My Jewish culture My Jewish culture believes in God and the teaching of the bible. Silverman and Cohen (2016) agree that Jewish belief in the teaching of the ten commandments that dictates out everyday actions. We also observe the teachings and practices of the Israelites in the bible as descendants of Abraham. This applies to our way of life, eating habits, and the subject of healing. This positively influences our health practices in the family. Ferngren (2016) suggests that we seek treatment, and observe doctor instruction along with taking care of our health as the bible instructs in Deuteronomy 4: 15. My Jewish culture of taking care of one’s body, and healing the sick, is a notion I can apply as a nurse leader to promote the health of the patients. I can utilize the teaching of healing the sick to rally the nurses to care of patients, and even go beyond their stipulated duties to promote patient care. I also use the belief of taking care of yourselves to educate patients on how to take care of themselves: eating…
Culture and Cross Culture Risks Culture entails beliefs, values, customs, arts and other products of human work and thoughts that characterize the people of a given society (Cavusgil et al., 2014). As groups of people or societies, human beings share many similarities but at the same time, exhibit huge differences. The common rituals of daily life are influenced by culture. The greetings ceremonies are deeply embedded cultural marker and in many centuries have undergone a lot of evolution. Such ceremonies specify such behaviours as what to say, whether to shake hands, and how far apart to stand. The cultural conventions may vary as a function of gender, age or greeters status. Culture captures the way members of the society live, for example, the way we shelter ourselves, how we clothe, and how we feed. It also explains how we behave with other groups toward each other. In a broader perspective, culture defines our values and attitudes and the way we perceive the meaning of life. Among the most interesting aspects of national culture is food. Fast food restaurants around…
Remote Work culture Not willing to leave your bed to get ready for work in the cold winter mornings? Or bored of sitting in the cubicles under those fluorescent lights? Well, obviously. None of us would willingly drive to Work at certain sluggish moments and might feel like giving up the 9-to-5 job and avoid the grizzly bear bosses of corporate life. It is important “to find joy in work to discover the fountain of exposure.” Well, working remotely can help you get rid of the blandness of your work schedule. Remote Work culture is almost similar to that of a Freelancer. Oh, wait! Who are freelancers? Well, freelancing is a profession when independence, autonomy, flexibility, and unlimited financial potential collaborate. In simple terms, freelancers work for themselves, rather than for a company and are ultimately self-employed. Freelancers could be partially considered as Remote Workers for they have no designated office workspace and work from wherever they are in the world. And if you’re working as a freelancer, then you must be knowing how it feels working independently…
Amish Culture For participant observation, the ideal culture that I would be interested in is the Amish culture, whose people live a comfortable life. The aspect of the Amish culture that I will be most interested in is the fact that they shun away from the use of modern technology. They do not want to adapt to the new trend of technology that the world appreciates, and this is so fascinating(Johnson 2017). These people have prohibited the use of photos.Therefore, they always seek land away from urban areas. Most of the groups in the Amish culture forbid their members from owning a computer, radio or television, tapping electricity from the available public utility lines, purchasing automobiles, using farm machinery that is well propelled, and attending either high school or college(Johnson 2017). They cannot even join the military. The characteristics of my personality that would positively contribute to my fieldwork is that I am a reserved person. I am not the kind of person who likes taking photos like most of my classmates to do in school. Many people are…
Analyzing Culture Culture is associated with customs, laws, beliefs, practices, norms, habits, and morals obtained by individuals in a specific society. According to the statement, culture is a unique aspect that belongs to a group of people since it represents a set of customs, traditions, skills, and knowledge. Besides, culture is socially conveyed from one generation to the other, thus it is a major determinant of human behavior. Similarly, this aspect refers to various parts of social life, such as value systems, lifestyle, techniques, and manners exhibited by people. A good understanding of this aspect is understood from the article of Fox News, where commenters exhibited the values, such as empathy, health, and leadership, which indicated their real culture. Using the article in the Fox News called “Coronavirus Prompts Saudi Arabia to Limit Travel to Holy Sites – Months Ahead of Hajj Pilgrimage,” the people’s comments have revealed values that tend to follow a common pattern. First, most comments are primarily attached to the value of sympathy. The major reason that led to the exhibition of the value is…
