research paper on serving diverse communities For this assignment, you will be required to prepare a research paper on serving diverse communities.  It should be approximately 5-6 pages in length, 1.5 line spacing and 12 point Times New Roman font, with proper APA citations.   The content of your paper should include:   Define your community and identify the challenges faced by that community in fully participating in society to the extent they wish Identify information resources that may already be available Describe possible ways the library can help meet those challenges[unique_solution] Draw in actual case studies from libraries, statistics, reports, interviews – primary information. You should also draw in appropriate scholarly articles. Come up with ideas, a plan, solutions       Here are some possible community groups to research and write about.  There are others, of course – but it you would like to write on a group not listed, please check with your instructor first.   TOPIC: Recent newcomers to Canada     Grading will be based upon:   The completeness of your research, including your efforts…

  STANDARD FEATURES FOR DIGITAL PHONE           Mobile Phone is a device mainly used for a voice call. Presently technological advancements have made our life easy. Today, with the help of a mobile phone, we can easily talk or video chat with anyone across the globe by just moving our fingers. Today mobile phones, are available in various shapes and sizes, having different technical specifications, and are used for a number of purposes like; voice calling, video chatting, text messaging or SMS, multimedia messaging, internet browsing, email, video games, and photography. Hence it is called a ‘Smart Phone’. Like every device, the mobile phone also has its various brands as discussed below;   OPPO A3S Oppo A3s phone comes with a 6.20-inch touchscreen display with a resolution of 720 pixels by 1520 pixels. A 1.8GHz octa-core processor Oppo octa-core processor, and it comes with 2GB of RAM. The phone packs 16GB of internal storage that can be expanded up to 256GB via a micros D card. This phone packs a 13-megapixel primary camera on the rear and 10a 8-megapixel front…

WHAT CAUSES CRIME Can you write a 3 paged memo paper statistically discussing the causes of international immigragration using the attached memo excel sheet. I have attached the excel and also a sample memo to use as a guideline. You need to perfom all the requirement Using the different variables you will use for your analysis, provide three tables: The desсrіptive statistics. Include the following information for each variable: number of observations, arithmetic mean, median, standard deviation, the minimum, and the maximum. Make sure to put the information into a table (label row 1 “Variable”, row 2 “Observations,” etc). Regression analysis. Include the relevant parts of the regression: coefficients, p-values, R2, adjusted R2, significance F, and the number of observations. Correlation table. Your paper will need a correlation table of your independent variables to show there’s no multicollinearity. Include a correlation table in this and the final assignment. [unique_solution]The tables should be easy to read. Variable names should be brief (you’ll explain them in sufficient detail in the prose of the memo), commas should be used for large numbers, use…

Common Lucky Numbers That Show Up in Lotteries Globally Everyone understands that the lottery is a game of chances. A player can either win or lose. However, it seems that some numbers are luckier than others in the lottery. Across the fifteen international lotteries, a new study identified the winning balls. It turned out that number sixteen has been rolled out as the luckiest lotto number in the past years. Gambling Statistics Scientists who work for had a chance to look at around 1,500 different lotteries over the years. They researched from July 2016 to June 2017 and came up with their gaming statistics. These statistics were collected from separate lotteries across the world. Therefore, people who play lottery online can consider this information as helpful. Scientists discovered that the number sixteen had been drawn in the lottery 161 times. The second-placed number was twenty-two, which had been drawn 179 times. Number 37 and 28 were jointly drawn on the third position with 166 draws. These statistics help players to identify the luckiest numbers that, when combined, can help…

implementing a database for any organization I have read your post, and I would add by depicting that implementing a database for any organization is an obligatory operation because it shops crucial facts that belong to the operations of an agency. There changed into a startup organization that becomes recently commenced wherein the recruited staff are inexperienced. They have applied a database in which it doesn’t comply with any right standards for its improvement. Experienced developers and network team fresher’s are working for that enterprise, there was a whole lot of battle whilst facing the existing database. It became tough to understand the tables and columns created and the names assigned to them. Poorly given naming conventions are taken into consideration to be one of the bad practices for a database. In a database, information that needs to be stored is saved in tables and columns created. Statistics relating to the database requires effective reports and information. The management of tasks requires coding and locate demanding situations. There are a number of threats issues which could interfere with application modeling.…

