. Sex is becoming a common concept among youths in Shanghai.  In China, when a woman is married, she is allowed to move to the husband’s parent’s home (DeGenova, 2011). At this point, the wife is required to serve and show respect to the husband and his family. Also, the wife is to produce male heirs. The husband, on the other hand, is supposed to play the role of providing for his family. Planning for children is a financial decision. It requires that the parent must agree and decide on how to raise the child. A parent should clearly understand the financial role they play. According to Chinese traditions, marriage is a family affair because it involves the parent and the children. Most of the families are stressed, and they are struggling since they lack a strong financial plan that will sustain them. From the reading, I have learned a lot about birth control. For one, I realized that they could…

Population Health Epidemiology- Hepatitis C In the healthcare system, there are many categories of diseases that affect people across the globe. One of the most common communicable diseases is called Hapatisis C. From a medical point of view, Hepatitis C is an infectious disease that causes infection and inflammation of the liver. People develop Hepatitis C from the Hepatitis C virus. Once a person is infected with the disease, they are either categorized as acute or chronic status. Unfortunately, there is no known vaccine for Hepatitis C. In that regard, the primary cause of Hepatitis C is the Hepatitis C virus (HCV) (Westermann et al., 2016). When a person comes into contact with the hepatitis C virus through contact with infectious secretions and fluids from the infected person, then it is easy to suffer from the disease. In terms of the symptoms, a person with Hepatitis C has muscle aches, fatigue, light-colored bowel movements, yellow tinge to the eyes and skin, tenderness in the upper abdomen, and dark urine commonly associated with jaundice. In terms of mode of transmission, a…

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