Impact of organizational structure and communication Introduction Some of the most critical requirements that determine the structure of an organization are allocating responsibilities, coordinating efforts, providing awards, and making decisions. Organizational structure refers to the pattern of associations among different positions in a firm and among its members. Every organization has a structure which elucidates the roles of each member of the firm, to ensure each of them is aware of their duties and responsibilities. The structure of an organization affects how the members communicate with each other and also affects the general operations of the firm. Effects of organizational structure on organizational behavior The impacts of organizational structure on functioning stem from various sources. The way in which reporting relationships are designed defines who makes decisions in the firm. The planning of workflow processes represents those involved as well as those responsible for the final service or product. When a firm is structured such that the decision-makers are senior managers, then the credit for solving problems will always remain at the top. This might affect the employees by making…

Principles of Patient-Clinician Communication               Many stakeholders and institutions in the health care sector have acknowledged communication to be vital to the welfare and safety of the patients. Enhanced care coordination necessitates healthcare providers to provide effective communication. Currently, medical errors and patient harm account for the largest share of the causes of ineffective communication. In this paper, the seven principles of patient and clinical communication will be defined. I will illuminate the applications of three of these principles within my interactions with my patients. Next, I will define the three methods used to enhance interdisciplinary communication and explore the one that best applies in my area of clinical practice. Ethical principles that are related to patient-clinician communication will be explored as well as the significance of patient safety and ethics in communication. Principles of Patient-Clinician Communication   Patient-clinician communication is vital because it can help save or lose a human life. The seven principles are harmonized goals, mutual respect, a supportive environment, the right information, appropriate decision-makers, and continuous learning. First, the mutual respect principle motivates both clinicians and patients…

Inhibitors to Communication   Part I: Workplace Working in a multinational organization has exposed me to various types of communication barriers. Communication inhibitors include cultural barriers, the direction of communication, emotional barriers, organizational barriers, and perceptual barriers. The success of an organization depends on the communication skills held by the employees and the management. Despite the process followed during selection and recruitment, some employees lack the necessary skills for communication. The coordination of employees is crucial, and where communication is limited, the activities of the company are subject to several challenges. Communication inhibitors are common where people are brought together by work and do not hold previous relationships. Generally, communication inhibitors require timely address before they turn to weaken the coordination needed in the workplace. Communication inhibitors tend to increase every time they are overlooked and continue impacting the company slowly until they interfere with the general coordination of activities. Overcoming communication barriers is crucial in ensuring improved productivity among employees. Communication inhibitors include cultural barriers, the direction of communication, emotional barriers, organizational barriers, and perceptual barriers.   Part II:…

       Strategic Communications Recommendations The NAMI National Convention (NAMICon) is among the most prominent community gatherings by mental health professionals and advocates in the United States. Each year, NAMICon inspires and connects individuals looking for resources, support, recovery strategies, and research in the sector. NAMICon 2020 will converge on July 15 to July 18, 2020, in Atlanta to celebrate the convention’s 40 years of advocacy, support, and education. A.    Targeted Publics This section focuses on the demographics, psychographics, media habits, geographic, and general numbers of mental health advocates in the United States. The objective of this communication recommendation is to spread messages to individuals who will convene at the NAMICon 2020 in Atlanta. These professionals include clinical and counseling psychologists, mental health social workers, substance abuse, social workers, school counselors, and mental health counselors. Others include mental health counselors, substance abuse counselors, marriage therapists, psychiatrists, family therapists, advanced practice nurses specializing in mental health care, and members of the public. The mental health profession is among the most developed sector in the U.S. According to the U.S. Census…