A geological Event: Fossil dating Introduction According to Matzke et al (35), these are the methods which are used by archaeologists to determine the age of fossils. Fossils refers to the remains of the pre historic organisms which are preserved in a petrified form or as mold in rocks. They provide the evidence for of presence of animals or plants in the earlier geological periods. Fossils are formed from as a result of the replacement of materials and tissues with ground water, thus forming a replica of the original organism in stones (Puttick et al, 23). The age of fossils cannot be exactly determined but it is argued that these organisms existed at least 10,000 years ago. This is a date which marks the end of the Cenozoic Era and the Pleistocene period. There are two techniques which are used in dating fossils. These are the absolute dating methods and the relative dating techniques. These two techniques of dating fossils have their own unique differences which will be discussed in this essay. Relative dating technique As said by Aburto (12),…

Considerations for ethical business decision making. Introduction According to Ellerman (2015), business ethics refers to a form of professional ethics that are applied in business and which are used to examine the moral principles and the ethical problems which are likely to arise in the business environment, both internally and externally. These moral ethics guides the behaviour of all individuals in the organization as well as all the shareholders who contributes immensely towards the success of a business organization. The considerations for ethical business decision making is divided in to two broad categories, which includes the ethical factors, individual factors and social factors. Individual factors Values refer judgements which are made by individual people. They also refer to the standards of behaviour which guides an individual person.  To some business people, lack of honesty is a tool of doing business! Yes, some people can survive in the business environment through lies. Morals are inner individual characteristics and can affect their ethical behaviours (Lansford et al 2015). Morals are ruled which are developed by individuals and are shaped by societal norms…

Race, Racialization and Latino Population in the United States Part 1 Race, Racialization and Latino Population in the United States is a nice article put on paper by Tomás Almaguer. In this article, the author emphasizes on the black skinned people in the United States of America prior to 1970. He goes ahead to give out a definite comparison of Latino population in the pre-colonial era and the years later. His comparison cuts across legal status, national origins, and ethnicity among the Latino Americans.  I believe Tomas is so innocent to put it that racial identity has been allowed to take its way in that country where he puts it that Latinos do not fit neatly into the Americas category. They have continued to be discriminated socially and politically on the basis of skin color and origin.  Over the number of years, the differences among Latinos and Americans are thought to diminish while those of Mexican Americans and Puerto Ricans seem to show change. This paper elucidates how the racial formation in the United States during the colonial period shapes…

Effects of area of object in vertical oscillation to its damping Introduction Damping is the vitality scattering properties of a material or framework under cyclic anxiety. Dynamic damping eludes to vitality scattering from the framework by outside means, for example, controlled actuator, and so on.  Secondly, Inactive damping alludes to vitality dissemination inside the structure by extra damping gadgets, for example, isolator, by auxiliary joints and underpins, or by basic part’s inner damping (Bourg, & Bywalec, 2013).  There are other types of dumping referred to material damping and framework damping: Material damping is vitality dissemination in a volume of full scale persistent media while Framework damping is vitality dissemination in the aggregate structure. Notwithstanding damping because of materials, it likewise incorporates vitality scattering impacts of joints, clasp, and interfaces. In this experiment, the way I decided to show the damping of the object is by putting a piece cardboard under an oscillating hanging mass, and allow it to oscillate, and using the stationary magnetic field sensor connected to the computer with the logger pro software. The equation I used to…

apply steps of the scientific method to an area of psychological science For Week 2, I would like you to apply steps of the scientific method to an area of psychological science that is of interest to you. Please follow the instructions below carefully. Discussion Post Instructions: In one post, please include the following information: In 1-2 sentences, write a brief, psychological research question that is of interest to you. Make sure that the question is empirical. In 2-3 sentences, provide operational definitions of the variables you included in your research question. In 1-2 sentences, identify at least one potential confound that you would want to control for in your study.[unique_solution] For Week 2, I would like you to apply steps of the scientific method to an area of psychological science that is of interest to you. Please follow the instructions below carefully. Discussion Post Instructions: In one post, please include the following information: In 1-2 sentences, write a brief, psychological research question that is of interest to you. Make sure that the question is empirical. In 2-3 sentences, provide…

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