AFRICAN HISTORY AND CULTURE Throughout the history of Africa, religion played a vital role in the transformation of politics, economics and culture. Even though the spread of the Islamic religion across West Africa dates back to 18th century, the spread of the faith in the region owes to the 19th century owing to Atlantic Trade in the region (Larkin, 2016). During the 19th century, both Islam served a primary objective to stimulate social and spiritual interactions. The rapid spread of Islam across the West African region in the 19th century owed to the fact that most people had accommodated Islamic practices and beliefs as a supplement to the traditional indigenous religion. In simple terms, during the early influences of the religion were widely accepted across the region since its traditions and beliefs substituted the traditional religion(Larkin, 2016). On the other hand, in contrast to Christianity, the Islamic religion spread rapidly across West Africa since the early representatives of the religion including clerics and traders did not present any threats to social values and structures. The spread of Islam across the…
foundation of American political culture This paper asks you to reflect on the thinkers and ideas that helped form the foundation of American political culture. Think back to some of the readings that we have gone over in class- the modern philosophers like Hobbes and Locke; the socio-political motivations of Winthrop and Paine; the Transcendentalists; and those involved in both the Women’s and African-American rights movements and describe how these ideas play out in the American political culture described by Tocqueville, Wolfe, and Putnam. Papers should be 4-6 pages in length, double-spaced, and must use Chicago style notes and bibliography citations. In order to do well on this paper, it is recommended that you use the prompt as your guide. The first part of the paper will describe the ideas of those who contributed to the foundations of American political thought, while in the second part of the paper you will make a cogent argument explaining how many of these ideas and themes are seen in our later readings of Tocqueville, Wolfe, and Putnam. [unique_solution]While you do not have to…
Perception of Older Adults in Different Cultures Aging is an unavoidable body process that causes physical, psychological, and social changes in individuals. Older adults form a significant proportion of the world’ s population. Different cultures have different perceptions of older adults. Many cultures in the world describe older adults as seniors who have attained an age of 65 years and above. Various cultures in the world, including the United States, have adopted different ways in their quest to take care of the old population. Respecting and taking care of the elderly is part of the Chinese culture. Most of the elderly adults suffer from mental illness because of being socially isolated. Besides, older adults can experience financial challenges because of their inability to work. In China, the young population is required by the law to support their older parents (Dana, 2016). The law in China allows older parents to sue their children who fail to offer financial and emotional support to them. The young population is taught on the need for supporting elderly adults. Companies in China are required by…
IDENTITY AND/OR CULTURE In a 4-6 page paper, analyze how a story from this unit – through its specific language, characters and/or plot – makes a general claim about identity and/or culture. What do you believe the author is using the story to say about how identity and/or culture influence us? Argue for the validity of your interpretation using evidence from the text. My Rough draft is attached. Final draft should be 4 pages. Just need something with a couple quotes. Expanded version of rough draft with new ideas. Guidance Questions: “Shooting an Elephant”: How do the political, economic, historical, and social forces shape the narrator’s sense of identity? How does the narrator’s job as a British soldier enforcing what he believes to be an unjust occupation of Burma complicate his struggle with his conscience and identity? [unique_solution]What is the connection between the act of shooting the elephant and cultural imperialism? Does the paper fully address the prompt, meet the minimum length and stay on topic? ________ of 20 Are paragraphs organized logically with clear, controlling topic sentences? ________ of…
group of people/culture 4 – 6 minute speech Must teach us something about a group of people/culture. This could include sub-cultures, cults, religions, tribes, movements, ethnic groups, social/political organizations, etc. You might consider such areas as… A) historical origins or overview of a group (e.g., rise of the Gay subculture in S.F.) B) a belief, mythology, religion or movement (e.g., Falun Gong in China) C) rituals, practices, ceremonies (e.g., Mardi Gras; Hula dancing; Indian Weddings) D) objects, artifacts, or environments of cultural significance (Pyramids of Egypt, the Mayan Calendar, the Jewish Torah, the Catacombs, Chopsticks) Formal outline required – no outline, no grade(unique_solution) 4 – 6 minute speech Must teach us something about a group of people/culture. This could include sub-cultures, cults, religions, tribes, movements, ethnic groups, social/political organizations, etc. You might consider such areas as… A) historical origins or overview of a group (e.g., rise of the Gay subculture in S.F.) B) a belief, mythology, religion or movement (e.g., Falun Gong in China) C) rituals, practices, ceremonies (e.g., Mardi Gras; Hula dancing; Indian Weddings) D) objects, artifacts, or environments…