TO: International Gadgets Management FROM: Rajasekhara Syamagari DATE: April 5, 2020 SUBJECT: Hiring a team to deal with communication challenges In recent years this company has experienced several communication problems that have greatly affected this organization. Due to this reason, there is a need to hire a small team that will deal with these communication challenges. Makeup and roles of the team I will consider hiring experienced workers to ensure that they will carry their responsibilities as expected. Some of the members of this team will be from the employers in International Gadgets. These members have experience working in the company, so they understand the company in many aspects. They will help in coming with solutions which will be useful. I will select other members of the team from people with experience in dealing with failures in communication. All these members will have to play different roles. First of all, the team will have to plan and implement communication strategies. The team will monitor the communications involving the organization. The team will edit company texts and other communication materials. The…

 five effective communication strategies evaluated in a digital form Introduction In any conversation, nobody wants their voice just added to it; they want it repeated, heard and made worth and make the message have influence. The best way to understand social media is looking at the underlying philosophy of impact according to the professor of psychology, Dr. Robert Cialdini. Below are five effective strategies evaluated in a digital form. Reciprocation In this approach, what another person has given us should be repaid in kind. A woman who does a favor should get one too. In social media, there is the high chance of retweeting someone who tweeted us. This is used manipulatively to accumulate many followers. Its use is constructive and positive when no attached strings are provided. 2. Commitment and Consistency Most people rarely unsubscribe from social media. They are consistent they are unwilling to confess that their subscription was by mistake. In this principle, people are reminded of their las consistency. Social Proof   Finding out what other people think is correct is one way used to settle…

Communication disorder The disorder reflects on the low ability to communicate and comprehend one’s feelings with others. It is the disorder of the hearing leading to a communication problem that is either genetic or developing. The primary symptoms center on communication problems and this leads to deficits in the ability to exchange information (Swineford, Thurm, Baird & Wetherby, 2014). The communication abilities of the person can get impaired by disorders resulting from speech, voice, cognition, and hearing. Communication is regarded as a complex cognitive activity that can take verbal or non-verbal features. Skill in communication involves developing several components like pragmatics (Garcia, Laroche & Barrette, 2002). The language acquisition problems occur at the early stage of development, which is usually a common problem. Children with language disorders present the features of the autistic, which is likely to diminish in the process of making developments in communication skills. Communication disorders turn to be the most common disability globally, and an individual with the disorders possess a deficit in the information exchange abilities with others (Norbury, 2014). The communication disorder may range…

Communication strategies             Dear Sales Promotion Manager; Fleetwood sports, it is such an honor to work hand in hand with your company in exploring new markets and increasing the ratings for your products in the market.  We know you are eager to hear about the latest ratings of the new radio host. It is with utmost regret that we inform you that the most recent ratings of the new host are below your expectations. These low ratings were especially evident in the category of audiences for your ad’s slot time. However, we observed that the over-50 demographic showed higher ratings than your expectation. We recommend the following courses of action to ensure that your company’s ad achieves better ratings and reaches a broader audience. The first recommended course of action is to encourage the host to conduct himself in the code of Ethics of the American Society of Professional Journalists. This effort will increase the credibility of the journalist which would, in turn, increase his rating among the audience.  The next course of action would involve increasing the airing time…

Marketing Communication Plan New product ideas can be developed through testing and analysis to ensure their viability. For a product to be fully developed, it undergoes various stages such as idea generation, screening, concept testing, business analysis, product development, test marketing, and commercialization. The first stage involves coming up with the business idea that is to be materialized into action. The idea created then has to be screened based on the business framework appropriate for the idea. The next phase involves developing concept testing, where the business idea is tested in different markets. New product concepts are also tested before it moves into the final stage, which is business analysis. The final stages involve product development that consists of making it whole and ready to be tested in the market. A successful market testing results to the commercialization of the new product. I had experienced high-quality service when I went to sick for insurance services with one of the insurance companies in the city.  The company agents provide me with a full description of all types of covers available and…

developing a communication strategy Needs to be written in Chicago style. In the task you will develop a communication strategy. You are free to choose a framework / outline, but the task should at least contain a description of the current situation and SOFT / SWOT analysis, target group definition (s), goal proposal, message suggestions (A1) and proposals for instruments / measures and media. There is no need to quantify the goals. Use the wording: After the campaign ends x% of the target group have (type of goal). The choices should be justified by relevant theory.[unique_solution] You are employed as a communications advisor in the IKEA Corporate Communications department. IKEA is a Swedish-owned multinational furniture chain. The business idea is to offer such a large selection form-fitting and home-made products at such low prices for so many people As possible can afford to buy them. IKEAS Vision is to create a better everyday life for the many people. ” On its websites, the company writes that the vision includes nothing more than home furnishing, but also to create a better…

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