The Culture of the Philippines   It’s been proving that culture is the shared forms of connections, cognitive fashion, and actions affecting comprehension that is learned through a process of socialization. The Philippines country is known to be deeply rooted in their culture. Many of a culture’s important characteristics makes a difference in their everyday way of life. However, these shared patterns, pinpoint the members of a culture group while also distinguishing those of other groups.  According to the reading, there are three major characteristics of a Philippine culture which includes foods, religion, and language. (Rodell, 2002). In order to learn other cultures, comes from being raised within the society. Therefore, it is a part of one ‘s nature or living amongst a community in order to learn clear of their culture.   Within the community culture can be established through foods and the different food items that are prepared. It can also be a form of relationship simple because food bring people together. The Philippines believe in “food culture’ because of the connection, beliefs, and experience the food have…

Hmong, Asian American, Culture Hmong Americans have roots from China, Southeast Asia, Thailand, and Laos who are one group of Asian Americans. Hmong Americans migrated to America fearing the effects of war in their respective countries. Upon the arrival of Hmong Americans to America, some were killed and persecuted while others were officially received as refugees. The Hmong Americans had no access to education because most of them were interested in farming. According to the US Census of 2000, the Hmong people were the most uneducated people in the country. (Ramakrishnan,7) Despite being a small community, Hmong American poets have voices, which brings diversity to the literacy landscape in the United States. Kao Kalia yang started singing Hmong song in her native Laos at the age of 12 years and stopped composing in 2003 when her mother died. In the Hmong culture, a song poet is an important person in the community who keeps the history of the people and invokes spirits. Song poet among the Hmong community is also a person who holds people’s history alive and invokes the…

how to do business and negotiation in the South Korea Culture The paper (attached document titled S. Korean etiquette) has been written it just needs additional section (which is the attached document titled ″include hierarchal business etiquette to be included on a separate section). In addition, it needs not to overlap on the other section (see attached document titled, S. Korea GST team member). The paper (attached document titled S. Korean etiquette) has been written it just needs additional section (which is the attached document titled ″include hierarchal business etiquette to be included on a separate section). In addition, it needs not to overlap on the other section (see attached document titled, S. Korea GST team member).[unique_solution] The paper (attached document titled S. Korean etiquette) has been written it just needs additional section (which is the attached document titled ″include hierarchal business etiquette to be included on a separate section). In addition, it needs not to overlap on the other section (see attached document titled, S. Korea GST team member). The paper (attached document titled S. Korean etiquette) has been…

National Differences in HRM: Comparing Cultures and Institutions Both Mexico and the US are members of NAFTA. Despite the geographical proximity between the two countries, their HRM procedures and structures are quite different. The differences are a result of various factors such as the difference in culture, institutions, and host country effects at play in these countries. This paper aims to compare the HRM structures in the two countries. Throughout the world, country and regional cultural differences exist. The power index developed by Hofstede proves useful in determining the extent to which individuals with less power in organizations accept unequal power distribution. Mexican labor laws endorse that employers should work under the patron’s orders (or his representative) in all matters related to work. In the US, the power distance culture is very low, and relationships between leaders and followers are characterized by participation and openness (Becton & Feld, 2009, p. 1656). Although little power distance implies empowerment and satisfaction, (Yi Zhang & Thomas M. Begley, 2011) through his study revealed a high power distance culture, empirically promotes strong, effective teams…

gods in the Hindu culture There are a diverse number of gods in the Hindu culture. In this context, Krishna explains to Arjuna that there is only one God, and every action that is carried out should respect the preferences of this God. He explains that whatever someone offers with a good and pure heart to this God, be it the food, fruits, or flowers; He will accept it and bless whoever has given the sacrifice. Earlier in the text, it is explained that the Self is the centre of everything that happens to humanity and that humanity should be devoted to him and that they should recognize him as the only entity responsible for their existence. He controls everything that happens in the world, and those who cling to their understanding are doomed to fail in their ways. Sacrifices made by humanity to the Self shows that they recognize his power and are devoted to follow him and do as he instructs. Humanity must make everything they do to be a sacrifice to the Self. This includes their actions,…

THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE INDIGENOUS ECOTOURISM IN BRITISH COLUMBIA FOR ABORIGINAL COMMUNITIES’ IDENTITY, CULTURE, AND LANGUAGE. Hi! This is a Research Paper for my English class and it′s worth 75% of my mark, a pretty big deal, that why I need help of an expert. The main theme of the class is ″city and urban experience″ so I had to choose a topic based on the class theme. My topic/ research question is: Why the indigenous ecotourism in British Columbia is important for the preservation and revitalisation of aboriginal communities’ identity, culture, and language. My professor has already approved the topic and said that it sounds like a great project. The first step of this research paper is to write ″Research proposal and annotated bibliography″ overall it should no more than 3 pages double spaced. My professor encourages to do multiple case studies, looking at the different cities that do have indigenous ecotourism, for example Cancun, park Xcaret or other cities and then to use those cities as role models and apply the state of knowledge about those cities to…

The combination of Google’s corporate culture and structure Question 1 The combination of Google’s corporate culture and structure has made the company an icon of IT and internet service delivery. Google’s organizational structure focuses on three vital parts: flatness, function, and product-based definition. The company has aligned its culture along with these structural features, which has boosted its success over the years. It applies an open structure, with a company-family support system that units its employees. The company appreciates and emphasizes on excellence as a way of inspiring innovativeness. Google’s corporate structure and culture inspire innovation and commitment, which are essential parts of a successful business. Google’s success is now visible as it is one of the largest global companies and a leading technological house. Question 2 Google’s working environment relates to Herzberg’s motivational theory, which suggests that is satisfaction is the most significant motivational factor at work. The company offers opportunities for advancement, which inspires the employees to work harder and become more innovative. The company also recognizes its employees, which is also a significant boost to their esteem…

When One Culture’s Custom Is Another’s Taboo   In Maine, a refugee from Afghanistan was seen kissing the penis of his baby boy, a traditional expression of love by this father. To his neighbors and the police, it was child abuse, and his son was taken away. In Seattle, a hospital tried to invent a harmless female circumcision procedure to satisfy conservative Somali parents wanting to keep an African practice alive in their community. The idea got buried in criticism from an outraged public. How do democratic, pluralistic societies like the United States, based on religious and cultural tolerance, respond to customs and rituals that may be repellent to the majority? As new groups of immigrants from Asia and Africa are added to the demographic mix in the United States, Canada, and Europe, balancing cultural variety with mainstream values is becoming more and more tricky. Many American citizens now confront the issue of whether any branch of government should have the power to intervene in the most intimate details of family life. “I think we are torn,” said Richard Shweder,…

Relationship Between The Environment And Culture Lenski’s model explains the relationship between the environment, technology, and human culture. The theory explains the environment as the main factor of the change in human culture. The technological progress in the human environment, according to the model, is the main factor that causes a change in the evolution of human cultures. The changes environment, on the other hand, is caused by the changes in the culture. This paper will explain how the environment shapes culture and how culture shapes the environment in relation to the Lenski model. Lenski’s theory explains that the environment determines the culture of people because it gives the conditions to which people work with. The people then take the technology they have to respond to the environment provided. This develops cultural patterns that shape the views of the cultures and societies (Heise, 316-337). This shows that the Lenski model explains that culture and nature are related through technology. This explains the different cultures of human beings from hunting and gathering to the current culture nowadays. The hunting and gathering…

Applied Anthropology and Migrant Cultures in Us Culture is an aspect of life through which individuals can provide themselves with a sense of identity as well as belonging. Various books by different authors shed light on the various societal issues and the day to day occurrences that affect us and shape the society into the way that it is today. Depending on the cultural orientations of an individual in the organization, various attributions are made concerning the individual in question. For instance, in American society, Hispanic culturally oriented individuals have been linked with manual labour as well as other blue-collar jobs in the community. This is the same plight that has been addressed in the book, “Fresh Fruit Broken Bodies” where a participant-observer managed to identify issues such as, economic disparities, political hierarchies as well as the access to quality and affordable healthcare by immigrants (Holmes, 2013). These issues were identified to be rampant in the western U.S. However, using cultural anthropology as well as other new developments in our society today, it is possible to come up with frameworks…

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